PHP API Client documentation


You can be authenticated to the REST API either by providing a username and a password or by providing a token and a refresh token.

#By App token

Authenticate with the access token received from an OAuth authorization.

    require_once '/vendor/autoload.php';
    $clientBuilder = new \Akeneo\Pim\ApiClient\AkeneoPimClientBuilder('http://localhost/');
    $client = $clientBuilder->buildAuthenticatedByAppToken('token');

#By username/password

You can authenticate to the client with your credentials client id/secret and your user/password:

    require_once '/vendor/autoload.php';
    $clientBuilder = new \Akeneo\Pim\ApiClient\AkeneoPimClientBuilder('http://localhost/');
    $client = $clientBuilder->buildAuthenticatedByPassword('client_id', 'secret', 'admin', 'admin');

Then, every client's request is automatically authenticated. If you don't have any client id, please take a look at this page to create it.

This is the easiest way to authenticate the client.

#By token/refresh token

The main drawback of the authentication by password is that it requests a new token before doing any call to the REST API. Therefore, it can decrease the performance if you use the PHP client in an application that creates a lot of processes. For example, in a PHP web application, a new PHP process is created for each request. If would be time consuming to get a new token for each process, in order to be authenticated.

In this context, it's better to use the same token for each new request.

That's why you can create a client with the couple token/refresh token instead of username/password.

    require_once '/vendor/autoload.php';
    $clientBuilder = new \Akeneo\Pim\ApiClient\AkeneoPimClientBuilder('http://localhost/');
    $client = $clientBuilder->buildAuthenticatedByToken('client_id', 'secret', 'token', 'refresh_token');

To get the couple token/refresh token, you just have to do:


It's your responsibility to store the token and the refresh token. For example, it can be stored in a file or in a database.


This is a very basic example to put token and refresh token into a file, in order to be shared with other processes:

    require_once '/vendor/autoload.php';
    $clientBuilder = new \Akeneo\Pim\ApiClient\AkeneoPimClientBuilder('http://localhost/');
    if (!file_exists('/tmp/akeneo_token.tmp')) {
        $client = $clientBuilder->buildAuthenticatedByPassword('client_id', 'secret', 'admin', 'admin');
    } else {
        $credentials = file_get_contents('/tmp/akeneo_token.tmp');
        list($token, $refreshToken) = explode(':', $credentials);
        $client = $clientBuilder->buildAuthenticatedByToken('client_id', 'secret', $token, $refreshToken);
    $category = $client->getCategoryApi()->get('master');
    file_put_contents('/tmp/akeneo_token.tmp', $client->getToken() . ':' . $client->getRefreshToken());