The REST API basics

#Response codes

All the responses you can get when requesting via the REST API

#Client errors

There are several types of errors when requesting via the REST API.

#400 error

Sending malformed data results in a 400 Bad Request response.


HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
        "code": 400,
        "message": "Invalid json message received"

As JSON format is expected in all POST and PATCH requests, you will get this error response when your JSON body is malformed. For example, these are malformed JSON.

A comma is missing.

        "code": "myproduct"
        "family": "myfamily"

There are missing quotes for the code property.

        code: "myproduct",
        "family": "myfamily"

Below is the good format. Just perfect. Don't move a single comma. 😉

        "code": "myproduct",
        "family": "myfamily"

#401 error

Trying to access to the REST API without authentication results in a 401 Unauthorized response.


HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
        "code": 401,
        "message": "Authentication is required"

#Classical mistakes

The authorization header with the authentication token is missing.


Try Bearer instead of Basic as a keyword before your authentication token.

curl \
        -H "Authorization: Basic NzFiYTM4ZTEwMjcwZTcyZWIzZTA0NmY3NjE3MTIyMjM1Y2NlMmNlNWEyMTAzY2UzYmY0YWIxYmUzNTkyMDcyNQ"

You are experiencing this kind of error and the examples given here did not help you?
Take a look at the authentication documentation. This might save your day!

#403 error

Trying to perform an action without having the corresponding ACL results in a 403 Forbidden response.


HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden
        "code": 403,
        "message": "Access forbidden. You are not allowed to administrate categories."

You are experiencing this kind of error and you do not know how to solve it?
Take a look at the permissions documentation. This might save your day!

#404 error

Trying to access to a non-existing resource results in a 404 Not Found response.


HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
        "code": 404, 
        "message": "Category 'master' does not exist."

#405 error

Trying to use a method on a route for which it is not implemented results in a 405 Method Not Allowed response.


HTTP/1.1 405 Method Not Allowed
        "code": 405, 
        "message": "No route found for 'POST /api/rest/v1/products-uuid/f62190e8-8314-4360-8ff8-7dbdb4af6312': Method Not Allowed (Allow: GET, PATCH, DELETE)"

#406 error

Trying to give the Accept header a value different from application/json when getting data, results in a 406 Not Acceptable response.


HTTP/1.1 406 Not Acceptable
        "code": 406, 
        "message": "‘xxx’ in ‘Accept‘ header is not valid. Only ‘application/json‘ is allowed."

#409 error

When a request could not be processed because of conflict, it results in a 409 Conflict error.


HTTP/1.1 409 Conflict

#415 error

Trying to give the Content-type header a value different from application/json when posting or patching data, results in a 415 Unsupported Media Type response.


HTTP/1.1 415 Unsupported Media Type
      "code": 415,
      "message": "‘xxx’ in ‘Content-type’ header is not valid.  Only ‘application/json’ is allowed."

Forgetting to give the Content-type header when posting or patching data, also results in a 415 Unsupported Media Type response.


HTTP/1.1 415 Unsupported Media Type
      "code": 415,
      "message":"The ‘Content-type’ header is missing. ‘application/json’ has to specified as value."

#422 error

Sending invalid data results in a 422 Unprocessable Entity response.


HTTP/1.1 422 Unprocessable Entity
        "code": 422,
        "message": "Validation failed.",
        "errors": [
                "property": "values",
                "message": "The tommh value is not in the brand attribute option list.",
                "attribute": "brand",
                "locale": null,
                "scope": null

Sending unrecognized properties as well.


HTTP/1.1 422 Unprocessable Entity
        "code": 422,
        "message": "Property 'extra_property' does not exist. Check the standard format documentation.",
        "_links": {
            "documentation": {
                "href": ""

Or, sending unknown data.


HTTP/1.1 422 Unprocessable Entity
        "code": 422,
        "message": "The sunglasses category does not exist in your PIM. Check the expected format on the API documentation.",
        "_links": {
            "documentation": {
                "href": ""

#429 error

Abusing the API will result in 429 Too Many Requests response. A Retry-After header is added to the response indicating the time to wait in seconds before retrying.


HTTP/1.1 429 Too Many Requests
    Retry-After: 15

When the REST API answers that something does not exist, it could also mean that the related user hasn't the permission to access it.


There are 3 types of client success when requesting via the REST API.

#200 success

Getting a resource or a collection resources results in a 200 OK response.


HTTP/1.1 200 OK

#201 success

Creating a resource results in a 201 Created response. In the Location header, you will find the route to access the newly created resource.


HTTP/1.1 201 Created

#204 success

Updating or deleting a resource results in a 204 No Content response. In the Location header, you will find the route to access the updated resource.


HTTP/1.1 204 No Content