Supplier Data Manager API

#Common usage

#Get the status of job

You can retrieve the current status of your job by calling the job endpoint:


The response contains the status key which can have several values:

  • running: treatment in progress, try again in a few seconds
  • done: the job is finished, you can download the result file
  • error: an error occurred, look at the message key for more information
  • pending: an action is expected on your side.
        "status": "running",
        "step": {
            "id": 1,

#Retrieve the list of jobs

To retrieve the list of created jobs, simply execute a call on the following endpoint:


This endpoint list all jobs created in the organization

You can filter this list by adding parameters in the url. The available parameters are:

  • status to filter on the job status (see above)
  • project to filter on the project id
  • created_after & created before : to filter by creation date, the date in ISO-8601 format

So, to retrieve all the completed jobs, created since 01-01-2022 on project 17, you need to make the following call:


The response is formatted as follows:

    	count: 100,
    	results: [
    			name: "Job 1",
    			status: "done",
    			creation_date	"2022-04-14T08:48:37.109159Z",
    			completion_date	"2022-04-17T09:53:32.12Z"

The answer is paginated, the default page size is 25. This pagination is controlled by the page and page_size parameters passed in the URL

#Retrieve data in JSON format

To retrieve the data in JSON, you need to call the following endpoint


The result of the request will be

    		col1: val1_1,
    		col2: val2_1,

With one object per line of the output dataset and each column as a key of the object. Empty columns are ignored.