REST API reference

Complete reference on how to handle Akeneo PIM resources


Product [uuid]

This API provides two endpoints for interacting with products:

  • Product (UUID): We strongly recommend using this endpoint for its reliability and flexibility. UUIDs, or Universally Unique Identifiers, are guaranteed to be unique and never change, even if other product identifiers like SKUs are modified. This ensures consistent product identification regardless of future changes. Additionally, UUIDs allow interaction with products that lack a traditional identifier.
  • Product (Identifier): This endpoint is useful when you already have a product identifier within your systems. This identifier, which could be a SKU or internal code, can be used to directly interact with the corresponding product in our API. This simplifies integration for workflows that rely on existing product identification methods.

Get list of products

This endpoint allows you to get a list of products. Products are paginated and they can be filtered. In the Enterprise Edition, permissions based on your user groups are applied to the set of products you request.

Available in PIM versions: 7.0 SaaS


get /api/rest/v1/products-uuid

Path parameters


Query parameters

search (string ) • Filter products, for more details see the Filters section

scope (string ) • Filter product values to return scopable attributes for the given channel as well as the non localizable/non scopable attributes, for more details see the Filter product values via channel section

locales (string ) • Filter product values to return localizable attributes for the given locales as well as the non localizable/non scopable attributes, for more details see the Filter product values via locale section

attributes (string ) • Filter product values to only return those concerning the given attributes, for more details see the Filter on product values section

pagination_type (string , page by default ) • Pagination method type, see Pagination section

page (integer , 1 by default ) • Number of the page to retrieve when using the `page` pagination method type. Should never be set manually, see Pagination section

search_after (string , cursor to the first page by default ) • Cursor when using the `search_after` pagination method type. Should never be set manually, see Pagination section

limit (integer , 10 by default ) • Number of results by page, see Pagination section

with_count (boolean ) • Return the count of items in the response. Be carefull with that, on a big catalog, it can decrease performance in a significative way

with_attribute_options (boolean ) • Return labels of attribute options in the response. See the `linked_data` format section for more details. (Only available since the 5.0 version)

with_asset_share_links (boolean ) • Return asset collection share link urls in the response. See the `linked_data` format section for more details. (Only available in the SaaS version)

with_quality_scores (boolean ) • Return product quality scores in the response. (Only available since the 5.0 version)

with_completenesses (boolean ) • Return product completenesses in the response. (Only available since the 6.0 version)

with_root_parent (boolean ) • Return the root parent product model code of a variant


Authorization • Equal to 'Bearer xxx', `xxx` being the authentication token, see Authentication section

Accept • Equal to 'application/json', no other value allowed




Return products paginated

Body Format application/json

Follow the standard format of the entity


_links (object) : {
    self (object ) : {
        href (string ) • URI of the current page of resources
    first (object ) : {
        href (string ) • URI of the first page of resources
    previous (object ) : {
        href (string ) • URI of the previous page of resources
    next (object ) : {
        href (string ) • URI of the next page of resources

current_page (integer) • Current page number

_embedded (object) : {
    items (array ) : [
          _links (object) : {
              self (object) : {
                  href (string ) • URI of the resource
          uuid (string) • Product uuid
          enabled (boolean) • Whether the product is enabled
          family (string)Family code from which the product inherits its attributes and attributes requirements.
          categories (array [string ]) • Codes of the categories in which the product is classified
          groups (array [string ]) • Codes of the groups to which the product belong
          parent (string) • Code of the parent product model when the product is a variant (only available since the 2.0). This parent can be modified since the 2.3.
          values (object) • Product attributes values, see Product values section for more details
          associations (object) : {
              associationTypeCode (object) : {
                  groups (array [string ] ) • Array of groups codes with which the product is in relation
                  products (array [string ] ) • Array of product uuids with which the product is in relation
                  product_models (array [string ] ) • Array of product model codes with which the product is in relation (only available since the v2.1)
          quantified_associations (object) : {
              quantifiedAssociationTypeCode (object) : {
                  products (array [object ] ) • Array of objects containing product uuids and quantities with which the product is in relation
                  product_models (array [object ] ) • Array of objects containing product model codes and quantities with which the product is in relation
          root_parent (string) • Code of the root parent product model when the product is a variant (only available for Serenity and when the "with_root_parent" is set to "true")
          created (string) • Date of creation
          updated (string) • Date of the last update
          metadata (object) : {
              workflow_status (string) • Status of the product regarding the user permissions
          quality_scores (object) • Product quality scores for each channel/locale combination (only available since the 5.0 and when the "with_quality_scores" query parameter is set to "true")
          completenesses (array [object ]) • Product completenesses for each channel/locale combination (only available since the 7.0 version, and when the "with_completenesses" query parameter is set to "true")



      "_links": {
        "self": {
          "href": ""
        "first": {
          "href": ""
        "previous": {
          "href": ""
        "next": {
          "href": ""
      "current_page": 3,
      "_embedded": {
        "items": [
            "_links": {
              "self": {
                "href": ""
            "uuid": "25566245-55c3-42ce-86d9-8610ac459fa8",
            "family": "tshirt",
            "groups": [],
            "parent": "tops",
            "root_parent": "clothes",
            "categories": [
            "enabled": true,
            "values": {
              "sku": [
                  "data": "top-xl",
                  "locale": null,
                  "scope": null,
                  "attribute_type": "pim_catalog_identifier"
              "name": [
                  "data": "Top XL",
                  "locale": "en_US",
                  "scope": null,
                  "attribute_type": "pim_catalog_text"
                  "data": "Débardeur XL",
                  "locale": "fr_FR",
                  "scope": null,
                  "attribute_type": "pim_catalog_text"
              "description": [
                  "data": "Summer top XL",
                  "locale": "en_US",
                  "scope": "ecommerce",
                  "attribute_type": "pim_catalog_textarea"
                  "data": "Top XL",
                  "locale": "en_US",
                  "scope": "tablet",
                  "attribute_type": "pim_catalog_textarea"
                  "data": "Débardeur XL pour l'été",
                  "locale": "fr_FR",
                  "scope": "ecommerce",
                  "attribute_type": "pim_catalog_textarea"
                  "data": "Débardeur XL",
                  "locale": "fr_FR",
                  "scope": "tablet",
                  "attribute_type": "pim_catalog_textarea"
              "price": [
                  "locale": null,
                  "scope": null,
                  "data": [
                      "amount": "15.5",
                      "currency": "EUR"
                      "amount": "15",
                      "currency": "USD"
                  "attribute_type": "pim_catalog_price_collection"
              "color": [
                  "locale": null,
                  "scope": null,
                  "data": "black",
                  "linked_data": {
                    "attribute": "color",
                    "code": "black",
                    "labels": {
                      "en_US": "Black",
                      "fr_FR": "Noir"
                  "attribute_type": "pim_catalog_simpleselect"
              "size": [
                  "locale": null,
                  "scope": null,
                  "data": "xl",
                  "linked_data": {
                    "attribute": "size",
                    "code": "xl",
                    "labels": {
                      "en_US": "XL",
                      "fr_FR": "XL"
                  "attribute_type": "pim_catalog_simpleselect"
              "collection": [
                  "locale": null,
                  "scope": null,
                  "data": [
                  "linked_data": {
                    "winter_2016": {
                      "attribute": "collection",
                      "code": "winter_2016",
                      "labels": {
                        "en_US": "Winter 2016",
                        "fr_FR": "Hiver 2016"
                  "attribute_type": "pim_catalog_multiselect"
            "created": "2016-06-23T18:24:44+02:00",
            "updated": "2016-06-25T17:56:12+02:00",
            "associations": {
              "PACK": {
                "products": [
                "product_models": [],
                "groups": []
            "quantified_associations": {
              "PRODUCT_SET": {
                "products": [
                    "uuid": "fc24e6c3-933c-4a93-8a81-e5c703d134d5",
                    "quantity": 2
                    "uuid": "a9b69002-a0b1-4ead-85c2-f8dbf59c6cfc",
                    "quantity": 1
                "product_models": [
                    "identifier": "model-biker-jacket-leather",
                    "quantity": 2
            "quality_scores": [
                "scope": "ecommerce",
                "locale": "en_US",
                "data": "A"
                "scope": "ecommerce",
                "locale": "fr_FR",
                "data": "B"
                "scope": "tablet",
                "locale": "en_US",
                "data": "D"
                "scope": "tablet",
                "locale": "fr_FR",
                "data": "E"
            "completenesses": [
                "scope": "ecommerce",
                "locale": "en_US",
                "data": 20
                "scope": "ecommerce",
                "locale": "fr_FR",
                "data": 30
                "scope": "tablet",
                "locale": "en_US",
                "data": 55
                "scope": "tablet",
                "locale": "fr_FR",
                "data": 70
            "_links": {
              "self": {
                "href": ""
            "uuid": "fc24e6c3-933c-4a93-8a81-e5c703d134d5",
            "family": "caps",
            "groups": [],
            "parent": null,
            "categories": [
            "enabled": true,
            "values": {
              "sku": [
                  "data": "cap",
                  "locale": null,
                  "scope": null
              "name": [
                  "data": "Cap",
                  "locale": "en_US",
                  "scope": null
                  "data": "Casquette",
                  "locale": "fr_FR",
                  "scope": null
              "description": [
                  "data": "Cap unisex",
                  "locale": "en_US",
                  "scope": "ecommerce"
                  "data": "Cap unisex",
                  "locale": "en_US",
                  "scope": "tablet"
                  "data": "Casquette unisexe",
                  "locale": "fr_FR",
                  "scope": "ecommerce"
                  "data": "Casquette unisexe",
                  "locale": "fr_FR",
                  "scope": "tablet"
              "price": [
                  "locale": null,
                  "scope": null,
                  "data": [
                      "amount": "20",
                      "currency": "EUR"
                      "amount": "20",
                      "currency": "USD"
              "color": [
                  "locale": null,
                  "scope": null,
                  "data": "black",
                  "linked_data": {
                    "attribute": "color",
                    "code": "black",
                    "labels": {
                      "en_US": "Black",
                      "fr_FR": "Noir"
            "created": "2016-06-23T18:24:44+02:00",
            "updated": "2016-06-25T17:56:12+02:00",
            "associations": {
              "PACK": {
                "products": [
                "product_models": [],
                "groups": []
            "quantified_associations": {},
            "quality_scores": [
                "scope": "ecommerce",
                "locale": "en_US",
                "data": "A"
                "scope": "ecommerce",
                "locale": "fr_FR",
                "data": "B"
                "scope": "tablet",
                "locale": "en_US",
                "data": "D"
                "scope": "tablet",
                "locale": "fr_FR",
                "data": "E"
            "completenesses": [
                "scope": "ecommerce",
                "locale": "en_US",
                "data": 20
                "scope": "ecommerce",
                "locale": "fr_FR",
                "data": 30
                "scope": "tablet",
                "locale": "en_US",
                "data": 55
                "scope": "tablet",
                "locale": "fr_FR",
                "data": 70
            "_links": {
              "self": {
                "href": ""
            "uuid": "fa0b115e-46ec-4527-beab-7207452f1b47",
            "family": null,
            "groups": [],
            "parent": null,
            "categories": [
            "enabled": true,
            "values": {
              "sku": [
                  "data": "sweat",
                  "locale": null,
                  "scope": null
            "created": "2016-06-23T11:24:44+02:00",
            "updated": "2016-06-23T11:24:44+02:00",
            "associations": {},
            "quantified_associations": {},
            "quality_scores": {},
            "completenesses": []

Authentication required

Can be caused by a missing or expired token

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 401,
      "message": "Authentication is required"

Access forbidden

The user does not have the permission to execute this request

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 403,
      "message": "Access forbidden. You are not allowed to list categories."

Not Acceptable

The `Accept` header is not `application/json` but it should

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 406,
      "message": "‘xxx’ in ‘Accept‘ header is not valid. Only ‘application/json‘ is allowed."

Unprocessable entity

The validation of the entity given in the body of the request failed

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 422,
      "message": "Property \"labels\" expects an array as data, \"NULL\" given. Check the API reference documentation.",
      "_links": {
        "documentation": {
          "href": ""

Create a new product

This endpoint allows you to create a new product. In the Enterprise Edition, permissions based on your user groups are applied to the product you try to create. If no uuid is provided, the PIM will generate one for you.

Available in PIM versions: 7.0 SaaS


post /api/rest/v1/products-uuid

Path parameters


Query parameters



Authorization • Equal to 'Bearer xxx', `xxx` being the authentication token, see Authentication section

Content-type • Equal to 'application/json', no other value allowed


Follow the standard format of the entity


uuid (string ) • Product uuid

enabled (boolean , true by default) • Whether the product is enabled

family (string , null only in the case of a non variant product by default) Family code from which the product inherits its attributes and attributes requirements.

categories (array [string] , [] by default) • Codes of the categories in which the product is classified

groups (array [string] , [] by default) • Codes of the groups to which the product belong

parent (string , null by default) • Code of the parent product model when the product is a variant (only available since the 2.0). This parent can be modified since the 2.3.

values (object ) • Product attributes values, see Product values section for more details

associations (object { associationTypeCode : object { groups : array [string] , products : array [string] , product_models : array [string] } } ) • Several associations related to groups, product models and/or other products, grouped by association types

quantified_associations (object { quantifiedAssociationTypeCode : object { products : array [object] , product_models : array [object] } } ) • Several quantified associations related to products and/or product models, grouped by quantified association types (only available since the 5.0)



      "uuid": "25566245-55c3-42ce-86d9-8610ac459fa8",
      "enabled": true,
      "family": "tshirt",
      "categories": [
      "groups": [],
      "parent": null,
      "values": {
        "sku": [
            "data": "top",
            "locale": null,
            "scope": null
        "name": [
            "data": "Top",
            "locale": "en_US",
            "scope": null
            "data": "Débardeur",
            "locale": "fr_FR",
            "scope": null
        "description": [
            "data": "Summer top",
            "locale": "en_US",
            "scope": "ecommerce"
            "data": "Top",
            "locale": "en_US",
            "scope": "tablet"
            "data": "Débardeur pour l'été",
            "locale": "fr_FR",
            "scope": "ecommerce"
            "data": "Débardeur",
            "locale": "fr_FR",
            "scope": "tablet"
        "price": [
            "locale": null,
            "scope": null,
            "data": [
                "amount": "15.5",
                "currency": "EUR"
                "amount": "15",
                "currency": "USD"
        "color": [
            "locale": null,
            "scope": null,
            "data": "black",
            "linked_data": {
              "attribute": "color",
              "code": "black",
              "labels": {
                "en_US": "Black",
                "fr_FR": "Noir"
        "size": [
            "locale": null,
            "scope": null,
            "data": "m",
            "linked_data": {
              "attribute": "size",
              "code": "m",
              "labels": {
                "en_US": "M",
                "fr_FR": "M"
        "collection": [
            "locale": null,
            "scope": null,
            "data": [
            "linked_data": {
              "winter_2016": {
                "attribute": "collection",
                "code": "winter_2016",
                "labels": {
                  "en_US": "Winter 2016",
                  "fr_FR": "Hiver 2016"
      "associations": {
        "PACK": {
          "products": [
          "product_models": [],
          "groups": []
      "quantified_associations": {
        "PRODUCT_SET": {
          "products": [
              "uuid": "fc24e6c3-933c-4a93-8a81-e5c703d134d5",
              "quantity": 2
              "uuid": "a9b69002-a0b1-4ead-85c2-f8dbf59c6cfc",
              "quantity": 1
          "product_models": [
              "identifier": "model-biker-jacket-leather",
              "quantity": 2



Means that the creation was successful


Location • URI of the created resource

Body Format application/json


Bad request

Can be caused by a malformed JSON request

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 400,
      "message": "Invalid JSON message received"

Authentication required

Can be caused by a missing or expired token

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 401,
      "message": "Authentication is required"

Access forbidden

The user does not have the permission to execute this request

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 403,
      "message": "Access forbidden. You are not allowed to list categories."

Unsupported Media type

The `Content-type` header has to be `application/json`

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 415,
      "message": "‘xxx’ in ‘Content-type’ header is not valid.  Only ‘application/json’ is allowed."

Unprocessable entity

The validation of the entity given in the body of the request failed

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 422,
      "message": "Property \"labels\" expects an array as data, \"NULL\" given. Check the API reference documentation.",
      "_links": {
        "documentation": {
          "href": ""

Update/create several products

This endpoint allows you to update and/or create several products at once. Learn more about Update behavior. Note that if no product exists for the given uuid, it creates it. In the Enterprise Edition, permissions based on your user groups are applied to the products you try to update. It may result in the creation of drafts if you only have edit rights through the product's categories.

Available in PIM versions: 7.0 SaaS


patch /api/rest/v1/products-uuid

Path parameters


Query parameters



Authorization • Equal to 'Bearer xxx', `xxx` being the authentication token, see Authentication section

Content-type • Equal to 'application/vnd.akeneo.collection+json', no other value allowed


Contains several lines, each line is a product in JSON standard format


uuid (string ) • Product uuid

enabled (boolean , true by default) • Whether the product is enabled

family (string , null only in the case of a non variant product by default) Family code from which the product inherits its attributes and attributes requirements.

categories (array [string] , [] by default) • Codes of the categories in which the product is classified

groups (array [string] , [] by default) • Codes of the groups to which the product belong

parent (string , null by default) • Code of the parent product model when the product is a variant (only available since the 2.0). This parent can be modified since the 2.3.

values (object ) • Product attributes values, see Product values section for more details

associations (object { associationTypeCode : object { groups : array [string] , products : array [string] , product_models : array [string] } } ) • Several associations related to groups, product models and/or other products, grouped by association types

quantified_associations (object { quantifiedAssociationTypeCode : object { products : array [object] , product_models : array [object] } } ) • Several quantified associations related to products and/or product models, grouped by quantified association types (only available since the 5.0)

root_parent (string , null by default) • Code of the root parent product model when the product is a variant (only available for Serenity and when the "with_root_parent" is set to "true")

created (string ) • Date of creation

updated (string ) • Date of the last update

metadata (object { workflow_status : string } ) • More information around the product (only available since the v2.0 in the Enterprise Edition)

quality_scores (object ) • Product quality scores for each channel/locale combination (only available since the 5.0 and when the "with_quality_scores" query parameter is set to "true")

completenesses (array [object] ) : [
            scope (string )
            locale (string )
            data (integer )



{"uuid":"fc24e6c3-933c-4a93-8a81-e5c703d134d5","values":{"description":[{"scope":"ecommerce","locale":"en_US","data":"My amazing cap"}]}}
    {"uuid":"573dd613-0c7f-4143-83d5-63cc5e535966","values":{"sku":[{"data":"updated_sku","locale":null,"scope":null}]}, "group":["promotion"]}



Returns a plain text response whose lines are JSON containing the status of each update or creation

Body Format application/json


line (integer ) • Line number

uuid (string ) • Product uuid

status_code (integer ) • HTTP status code, see Client errors to understand the meaning of each code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



    {"line":2,"uuid":"573dd613-0c7f-4143-83d5-63cc5e535966","status_code":422,"message":"Property \"group\" does not exist."}

Authentication required

Can be caused by a missing or expired token

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 401,
      "message": "Authentication is required"

Access forbidden

The user does not have the permission to execute this request

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 403,
      "message": "Access forbidden. You are not allowed to list categories."

Request Entity Too Large

There are too many resources to process (max 100) or the line of JSON is too long (max 1 000 000 characters)

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 413,
      "message": "Too many resources to process, 100 is the maximum allowed."

Unsupported Media type

The `Content-type` header has to be `application/vnd.akeneo.collection+json`

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 415,
      "message": "‘xxx’ in ‘Content-type’ header is not valid.  Only ‘application/vnd.akeneo.collection+json’ is allowed."

Unprocessable entity

The validation of the entity given in the body of the request failed

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 422,
      "message": "Property \"labels\" expects an array as data, \"NULL\" given. Check the API reference documentation.",
      "_links": {
        "documentation": {
          "href": ""

Get a product

This endpoint allows you to get the information about a given product. In the Entreprise Edition, permissions based on your user groups are applied to the product you request.

Available in PIM versions: 7.0 SaaS


get /api/rest/v1/products-uuid/{uuid}

Path parameters

uuid (string) • Uuid of the resource

Query parameters

with_attribute_options (boolean ) • Return labels of attribute options in the response. See the `linked_data` format section for more details. (Only available since the 5.0 version)

with_asset_share_links (boolean ) • Return asset collection share link urls in the response. See the `linked_data` format section for more details. (Only available in the SaaS version)

with_quality_scores (boolean ) • Return product quality scores in the response. (Only available since the 5.0 version)

with_completenesses (boolean ) • Return product completenesses in the response. (Only available since the 6.0 version)

with_root_parent (boolean ) • Return the root parent product model code of a variant


Authorization • Equal to 'Bearer xxx', `xxx` being the authentication token, see Authentication section

Accept • Equal to 'application/json', no other value allowed





Returns the content of the product in JSON standard format

Body Format application/json

Follow the standard format of the entity


uuid (string ) • Product uuid

enabled (boolean ) • Whether the product is enabled

family (string ) Family code from which the product inherits its attributes and attributes requirements.

categories (array [string] ) • Codes of the categories in which the product is classified

groups (array [string] ) • Codes of the groups to which the product belong

parent (string ) • Code of the parent product model when the product is a variant (only available since the 2.0). This parent can be modified since the 2.3.

values (object ) • Product attributes values, see Product values section for more details

associations (object ) : {
    associationTypeCode (object ) : {
        groups (array [string] ) • Array of groups codes with which the product is in relation
        products (array [string] ) • Array of product uuids with which the product is in relation
        product_models (array [string] ) • Array of product model codes with which the product is in relation (only available since the v2.1)

quantified_associations (object ) : {
    quantifiedAssociationTypeCode (object ) : {
        products (array [object] ) • Array of objects containing product uuids and quantities with which the product is in relation
        product_models (array [object] ) • Array of objects containing product model codes and quantities with which the product is in relation

root_parent (string ) • Code of the root parent product model when the product is a variant (only available for Serenity and when the "with_root_parent" is set to "true")

created (string ) • Date of creation

updated (string ) • Date of the last update

metadata (object ) : {
    workflow_status (string ) • Status of the product regarding the user permissions

quality_scores (object ) • Product quality scores for each channel/locale combination (only available since the 5.0 and when the "with_quality_scores" query parameter is set to "true")

completenesses (array [object] ) : [
          scope (string)
          locale (string)
          data (integer)



      "uuid": "25566245-55c3-42ce-86d9-8610ac459fa8",
      "enabled": true,
      "family": "tshirt",
      "categories": [
      "groups": [],
      "parent": null,
      "values": {
        "sku": [
            "data": "top",
            "locale": null,
            "scope": null
        "name": [
            "data": "Top",
            "locale": "en_US",
            "scope": null
            "data": "Débardeur",
            "locale": "fr_FR",
            "scope": null
        "description": [
            "data": "Summer top",
            "locale": "en_US",
            "scope": "ecommerce"
            "data": "Top",
            "locale": "en_US",
            "scope": "tablet"
            "data": "Débardeur pour l'été",
            "locale": "fr_FR",
            "scope": "ecommerce"
            "data": "Débardeur",
            "locale": "fr_FR",
            "scope": "tablet"
        "price": [
            "locale": null,
            "scope": null,
            "data": [
                "amount": "15.5",
                "currency": "EUR"
                "amount": "15",
                "currency": "USD"
        "color": [
            "locale": null,
            "scope": null,
            "data": "black",
            "linked_data": {
              "attribute": "color",
              "code": "black",
              "labels": {
                "en_US": "Black",
                "fr_FR": "Noir"
        "size": [
            "locale": null,
            "scope": null,
            "data": "m",
            "linked_data": {
              "attribute": "size",
              "code": "m",
              "labels": {
                "en_US": "M",
                "fr_FR": "M"
        "collection": [
            "locale": null,
            "scope": null,
            "data": [
            "linked_data": {
              "winter_2016": {
                "attribute": "collection",
                "code": "winter_2016",
                "labels": {
                  "en_US": "Winter 2016",
                  "fr_FR": "Hiver 2016"
      "created": "2016-06-23T18:24:44+02:00",
      "updated": "2016-06-25T17:56:12+02:00",
      "associations": {
        "PACK": {
          "products": [
          "product_models": [],
          "groups": []
      "quantified_associations": {
        "PRODUCT_SET": {
          "products": [
              "uuid": "fc24e6c3-933c-4a93-8a81-e5c703d134d5",
              "quantity": 2
              "uuid": "a9b69002-a0b1-4ead-85c2-f8dbf59c6cfc",
              "quantity": 1
          "product_models": [
              "identifier": "model-biker-jacket-leather",
              "quantity": 2
      "root_parent": "clothes",
      "quality_scores": [
          "scope": "ecommerce",
          "locale": "en_US",
          "data": "A"
          "scope": "ecommerce",
          "locale": "fr_FR",
          "data": "B"
          "scope": "tablet",
          "locale": "en_US",
          "data": "D"
          "scope": "tablet",
          "locale": "fr_FR",
          "data": "E"
      "completenesses": [
          "scope": "ecommerce",
          "locale": "en_US",
          "data": 10
          "scope": "ecommerce",
          "locale": "fr_FR",
          "data": 20
          "scope": "tablet",
          "locale": "en_US",
          "data": 30
          "scope": "tablet",
          "locale": "fr_FR",
          "data": 40

Authentication required

Can be caused by a missing or expired token

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 401,
      "message": "Authentication is required"

Access forbidden

The user does not have the permission to execute this request

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 403,
      "message": "Access forbidden. You are not allowed to list categories."

Resource not found

The resource code given in the URI does not correspond to any existing PIM resource

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 404,
      "message": "Resource `my_resource_code` does not exist."

Not Acceptable

The `Accept` header is not `application/json` but it should

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 406,
      "message": "‘xxx’ in ‘Accept‘ header is not valid. Only ‘application/json‘ is allowed."

Update/create a product

This endpoint allows you to update a given product. Learn more about Update behavior. Note that if no product exists for the given uuid, it creates it. In the Entreprise Edition, permissions based on your user groups are applied to the product you try to update. It may result in the creation of a draft if you only have edit rights through the product's categories.

Available in PIM versions: 7.0 SaaS


patch /api/rest/v1/products-uuid/{uuid}

Path parameters

uuid (string) • Uuid of the resource

Query parameters



Authorization • Equal to 'Bearer xxx', `xxx` being the authentication token, see Authentication section

Content-type • Equal to 'application/json', no other value allowed


Follow the standard format of the entity


uuid (string ) • Product uuid

enabled (boolean , true by default) • Whether the product is enabled

family (string , null only in the case of a non variant product by default) Family code from which the product inherits its attributes and attributes requirements.

categories (array [string] , [] by default) • Codes of the categories in which the product is classified

groups (array [string] , [] by default) • Codes of the groups to which the product belong

parent (string , null by default) • Code of the parent product model when the product is a variant (only available since the 2.0). This parent can be modified since the 2.3.

values (object ) • Product attributes values, see Product values section for more details

associations (object { associationTypeCode : object { groups : array [string] , products : array [string] , product_models : array [string] } } ) • Several associations related to groups, product models and/or other products, grouped by association types

quantified_associations (object { quantifiedAssociationTypeCode : object { products : array [object] , product_models : array [object] } } ) • Several quantified associations related to products and/or product models, grouped by quantified association types (only available since the 5.0)

root_parent (string , null by default) • Code of the root parent product model when the product is a variant (only available for Serenity and when the "with_root_parent" is set to "true")

created (string ) • Date of creation

updated (string ) • Date of the last update

metadata (object { workflow_status : string } ) • More information around the product (only available since the v2.0 in the Enterprise Edition)

quality_scores (object ) • Product quality scores for each channel/locale combination (only available since the 5.0 and when the "with_quality_scores" query parameter is set to "true")

completenesses (array [object] ) : [
            scope (string )
            locale (string )
            data (integer )



      "uuid": "25566245-55c3-42ce-86d9-8610ac459fa8",
      "enabled": true,
      "family": "tshirt",
      "categories": [
      "groups": [],
      "parent": null,
      "values": {
        "sku": [
            "data": "top",
            "locale": null,
            "scope": null
        "name": [
            "data": "Top",
            "locale": "en_US",
            "scope": null
            "data": "Débardeur",
            "locale": "fr_FR",
            "scope": null
        "description": [
            "data": "Summer top",
            "locale": "en_US",
            "scope": "ecommerce"
            "data": "Top",
            "locale": "en_US",
            "scope": "tablet"
            "data": "Débardeur pour l'été",
            "locale": "fr_FR",
            "scope": "ecommerce"
            "data": "Débardeur",
            "locale": "fr_FR",
            "scope": "tablet"
        "price": [
            "locale": null,
            "scope": null,
            "data": [
                "amount": "15.5",
                "currency": "EUR"
                "amount": "15",
                "currency": "USD"
        "color": [
            "locale": null,
            "scope": null,
            "data": "black",
            "linked_data": {
              "attribute": "color",
              "code": "black",
              "labels": {
                "en_US": "Black",
                "fr_FR": "Noir"
        "size": [
            "locale": null,
            "scope": null,
            "data": "m",
            "linked_data": {
              "attribute": "size",
              "code": "m",
              "labels": {
                "en_US": "M",
                "fr_FR": "M"
        "collection": [
            "locale": null,
            "scope": null,
            "data": [
            "linked_data": {
              "winter_2016": {
                "attribute": "collection",
                "code": "winter_2016",
                "labels": {
                  "en_US": "Winter 2016",
                  "fr_FR": "Hiver 2016"
      "created": "2016-06-23T18:24:44+02:00",
      "updated": "2016-06-25T17:56:12+02:00",
      "associations": {
        "PACK": {
          "products": [
          "product_models": [],
          "groups": []
      "quantified_associations": {
        "PRODUCT_SET": {
          "products": [
              "uuid": "fc24e6c3-933c-4a93-8a81-e5c703d134d5",
              "quantity": 2
              "uuid": "a9b69002-a0b1-4ead-85c2-f8dbf59c6cfc",
              "quantity": 1
          "product_models": [
              "identifier": "model-biker-jacket-leather",
              "quantity": 2
      "root_parent": "clothes",
      "quality_scores": [
          "scope": "ecommerce",
          "locale": "en_US",
          "data": "A"
          "scope": "ecommerce",
          "locale": "fr_FR",
          "data": "B"
          "scope": "tablet",
          "locale": "en_US",
          "data": "D"
          "scope": "tablet",
          "locale": "fr_FR",
          "data": "E"
      "completenesses": [
          "scope": "ecommerce",
          "locale": "en_US",
          "data": 10
          "scope": "ecommerce",
          "locale": "fr_FR",
          "data": 20
          "scope": "tablet",
          "locale": "en_US",
          "data": 30
          "scope": "tablet",
          "locale": "fr_FR",
          "data": 40



Means that the creation was successful


Location • URI of the created resource

Body Format application/json


No content to return

Means that the update was successful


Location • URI of the updated resource

Body Format application/json


Authentication required

Can be caused by a missing or expired token

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 401,
      "message": "Authentication is required"

Access forbidden

The user does not have the permission to execute this request

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 403,
      "message": "Access forbidden. You are not allowed to list categories."

Unsupported Media type

The `Content-type` header has to be `application/json`

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 415,
      "message": "‘xxx’ in ‘Content-type’ header is not valid.  Only ‘application/json’ is allowed."

Unprocessable entity

The validation of the entity given in the body of the request failed

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 422,
      "message": "Property \"labels\" expects an array as data, \"NULL\" given. Check the API reference documentation.",
      "_links": {
        "documentation": {
          "href": ""

Delete a product

This endpoint allows you to delete a given product. In the Enterprise Edition, permissions based on your user groups are applied to the product you try to delete.

Available in PIM versions: 7.0 SaaS


delete /api/rest/v1/products-uuid/{uuid}

Path parameters

uuid (string) • Uuid of the resource

Query parameters



Authorization • Equal to 'Bearer xxx', `xxx` being the authentication token, see Authentication section

Accept • Equal to 'application/json', no other value allowed




No content to return

Means that the deletion was successful

Body Format application/json


Authentication required

Can be caused by a missing or expired token

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 401,
      "message": "Authentication is required"

Access forbidden

The user does not have the permission to execute this request

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 403,
      "message": "Access forbidden. You are not allowed to list categories."

Resource not found

The resource code given in the URI does not correspond to any existing PIM resource

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 404,
      "message": "Resource `my_resource_code` does not exist."

Submit a draft for approval  EE only

This endpoint allows you to submit a draft for approval.

Available in PIM versions: 7.0 SaaS


post /api/rest/v1/products-uuid/{uuid}/proposal

Path parameters

uuid (string) • Uuid of the resource

Query parameters



Authorization • Equal to 'Bearer xxx', `xxx` being the authentication token, see Authentication section

Accept • Equal to 'application/json', no other value allowed





Means that the draft submission was successful


Location • URI of the created resource

Body Format application/json


Authentication required

Can be caused by a missing or expired token

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 401,
      "message": "Authentication is required"

Access forbidden

The user does not have the permission to execute this request

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 403,
      "message": "Access forbidden. You are not allowed to list categories."

Unsupported Media type

The `Content-type` header has to be `application/json`

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 415,
      "message": "‘xxx’ in ‘Content-type’ header is not valid.  Only ‘application/json’ is allowed."

Unprocessable entity

The validation of the entity given in the body of the request failed

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 422,
      "message": "Property \"labels\" expects an array as data, \"NULL\" given. Check the API reference documentation.",
      "_links": {
        "documentation": {
          "href": ""

Get a draft  EE only

This endpoint allows you to get the information about a given draft.

Available in PIM versions: 7.0 SaaS


get /api/rest/v1/products-uuid/{uuid}/draft

Path parameters

uuid (string) • Uuid of the resource

Query parameters



Authorization • Equal to 'Bearer xxx', `xxx` being the authentication token, see Authentication section

Accept • Equal to 'application/json', no other value allowed





Returns the content of the draft in JSON standard format

Body Format application/json

Follow the standard format of the entity


uuid (string ) • Product uuid

enabled (boolean ) • Whether the product is enabled

family (string ) Family code from which the product inherits its attributes and attributes requirements.

categories (array [string] ) • Codes of the categories in which the product is classified

groups (array [string] ) • Codes of the groups to which the product belong

parent (string ) • Code of the parent product model when the product is a variant (only available since the 2.0). This parent can be modified since the 2.3.

values (object ) • Product attributes values, see Product values section for more details

associations (object ) : {
    associationTypeCode (object ) : {
        groups (array [string] ) • Array of groups codes with which the product is in relation
        products (array [string] ) • Array of product uuids with which the product is in relation
        product_models (array [string] ) • Array of product model codes with which the product is in relation (only available since the v2.1)

quantified_associations (object ) : {
    quantifiedAssociationTypeCode (object ) : {
        products (array [object] ) • Array of objects containing product uuids and quantities with which the product is in relation
        product_models (array [object] ) • Array of objects containing product model codes and quantities with which the product is in relation

root_parent (string ) • Code of the root parent product model when the product is a variant (only available for Serenity and when the "with_root_parent" is set to "true")

created (string ) • Date of creation

updated (string ) • Date of the last update

metadata (object ) : {
    workflow_status (string ) • Status of the product regarding the user permissions

quality_scores (object ) • Product quality scores for each channel/locale combination (only available since the 5.0 and when the "with_quality_scores" query parameter is set to "true")

completenesses (array [object] ) : [
          scope (string)
          locale (string)
          data (integer)



      "uuid": "25566245-55c3-42ce-86d9-8610ac459fa8",
      "enabled": true,
      "family": "tshirt",
      "categories": [
      "groups": [],
      "parent": null,
      "values": {
        "sku": [
            "data": "top",
            "locale": null,
            "scope": null
        "name": [
            "data": "Top",
            "locale": "en_US",
            "scope": null
            "data": "Débardeur",
            "locale": "fr_FR",
            "scope": null
        "description": [
            "data": "Summer top",
            "locale": "en_US",
            "scope": "ecommerce"
            "data": "Top",
            "locale": "en_US",
            "scope": "tablet"
            "data": "Débardeur pour l'été",
            "locale": "fr_FR",
            "scope": "ecommerce"
            "data": "Débardeur",
            "locale": "fr_FR",
            "scope": "tablet"
        "price": [
            "locale": null,
            "scope": null,
            "data": [
                "amount": "15.5",
                "currency": "EUR"
                "amount": "15",
                "currency": "USD"
        "color": [
            "locale": null,
            "scope": null,
            "data": "black",
            "linked_data": {
              "attribute": "color",
              "code": "black",
              "labels": {
                "en_US": "Black",
                "fr_FR": "Noir"
        "size": [
            "locale": null,
            "scope": null,
            "data": "m",
            "linked_data": {
              "attribute": "size",
              "code": "m",
              "labels": {
                "en_US": "M",
                "fr_FR": "M"
        "collection": [
            "locale": null,
            "scope": null,
            "data": [
            "linked_data": {
              "winter_2016": {
                "attribute": "collection",
                "code": "winter_2016",
                "labels": {
                  "en_US": "Winter 2016",
                  "fr_FR": "Hiver 2016"
      "created": "2016-06-23T18:24:44+02:00",
      "updated": "2016-06-25T17:56:12+02:00",
      "associations": {
        "PACK": {
          "products": [
          "product_models": [],
          "groups": []
      "quantified_associations": {
        "PRODUCT_SET": {
          "products": [
              "uuid": "fc24e6c3-933c-4a93-8a81-e5c703d134d5",
              "quantity": 2
              "uuid": "a9b69002-a0b1-4ead-85c2-f8dbf59c6cfc",
              "quantity": 1
          "product_models": [
              "identifier": "model-biker-jacket-leather",
              "quantity": 2
      "root_parent": "clothes",
      "quality_scores": [
          "scope": "ecommerce",
          "locale": "en_US",
          "data": "A"
          "scope": "ecommerce",
          "locale": "fr_FR",
          "data": "B"
          "scope": "tablet",
          "locale": "en_US",
          "data": "D"
          "scope": "tablet",
          "locale": "fr_FR",
          "data": "E"
      "completenesses": [
          "scope": "ecommerce",
          "locale": "en_US",
          "data": 10
          "scope": "ecommerce",
          "locale": "fr_FR",
          "data": 20
          "scope": "tablet",
          "locale": "en_US",
          "data": 30
          "scope": "tablet",
          "locale": "fr_FR",
          "data": 40

Authentication required

Can be caused by a missing or expired token

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 401,
      "message": "Authentication is required"

Access forbidden

The user does not have the permission to execute this request

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 403,
      "message": "Access forbidden. You are not allowed to list categories."

Resource not found

The resource code given in the URI does not correspond to any existing PIM resource

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 404,
      "message": "Resource `my_resource_code` does not exist."

Not Acceptable

The `Accept` header is not `application/json` but it should

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 406,
      "message": "‘xxx’ in ‘Accept‘ header is not valid. Only ‘application/json‘ is allowed."

Product [identifier]

This API provides two endpoints for interacting with products:

  • Product (UUID): We strongly recommend using this endpoint for its reliability and flexibility. UUIDs, or Universally Unique Identifiers, are guaranteed to be unique and never change, even if other product identifiers like SKUs are modified. This ensures consistent product identification regardless of future changes. Additionally, UUIDs allow interaction with products that lack a traditional identifier.
  • Product (Identifier): This endpoint is useful when you already have a product identifier within your systems. This identifier, which could be a SKU or internal code, can be used to directly interact with the corresponding product in our API. This simplifies integration for workflows that rely on existing product identification methods.

Get list of products

This endpoint allows you to get a list of products. Products are paginated and they can be filtered. In the Enterprise Edition, since the 2.0, permissions based on your user groups are applied to the set of products you request.

Available in PIM versions: 1.7 2.x 3.x 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 SaaS


get /api/rest/v1/products

Path parameters


Query parameters

search (string ) • Filter products, for more details see the Filters section

scope (string ) • Filter product values to return scopable attributes for the given channel as well as the non localizable/non scopable attributes, for more details see the Filter product values via channel section

locales (string ) • Filter product values to return localizable attributes for the given locales as well as the non localizable/non scopable attributes, for more details see the Filter product values via locale section

attributes (string ) • Filter product values to only return those concerning the given attributes, for more details see the Filter on product values section

pagination_type (string , page by default ) • Pagination method type, see Pagination section

page (integer , 1 by default ) • Number of the page to retrieve when using the `page` pagination method type. Should never be set manually, see Pagination section

search_after (string , cursor to the first page by default ) • Cursor when using the `search_after` pagination method type. Should never be set manually, see Pagination section

limit (integer , 10 by default ) • Number of results by page, see Pagination section

with_count (boolean ) • Return the count of items in the response. Be carefull with that, on a big catalog, it can decrease performance in a significative way

with_attribute_options (boolean ) • Return labels of attribute options in the response. See the `linked_data` format section for more details. (Only available since the 5.0 version)

with_asset_share_links (boolean ) • Return asset collection share link urls in the response. See the `linked_data` format section for more details. (Only available in the SaaS version)

with_quality_scores (boolean ) • Return product quality scores in the response. (Only available since the 5.0 version)

with_completenesses (boolean ) • Return product completenesses in the response. (Only available since the 6.0 version)


Authorization • Equal to 'Bearer xxx', `xxx` being the authentication token, see Authentication section

Accept • Equal to 'application/json', no other value allowed




Return products paginated

Body Format application/json

Follow the standard format of the entity


_links (object) : {
    self (object ) : {
        href (string ) • URI of the current page of resources
    first (object ) : {
        href (string ) • URI of the first page of resources
    previous (object ) : {
        href (string ) • URI of the previous page of resources
    next (object ) : {
        href (string ) • URI of the next page of resources

current_page (integer) • Current page number

_embedded (object) : {
    items (array ) : [
          _links (object) : {
              self (object) : {
                  href (string ) • URI of the resource
          uuid (string) • Product UUID
          identifier (string) • Product identifier, i.e. the value of the only `pim_catalog_identifier` attribute
          enabled (boolean) • Whether the product is enabled
          family (string)Family code from which the product inherits its attributes and attributes requirements.
          categories (array [string ]) • Codes of the categories in which the product is classified
          groups (array [string ]) • Codes of the groups to which the product belong
          parent (string) • Code of the parent product model when the product is a variant (only available since the 2.0). This parent can be modified since the 2.3.
          values (object) • Product attributes values, see Product values section for more details
          associations (object) : {
              associationTypeCode (object) : {
                  groups (array [string ] ) • Array of groups codes with which the product is in relation
                  products (array [string ] ) • Array of product identifiers with which the product is in relation
                  product_models (array [string ] ) • Array of product model codes with which the product is in relation (only available since the v2.1)
          quantified_associations (object) : {
              quantifiedAssociationTypeCode (object) : {
                  products (array [object ] ) • Array of objects containing product identifiers and quantities with which the product is in relation
                  product_models (array [object ] ) • Array of objects containing product model codes and quantities with which the product is in relation
          created (string) • Date of creation
          updated (string) • Date of the last update
          metadata (object) : {
              workflow_status (string) • Status of the product regarding the user permissions
          quality_scores (object) • Product quality scores for each channel/locale combination (only available since the 5.0 and when the "with_quality_scores" query parameter is set to "true")
          completenesses (array [object ]) • Product completenesses for each channel/locale combination (only available since the 7.0 version, and when the "with_completenesses" query parameter is set to "true")



      "_links": {
        "self": {
          "href": ""
        "first": {
          "href": ""
        "previous": {
          "href": ""
        "next": {
          "href": ""
      "current_page": 3,
      "_embedded": {
        "items": [
            "_links": {
              "self": {
                "href": ""
            "uuid": "aaf518b2-f91e-40f1-a53a-78ce5e81a6f9",
            "identifier": "top",
            "family": "tshirt",
            "groups": [],
            "parent": null,
            "categories": [
            "enabled": true,
            "values": {
              "name": [
                  "data": "Top",
                  "locale": "en_US",
                  "scope": null,
                  "attribute_type": "pim_catalog_text"
                  "data": "Débardeur",
                  "locale": "fr_FR",
                  "scope": null,
                  "attribute_type": "pim_catalog_text"
              "description": [
                  "data": "Summer top",
                  "locale": "en_US",
                  "scope": "ecommerce",
                  "attribute_type": "pim_catalog_textarea"
                  "data": "Top",
                  "locale": "en_US",
                  "scope": "tablet",
                  "attribute_type": "pim_catalog_textarea"
                  "data": "Débardeur pour l'été",
                  "locale": "fr_FR",
                  "scope": "ecommerce",
                  "attribute_type": "pim_catalog_textarea"
                  "data": "Débardeur",
                  "locale": "fr_FR",
                  "scope": "tablet",
                  "attribute_type": "pim_catalog_textarea"
              "price": [
                  "locale": null,
                  "scope": null,
                  "data": [
                      "amount": "15.5",
                      "currency": "EUR"
                      "amount": "15",
                      "currency": "USD"
                  "attribute_type": "pim_catalog_price_collection"
              "color": [
                  "locale": null,
                  "scope": null,
                  "data": "black",
                  "linked_data": {
                    "attribute": "color",
                    "code": "black",
                    "labels": {
                      "en_US": "Black",
                      "fr_FR": "Noir"
                  "attribute_type": "pim_catalog_simpleselect"
              "size": [
                  "locale": null,
                  "scope": null,
                  "data": "m",
                  "linked_data": {
                    "attribute": "size",
                    "code": "m",
                    "labels": {
                      "en_US": "M",
                      "fr_FR": "M"
                  "attribute_type": "pim_catalog_simpleselect"
              "collection": [
                  "locale": null,
                  "scope": null,
                  "data": [
                  "linked_data": {
                    "winter_2016": {
                      "attribute": "collection",
                      "code": "winter_2016",
                      "labels": {
                        "en_US": "Winter 2016",
                        "fr_FR": "Hiver 2016"
                  "attribute_type": "pim_catalog_multiselect"
            "created": "2016-06-23T18:24:44+02:00",
            "updated": "2016-06-25T17:56:12+02:00",
            "associations": {
              "PACK": {
                "products": [
                "product_models": [],
                "groups": []
            "quantified_associations": {
              "PRODUCT_SET": {
                "products": [
                    "identifier": "cap",
                    "quantity": 2
                    "identifier": "shoes",
                    "quantity": 1
                "product_models": [
                    "identifier": "model-biker-jacket-leather",
                    "quantity": 2
            "quality_scores": [
                "scope": "ecommerce",
                "locale": "en_US",
                "data": "A"
                "scope": "ecommerce",
                "locale": "fr_FR",
                "data": "B"
                "scope": "tablet",
                "locale": "en_US",
                "data": "D"
                "scope": "tablet",
                "locale": "fr_FR",
                "data": "E"
            "completenesses": [
                "scope": "ecommerce",
                "locale": "en_US",
                "data": 20
                "scope": "ecommerce",
                "locale": "fr_FR",
                "data": 30
                "scope": "tablet",
                "locale": "en_US",
                "data": 55
                "scope": "tablet",
                "locale": "fr_FR",
                "data": 70
            "_links": {
              "self": {
                "href": ""
            "uuid": "aec6780b-c813-4bd7-8e24-1a8574471576",
            "identifier": "cap",
            "family": "caps",
            "groups": [],
            "parent": null,
            "categories": [
            "enabled": true,
            "values": {
              "name": [
                  "data": "Cap",
                  "locale": "en_US",
                  "scope": null
                  "data": "Casquette",
                  "locale": "fr_FR",
                  "scope": null
              "description": [
                  "data": "Cap unisex",
                  "locale": "en_US",
                  "scope": "ecommerce"
                  "data": "Cap unisex",
                  "locale": "en_US",
                  "scope": "tablet"
                  "data": "Casquette unisexe",
                  "locale": "fr_FR",
                  "scope": "ecommerce"
                  "data": "Casquette unisexe",
                  "locale": "fr_FR",
                  "scope": "tablet"
              "price": [
                  "locale": null,
                  "scope": null,
                  "data": [
                      "amount": "20",
                      "currency": "EUR"
                      "amount": "20",
                      "currency": "USD"
              "color": [
                  "locale": null,
                  "scope": null,
                  "data": "black",
                  "linked_data": {
                    "attribute": "color",
                    "code": "black",
                    "labels": {
                      "en_US": "Black",
                      "fr_FR": "Noir"
            "created": "2016-06-23T18:24:44+02:00",
            "updated": "2016-06-25T17:56:12+02:00",
            "associations": {
              "PACK": {
                "products": [
                "product_models": [],
                "groups": []
            "quantified_associations": {},
            "quality_scores": [
                "scope": "ecommerce",
                "locale": "en_US",
                "data": "A"
                "scope": "ecommerce",
                "locale": "fr_FR",
                "data": "B"
                "scope": "tablet",
                "locale": "en_US",
                "data": "D"
                "scope": "tablet",
                "locale": "fr_FR",
                "data": "E"
            "completenesses": [
                "scope": "ecommerce",
                "locale": "en_US",
                "data": 20
                "scope": "ecommerce",
                "locale": "fr_FR",
                "data": 30
                "scope": "tablet",
                "locale": "en_US",
                "data": 55
                "scope": "tablet",
                "locale": "fr_FR",
                "data": 70
            "_links": {
              "self": {
                "href": ""
            "uuid": "93f14b03-5ed3-4f23-87c6-ae3806041b6a",
            "identifier": "sweat",
            "family": null,
            "groups": [],
            "parent": null,
            "categories": [
            "enabled": true,
            "values": {},
            "created": "2016-06-23T11:24:44+02:00",
            "updated": "2016-06-23T11:24:44+02:00",
            "associations": {},
            "quantified_associations": {},
            "quality_scores": {},
            "completenesses": []

Authentication required

Can be caused by a missing or expired token

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 401,
      "message": "Authentication is required"

Access forbidden

The user does not have the permission to execute this request

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 403,
      "message": "Access forbidden. You are not allowed to list categories."

Not Acceptable

The `Accept` header is not `application/json` but it should

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 406,
      "message": "‘xxx’ in ‘Accept‘ header is not valid. Only ‘application/json‘ is allowed."

Unprocessable entity

The validation of the entity given in the body of the request failed

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 422,
      "message": "Property \"labels\" expects an array as data, \"NULL\" given. Check the API reference documentation.",
      "_links": {
        "documentation": {
          "href": ""

Create a new product

This endpoint allows you to create a new product. In the Enterprise Edition, since the v2.0, permissions based on your user groups are applied to the product you try to create.

Available in PIM versions: 1.7 2.x 3.x 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 SaaS


post /api/rest/v1/products

Path parameters


Query parameters



Authorization • Equal to 'Bearer xxx', `xxx` being the authentication token, see Authentication section

Content-type • Equal to 'application/json', no other value allowed


Follow the standard format of the entity


uuid (string ) • Product UUID

identifier (string ) • Product identifier, i.e. the value of the only `pim_catalog_identifier` attribute

enabled (boolean , true by default) • Whether the product is enabled

family (string , null only in the case of a non variant product by default) Family code from which the product inherits its attributes and attributes requirements.

categories (array [string] , [] by default) • Codes of the categories in which the product is classified

groups (array [string] , [] by default) • Codes of the groups to which the product belong

parent (string , null by default) • Code of the parent product model when the product is a variant (only available since the 2.0). This parent can be modified since the 2.3.

values (object ) • Product attributes values, see Product values section for more details

associations (object { associationTypeCode : object { groups : array [string] , products : array [string] , product_models : array [string] } } ) • Several associations related to groups, product models and/or other products, grouped by association types

quantified_associations (object { quantifiedAssociationTypeCode : object { products : array [object] , product_models : array [object] } } ) • Several quantified associations related to products and/or product models, grouped by quantified association types (only available since the 5.0)



      "identifier": "top",
      "enabled": true,
      "family": "tshirt",
      "categories": [
      "groups": [],
      "parent": null,
      "values": {
        "name": [
            "data": "Top",
            "locale": "en_US",
            "scope": null,
            "attribute_type": "pim_catalog_text"
            "data": "Débardeur",
            "locale": "fr_FR",
            "scope": null,
            "attribute_type": "pim_catalog_text"
        "description": [
            "data": "Summer top",
            "locale": "en_US",
            "scope": "ecommerce",
            "attribute_type": "pim_catalog_textarea"
            "data": "Top",
            "locale": "en_US",
            "scope": "tablet",
            "attribute_type": "pim_catalog_textarea"
            "data": "Débardeur pour l'été",
            "locale": "fr_FR",
            "scope": "ecommerce",
            "attribute_type": "pim_catalog_textarea"
            "data": "Débardeur",
            "locale": "fr_FR",
            "scope": "tablet",
            "attribute_type": "pim_catalog_textarea"
        "price": [
            "locale": null,
            "scope": null,
            "data": [
                "amount": "15.5",
                "currency": "EUR"
                "amount": "15",
                "currency": "USD"
            "attribute_type": "pim_catalog_price_collection"
        "color": [
            "locale": null,
            "scope": null,
            "data": "black",
            "linked_data": {
              "attribute": "color",
              "code": "black",
              "labels": {
                "en_US": "Black",
                "fr_FR": "Noir"
            "attribute_type": "pim_catalog_simpleselect"
        "size": [
            "locale": null,
            "scope": null,
            "data": "m",
            "linked_data": {
              "attribute": "size",
              "code": "m",
              "labels": {
                "en_US": "M",
                "fr_FR": "M"
            "attribute_type": "pim_catalog_simpleselect"
        "collection": [
            "locale": null,
            "scope": null,
            "data": [
            "linked_data": {
              "winter_2016": {
                "attribute": "collection",
                "code": "winter_2016",
                "labels": {
                  "en_US": "Winter 2016",
                  "fr_FR": "Hiver 2016"
            "attribute_type": "pim_catalog_multiselect"
      "associations": {
        "PACK": {
          "products": [
          "product_models": [],
          "groups": []
      "quantified_associations": {
        "PRODUCT_SET": {
          "products": [
              "identifier": "cap",
              "quantity": 2
              "identifier": "shoes",
              "quantity": 1
          "product_models": [
              "identifier": "model-biker-jacket-leather",
              "quantity": 2



Means that the creation was successful


Location • URI of the created resource

Body Format application/json


Bad request

Can be caused by a malformed JSON request

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 400,
      "message": "Invalid JSON message received"

Authentication required

Can be caused by a missing or expired token

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 401,
      "message": "Authentication is required"

Access forbidden

The user does not have the permission to execute this request

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 403,
      "message": "Access forbidden. You are not allowed to list categories."

Unsupported Media type

The `Content-type` header has to be `application/json`

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 415,
      "message": "‘xxx’ in ‘Content-type’ header is not valid.  Only ‘application/json’ is allowed."

Unprocessable entity

The validation of the entity given in the body of the request failed

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 422,
      "message": "Property \"labels\" expects an array as data, \"NULL\" given. Check the API reference documentation.",
      "_links": {
        "documentation": {
          "href": ""

Update/create several products

This endpoint allows you to update and/or create several products at once. Learn more about Update behavior. Note that if no product exists for the given identifier, it creates it. In the Enterprise Edition, since the v2.0, permissions based on your user groups are applied to the products you try to update. It may result in the creation of drafts if you only have edit rights through the product's categories.

Available in PIM versions: 1.7 2.x 3.x 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 SaaS


patch /api/rest/v1/products

Path parameters


Query parameters



Authorization • Equal to 'Bearer xxx', `xxx` being the authentication token, see Authentication section

Content-type • Equal to 'application/vnd.akeneo.collection+json', no other value allowed


Contains several lines, each line is a product in JSON standard format


uuid (string ) • Product UUID

identifier (string ) • Product identifier, i.e. the value of the only `pim_catalog_identifier` attribute

enabled (boolean , true by default) • Whether the product is enabled

family (string , null only in the case of a non variant product by default) Family code from which the product inherits its attributes and attributes requirements.

categories (array [string] , [] by default) • Codes of the categories in which the product is classified

groups (array [string] , [] by default) • Codes of the groups to which the product belong

parent (string , null by default) • Code of the parent product model when the product is a variant (only available since the 2.0). This parent can be modified since the 2.3.

values (object ) • Product attributes values, see Product values section for more details

associations (object { associationTypeCode : object { groups : array [string] , products : array [string] , product_models : array [string] } } ) • Several associations related to groups, product models and/or other products, grouped by association types

quantified_associations (object { quantifiedAssociationTypeCode : object { products : array [object] , product_models : array [object] } } ) • Several quantified associations related to products and/or product models, grouped by quantified association types (only available since the 5.0)

created (string ) • Date of creation

updated (string ) • Date of the last update

metadata (object { workflow_status : string } ) • More information around the product (only available since the v2.0 in the Enterprise Edition)

quality_scores (object ) • Product quality scores for each channel/locale combination (only available since the 5.0 and when the "with_quality_scores" query parameter is set to "true")

completenesses (array [object] ) : [
            scope (string )
            locale (string )
            data (integer )



{"identifier":"cap","values":{"description":[{"scope":"ecommerce","locale":"en_US","data":"My amazing cap"}]}}



Returns a plain text response whose lines are JSON containing the status of each update or creation

Body Format application/json


line (integer ) • Line number

identifier (string ) • Resource identifier, only filled when the resource is a product

code (string ) • Resource code, only filled when the resource is not a product

status_code (integer ) • HTTP status code, see Client errors to understand the meaning of each code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



    {"line":2,"identifier":"mug","status_code":422,"message":"Property \"group\" does not exist."}

Authentication required

Can be caused by a missing or expired token

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 401,
      "message": "Authentication is required"

Access forbidden

The user does not have the permission to execute this request

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 403,
      "message": "Access forbidden. You are not allowed to list categories."

Request Entity Too Large

There are too many resources to process (max 100) or the line of JSON is too long (max 1 000 000 characters)

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 413,
      "message": "Too many resources to process, 100 is the maximum allowed."

Unsupported Media type

The `Content-type` header has to be `application/vnd.akeneo.collection+json`

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 415,
      "message": "‘xxx’ in ‘Content-type’ header is not valid.  Only ‘application/vnd.akeneo.collection+json’ is allowed."

Get a product

This endpoint allows you to get the information about a given product. In the Entreprise Edition, since the v2.0, permissions based on your user groups are applied to the product you request.

Available in PIM versions: 1.7 2.x 3.x 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 SaaS


get /api/rest/v1/products/{code}

Path parameters

code (string) • Code of the resource

Query parameters

with_attribute_options (boolean ) • Return labels of attribute options in the response. See the `linked_data` format section for more details. (Only available since the 5.0 version)

with_asset_share_links (boolean ) • Return asset collection share link urls in the response. See the `linked_data` format section for more details. (Only available in the SaaS version)

with_quality_scores (boolean ) • Return product quality scores in the response. (Only available since the 5.0 version)

with_completenesses (boolean ) • Return product completenesses in the response. (Only available since the 6.0 version)


Authorization • Equal to 'Bearer xxx', `xxx` being the authentication token, see Authentication section

Accept • Equal to 'application/json', no other value allowed





Returns the content of the product in JSON standard format

Body Format application/json

Follow the standard format of the entity


uuid (string ) • Product UUID

identifier (string ) • Product identifier, i.e. the value of the only `pim_catalog_identifier` attribute

enabled (boolean ) • Whether the product is enabled

family (string ) Family code from which the product inherits its attributes and attributes requirements.

categories (array [string] ) • Codes of the categories in which the product is classified

groups (array [string] ) • Codes of the groups to which the product belong

parent (string ) • Code of the parent product model when the product is a variant (only available since the 2.0). This parent can be modified since the 2.3.

values (object ) • Product attributes values, see Product values section for more details

associations (object ) : {
    associationTypeCode (object ) : {
        groups (array [string] ) • Array of groups codes with which the product is in relation
        products (array [string] ) • Array of product identifiers with which the product is in relation
        product_models (array [string] ) • Array of product model codes with which the product is in relation (only available since the v2.1)

quantified_associations (object ) : {
    quantifiedAssociationTypeCode (object ) : {
        products (array [object] ) • Array of objects containing product identifiers and quantities with which the product is in relation
        product_models (array [object] ) • Array of objects containing product model codes and quantities with which the product is in relation

created (string ) • Date of creation

updated (string ) • Date of the last update

metadata (object ) : {
    workflow_status (string ) • Status of the product regarding the user permissions

quality_scores (object ) • Product quality scores for each channel/locale combination (only available since the 5.0 and when the "with_quality_scores" query parameter is set to "true")

completenesses (array [object] ) : [
          scope (string)
          locale (string)
          data (integer)



      "identifier": "top",
      "enabled": true,
      "family": "tshirt",
      "categories": [
      "groups": [],
      "parent": null,
      "values": {
        "name": [
            "data": "Top",
            "locale": "en_US",
            "scope": null,
            "attribute_type": "pim_catalog_text"
            "data": "Débardeur",
            "locale": "fr_FR",
            "scope": null,
            "attribute_type": "pim_catalog_text"
        "description": [
            "data": "Summer top",
            "locale": "en_US",
            "scope": "ecommerce",
            "attribute_type": "pim_catalog_textarea"
            "data": "Top",
            "locale": "en_US",
            "scope": "tablet",
            "attribute_type": "pim_catalog_textarea"
            "data": "Débardeur pour l'été",
            "locale": "fr_FR",
            "scope": "ecommerce",
            "attribute_type": "pim_catalog_textarea"
            "data": "Débardeur",
            "locale": "fr_FR",
            "scope": "tablet",
            "attribute_type": "pim_catalog_textarea"
        "price": [
            "locale": null,
            "scope": null,
            "data": [
                "amount": "15.5",
                "currency": "EUR"
                "amount": "15",
                "currency": "USD"
            "attribute_type": "pim_catalog_price_collection"
        "color": [
            "locale": null,
            "scope": null,
            "data": "black",
            "linked_data": {
              "attribute": "color",
              "code": "black",
              "labels": {
                "en_US": "Black",
                "fr_FR": "Noir"
            "attribute_type": "pim_catalog_simpleselect"
        "size": [
            "locale": null,
            "scope": null,
            "data": "m",
            "linked_data": {
              "attribute": "size",
              "code": "m",
              "labels": {
                "en_US": "M",
                "fr_FR": "M"
            "attribute_type": "pim_catalog_simpleselect"
        "collection": [
            "locale": null,
            "scope": null,
            "data": [
            "linked_data": {
              "winter_2016": {
                "attribute": "collection",
                "code": "winter_2016",
                "labels": {
                  "en_US": "Winter 2016",
                  "fr_FR": "Hiver 2016"
            "attribute_type": "pim_catalog_multiselect"
      "created": "2016-06-23T18:24:44+02:00",
      "updated": "2016-06-25T17:56:12+02:00",
      "associations": {
        "PACK": {
          "products": [
          "product_models": [],
          "groups": []
      "quantified_associations": {
        "PRODUCT_SET": {
          "products": [
              "identifier": "cap",
              "quantity": 2
              "identifier": "shoes",
              "quantity": 1
          "product_models": [
              "identifier": "model-biker-jacket-leather",
              "quantity": 2
      "quality_scores": [
          "scope": "ecommerce",
          "locale": "en_US",
          "data": "A"
          "scope": "ecommerce",
          "locale": "fr_FR",
          "data": "B"
          "scope": "tablet",
          "locale": "en_US",
          "data": "D"
          "scope": "tablet",
          "locale": "fr_FR",
          "data": "E"
      "completenesses": [
          "scope": "ecommerce",
          "locale": "en_US",
          "data": 10
          "scope": "ecommerce",
          "locale": "fr_FR",
          "data": 20
          "scope": "tablet",
          "locale": "en_US",
          "data": 30
          "scope": "tablet",
          "locale": "fr_FR",
          "data": 40

Authentication required

Can be caused by a missing or expired token

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 401,
      "message": "Authentication is required"

Access forbidden

The user does not have the permission to execute this request

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 403,
      "message": "Access forbidden. You are not allowed to list categories."

Resource not found

The resource code given in the URI does not correspond to any existing PIM resource

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 404,
      "message": "Resource `my_resource_code` does not exist."

Not Acceptable

The `Accept` header is not `application/json` but it should

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 406,
      "message": "‘xxx’ in ‘Accept‘ header is not valid. Only ‘application/json‘ is allowed."

Update/create a product

This endpoint allows you to update a given product. Learn more about Update behavior. Note that if no product exists for the given identifier, it creates it. In the Entreprise Edition, since the v2.0, permissions based on your user groups are applied to the product you try to update. It may result in the creation of a draft if you only have edit rights through the product's categories.

Available in PIM versions: 1.7 2.x 3.x 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 SaaS


patch /api/rest/v1/products/{code}

Path parameters

code (string) • Code of the resource

Query parameters



Authorization • Equal to 'Bearer xxx', `xxx` being the authentication token, see Authentication section

Content-type • Equal to 'application/json', no other value allowed


Follow the standard format of the entity


uuid (string ) • Product UUID

identifier (string ) • Product identifier, i.e. the value of the only `pim_catalog_identifier` attribute

enabled (boolean , true by default) • Whether the product is enabled

family (string , null only in the case of a non variant product by default) Family code from which the product inherits its attributes and attributes requirements.

categories (array [string] , [] by default) • Codes of the categories in which the product is classified

groups (array [string] , [] by default) • Codes of the groups to which the product belong

parent (string , null by default) • Code of the parent product model when the product is a variant (only available since the 2.0). This parent can be modified since the 2.3.

values (object ) • Product attributes values, see Product values section for more details

associations (object { associationTypeCode : object { groups : array [string] , products : array [string] , product_models : array [string] } } ) • Several associations related to groups, product models and/or other products, grouped by association types

quantified_associations (object { quantifiedAssociationTypeCode : object { products : array [object] , product_models : array [object] } } ) • Several quantified associations related to products and/or product models, grouped by quantified association types (only available since the 5.0)

created (string ) • Date of creation

updated (string ) • Date of the last update

metadata (object { workflow_status : string } ) • More information around the product (only available since the v2.0 in the Enterprise Edition)

quality_scores (object ) • Product quality scores for each channel/locale combination (only available since the 5.0 and when the "with_quality_scores" query parameter is set to "true")

completenesses (array [object] ) : [
            scope (string )
            locale (string )
            data (integer )



      "identifier": "top",
      "enabled": true,
      "family": "tshirt",
      "categories": [
      "groups": [],
      "parent": null,
      "values": {
        "name": [
            "data": "Top",
            "locale": "en_US",
            "scope": null,
            "attribute_type": "pim_catalog_text"
            "data": "Débardeur",
            "locale": "fr_FR",
            "scope": null,
            "attribute_type": "pim_catalog_text"
        "description": [
            "data": "Summer top",
            "locale": "en_US",
            "scope": "ecommerce",
            "attribute_type": "pim_catalog_textarea"
            "data": "Top",
            "locale": "en_US",
            "scope": "tablet",
            "attribute_type": "pim_catalog_textarea"
            "data": "Débardeur pour l'été",
            "locale": "fr_FR",
            "scope": "ecommerce",
            "attribute_type": "pim_catalog_textarea"
            "data": "Débardeur",
            "locale": "fr_FR",
            "scope": "tablet",
            "attribute_type": "pim_catalog_textarea"
        "price": [
            "locale": null,
            "scope": null,
            "data": [
                "amount": "15.5",
                "currency": "EUR"
                "amount": "15",
                "currency": "USD"
            "attribute_type": "pim_catalog_price_collection"
        "color": [
            "locale": null,
            "scope": null,
            "data": "black",
            "linked_data": {
              "attribute": "color",
              "code": "black",
              "labels": {
                "en_US": "Black",
                "fr_FR": "Noir"
            "attribute_type": "pim_catalog_simpleselect"
        "size": [
            "locale": null,
            "scope": null,
            "data": "m",
            "linked_data": {
              "attribute": "size",
              "code": "m",
              "labels": {
                "en_US": "M",
                "fr_FR": "M"
            "attribute_type": "pim_catalog_simpleselect"
        "collection": [
            "locale": null,
            "scope": null,
            "data": [
            "linked_data": {
              "winter_2016": {
                "attribute": "collection",
                "code": "winter_2016",
                "labels": {
                  "en_US": "Winter 2016",
                  "fr_FR": "Hiver 2016"
            "attribute_type": "pim_catalog_multiselect"
      "created": "2016-06-23T18:24:44+02:00",
      "updated": "2016-06-25T17:56:12+02:00",
      "associations": {
        "PACK": {
          "products": [
          "product_models": [],
          "groups": []
      "quantified_associations": {
        "PRODUCT_SET": {
          "products": [
              "identifier": "cap",
              "quantity": 2
              "identifier": "shoes",
              "quantity": 1
          "product_models": [
              "identifier": "model-biker-jacket-leather",
              "quantity": 2
      "quality_scores": [
          "scope": "ecommerce",
          "locale": "en_US",
          "data": "A"
          "scope": "ecommerce",
          "locale": "fr_FR",
          "data": "B"
          "scope": "tablet",
          "locale": "en_US",
          "data": "D"
          "scope": "tablet",
          "locale": "fr_FR",
          "data": "E"
      "completenesses": [
          "scope": "ecommerce",
          "locale": "en_US",
          "data": 10
          "scope": "ecommerce",
          "locale": "fr_FR",
          "data": 20
          "scope": "tablet",
          "locale": "en_US",
          "data": 30
          "scope": "tablet",
          "locale": "fr_FR",
          "data": 40



Means that the creation was successful


Location • URI of the created resource

Body Format application/json


No content to return

Means that the update was successful


Location • URI of the updated resource

Body Format application/json


Authentication required

Can be caused by a missing or expired token

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 401,
      "message": "Authentication is required"

Access forbidden

The user does not have the permission to execute this request

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 403,
      "message": "Access forbidden. You are not allowed to list categories."

Unsupported Media type

The `Content-type` header has to be `application/json`

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 415,
      "message": "‘xxx’ in ‘Content-type’ header is not valid.  Only ‘application/json’ is allowed."

Unprocessable entity

The validation of the entity given in the body of the request failed

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 422,
      "message": "Property \"labels\" expects an array as data, \"NULL\" given. Check the API reference documentation.",
      "_links": {
        "documentation": {
          "href": ""

Delete a product

This endpoint allows you to delete a given product. In the Enterprise Edition, since the 2.0, permissions based on your user groups are applied to the product you try to delete.

Available in PIM versions: 1.7 2.x 3.x 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 SaaS


delete /api/rest/v1/products/{code}

Path parameters

code (string) • Code of the resource

Query parameters



Authorization • Equal to 'Bearer xxx', `xxx` being the authentication token, see Authentication section

Accept • Equal to 'application/json', no other value allowed




No content to return

Means that the deletion was successful

Body Format application/json


Authentication required

Can be caused by a missing or expired token

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 401,
      "message": "Authentication is required"

Access forbidden

The user does not have the permission to execute this request

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 403,
      "message": "Access forbidden. You are not allowed to list categories."

Resource not found

The resource code given in the URI does not correspond to any existing PIM resource

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 404,
      "message": "Resource `my_resource_code` does not exist."

Submit a draft for approval  EE only

This endpoint allows you to submit a draft for approval.

Available in PIM versions: 2.x 3.x 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 SaaS


post /api/rest/v1/products/{code}/proposal

Path parameters

code (string) • Code of the resource

Query parameters



Authorization • Equal to 'Bearer xxx', `xxx` being the authentication token, see Authentication section

Accept • Equal to 'application/json', no other value allowed





Means that the draft submission was successful


Location • URI of the created resource

Body Format application/json


Authentication required

Can be caused by a missing or expired token

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 401,
      "message": "Authentication is required"

Access forbidden

The user does not have the permission to execute this request

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 403,
      "message": "Access forbidden. You are not allowed to list categories."

Unsupported Media type

The `Content-type` header has to be `application/json`

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 415,
      "message": "‘xxx’ in ‘Content-type’ header is not valid.  Only ‘application/json’ is allowed."

Unprocessable entity

The validation of the entity given in the body of the request failed

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 422,
      "message": "Property \"labels\" expects an array as data, \"NULL\" given. Check the API reference documentation.",
      "_links": {
        "documentation": {
          "href": ""

Get a draft  EE only

This endpoint allows you to get the information about a given draft.

Available in PIM versions: 2.x 3.x 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 SaaS


get /api/rest/v1/products/{code}/draft

Path parameters

code (string) • Code of the resource

Query parameters



Authorization • Equal to 'Bearer xxx', `xxx` being the authentication token, see Authentication section

Accept • Equal to 'application/json', no other value allowed





Returns the content of the draft in JSON standard format

Body Format application/json

Follow the standard format of the entity


uuid (string ) • Product UUID

identifier (string ) • Product identifier, i.e. the value of the only `pim_catalog_identifier` attribute

enabled (boolean ) • Whether the product is enabled

family (string ) Family code from which the product inherits its attributes and attributes requirements.

categories (array [string] ) • Codes of the categories in which the product is classified

groups (array [string] ) • Codes of the groups to which the product belong

parent (string ) • Code of the parent product model when the product is a variant (only available since the 2.0). This parent can be modified since the 2.3.

values (object ) • Product attributes values, see Product values section for more details

associations (object ) : {
    associationTypeCode (object ) : {
        groups (array [string] ) • Array of groups codes with which the product is in relation
        products (array [string] ) • Array of product identifiers with which the product is in relation
        product_models (array [string] ) • Array of product model codes with which the product is in relation (only available since the v2.1)

quantified_associations (object ) : {
    quantifiedAssociationTypeCode (object ) : {
        products (array [object] ) • Array of objects containing product identifiers and quantities with which the product is in relation
        product_models (array [object] ) • Array of objects containing product model codes and quantities with which the product is in relation

created (string ) • Date of creation

updated (string ) • Date of the last update

metadata (object ) : {
    workflow_status (string ) • Status of the product regarding the user permissions

quality_scores (object ) • Product quality scores for each channel/locale combination (only available since the 5.0 and when the "with_quality_scores" query parameter is set to "true")

completenesses (array [object] ) : [
          scope (string)
          locale (string)
          data (integer)



      "identifier": "top",
      "enabled": true,
      "family": "tshirt",
      "categories": [
      "groups": [],
      "parent": null,
      "values": {
        "name": [
            "data": "Top",
            "locale": "en_US",
            "scope": null,
            "attribute_type": "pim_catalog_text"
            "data": "Débardeur",
            "locale": "fr_FR",
            "scope": null,
            "attribute_type": "pim_catalog_text"
        "description": [
            "data": "Summer top",
            "locale": "en_US",
            "scope": "ecommerce",
            "attribute_type": "pim_catalog_textarea"
            "data": "Top",
            "locale": "en_US",
            "scope": "tablet",
            "attribute_type": "pim_catalog_textarea"
            "data": "Débardeur pour l'été",
            "locale": "fr_FR",
            "scope": "ecommerce",
            "attribute_type": "pim_catalog_textarea"
            "data": "Débardeur",
            "locale": "fr_FR",
            "scope": "tablet",
            "attribute_type": "pim_catalog_textarea"
        "price": [
            "locale": null,
            "scope": null,
            "data": [
                "amount": "15.5",
                "currency": "EUR"
                "amount": "15",
                "currency": "USD"
            "attribute_type": "pim_catalog_price_collection"
        "color": [
            "locale": null,
            "scope": null,
            "data": "black",
            "linked_data": {
              "attribute": "color",
              "code": "black",
              "labels": {
                "en_US": "Black",
                "fr_FR": "Noir"
            "attribute_type": "pim_catalog_simpleselect"
        "size": [
            "locale": null,
            "scope": null,
            "data": "m",
            "linked_data": {
              "attribute": "size",
              "code": "m",
              "labels": {
                "en_US": "M",
                "fr_FR": "M"
            "attribute_type": "pim_catalog_simpleselect"
        "collection": [
            "locale": null,
            "scope": null,
            "data": [
            "linked_data": {
              "winter_2016": {
                "attribute": "collection",
                "code": "winter_2016",
                "labels": {
                  "en_US": "Winter 2016",
                  "fr_FR": "Hiver 2016"
            "attribute_type": "pim_catalog_multiselect"
      "created": "2016-06-23T18:24:44+02:00",
      "updated": "2016-06-25T17:56:12+02:00",
      "associations": {
        "PACK": {
          "products": [
          "product_models": [],
          "groups": []
      "quantified_associations": {
        "PRODUCT_SET": {
          "products": [
              "identifier": "cap",
              "quantity": 2
              "identifier": "shoes",
              "quantity": 1
          "product_models": [
              "identifier": "model-biker-jacket-leather",
              "quantity": 2
      "quality_scores": [
          "scope": "ecommerce",
          "locale": "en_US",
          "data": "A"
          "scope": "ecommerce",
          "locale": "fr_FR",
          "data": "B"
          "scope": "tablet",
          "locale": "en_US",
          "data": "D"
          "scope": "tablet",
          "locale": "fr_FR",
          "data": "E"
      "completenesses": [
          "scope": "ecommerce",
          "locale": "en_US",
          "data": 10
          "scope": "ecommerce",
          "locale": "fr_FR",
          "data": 20
          "scope": "tablet",
          "locale": "en_US",
          "data": 30
          "scope": "tablet",
          "locale": "fr_FR",
          "data": 40

Authentication required

Can be caused by a missing or expired token

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 401,
      "message": "Authentication is required"

Access forbidden

The user does not have the permission to execute this request

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 403,
      "message": "Access forbidden. You are not allowed to list categories."

Resource not found

The resource code given in the URI does not correspond to any existing PIM resource

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 404,
      "message": "Resource `my_resource_code` does not exist."

Not Acceptable

The `Accept` header is not `application/json` but it should

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 406,
      "message": "‘xxx’ in ‘Accept‘ header is not valid. Only ‘application/json‘ is allowed."

Product model

Get list of product models

This endpoint allows you to get a list of product models. Product models are paginated. In the Enterprise Edition, since the 2.0, permissions based on your user groups are applied to the set of products you request.

Available in PIM versions: 2.x 3.x 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 SaaS


get /api/rest/v1/product-models

Path parameters


Query parameters

search (string ) • Filter product models, for more details see the Filters section

scope (string ) • Filter product values to return scopable attributes for the given channel as well as the non localizable/non scopable attributes, for more details see the Filter product values via channel section

locales (string ) • Filter product values to return localizable attributes for the given locales as well as the non localizable/non scopable attributes, for more details see the Filter product values via locale section

attributes (string ) • Filter product values to only return those concerning the given attributes, for more details see the Filter on product values section and the Filter on product model properties section

pagination_type (string , page by default ) • Pagination method type, see Pagination section

page (integer , 1 by default ) • Number of the page to retrieve when using the `page` pagination method type. Should never be set manually, see Pagination section

search_after (string , cursor to the first page by default ) • Cursor when using the `search_after` pagination method type. Should never be set manually, see Pagination section

limit (integer , 10 by default ) • Number of results by page, see Pagination section

with_count (boolean ) • Return the count of items in the response. Be carefull with that, on a big catalog, it can decrease performance in a significative way

with_attribute_options (boolean ) • Return labels of attribute options in the response. (Only available on SaaS platforms)

with_asset_share_links (boolean ) • Return asset collection share link urls in the response. See the `linked_data` format section for more details. (Only available in the SaaS version)

with_quality_scores (boolean ) • Return product model quality scores in the response. (Only available since the 6.0 version)


Authorization • Equal to 'Bearer xxx', `xxx` being the authentication token, see Authentication section

Accept • Equal to 'application/json', no other value allowed




Return product models paginated

Body Format application/json

Follow the standard format of the entity


_links (object) : {
    self (object ) : {
        href (string ) • URI of the current page of resources
    first (object ) : {
        href (string ) • URI of the first page of resources
    previous (object ) : {
        href (string ) • URI of the previous page of resources
    next (object ) : {
        href (string ) • URI of the next page of resources

current_page (integer) • Current page number

_embedded (object) : {
    items (array ) : [
          _links (object) : {
              self (object) : {
                  href (string ) • URI of the resource
          code (string) • Product model code
          family (string)Family code from which the product inherits its attributes and attributes requirements (since the 3.2)
          family_variant (string) • Family variant code from which the product model inherits its attributes and variant attributes
          parent (string) • Code of the parent product model. This parent can be modified since the 2.3.
          categories (array [string ]) • Codes of the categories in which the product model is categorized
          values (object) • Product model attributes values, see Product values section for more details
          associations (object) : {
              associationTypeCode (object) : {
                  groups (array [string ] ) • Array of groups codes with which the product is in relation
                  products (array [string ] ) • Array of product identifiers with which the product is in relation
                  product_models (array [string ] ) • Array of product model codes with which the product is in relation (only available since the v2.1)
          quantified_associations (object) : {
              quantifiedAssociationTypeCode (object) : {
                  products (array [object ] ) • Array of objects containing product identifiers and quantities with which the product model is in relation
                  product_models (array [object ] ) • Array of objects containing product model codes and quantities with which the product model is in relation
          created (string) • Date of creation
          updated (string) • Date of the last update
          metadata (object) : {
              workflow_status (string) • Status of the product model regarding the user permissions
          quality_scores (object) • Product model quality scores for each channel/locale combination (only available since the 7.0 version and when the "with_quality_scores" query parameter is set to "true")



      "_links": {
        "self": {
          "href": ""
        "first": {
          "href": ""
        "next": {
          "href": ""
      "_embedded": {
        "items": [
            "_links": {
              "self": {
                "href": ""
            "code": "amarisshoe",
            "family": "shoes",
            "family_variant": "shoes_VariantA1",
            "parent": null,
            "categories": [
            "values": {
              "price": [
                  "locale": null,
                  "scope": null,
                  "data": [
                      "amount": "50.00",
                      "currency": "EUR"
              "description": [
                  "locale": "en_US",
                  "scope": "ecommerce",
                  "data": "I like shoes!"
            "associations": {
              "PACK": {
                "products": [
                "product_models": [],
                "groups": []
            "quantified_associations": {
              "PRODUCT_SET": {
                "products": [
                    "identifier": "cap",
                    "quantity": 2
                    "identifier": "shoes",
                    "quantity": 1
                "product_models": [
                    "identifier": "model-biker-jacket-leather",
                    "quantity": 2
            "quality_scores": [
                "scope": "ecommerce",
                "locale": "en_US",
                "data": "A"
                "scope": "ecommerce",
                "locale": "fr_FR",
                "data": "B"
                "scope": "tablet",
                "locale": "en_US",
                "data": "D"
                "scope": "tablet",
                "locale": "fr_FR",
                "data": "E"
            "created": "2017-10-04T18:04:10+02:00",
            "updated": "2017-10-04T18:04:10+02:00"
            "_links": {
              "self": {
                "href": ""
            "code": "Abiloitshirt",
            "family": "clothing",
            "family_variant": "clothing_VariantA1",
            "parent": null,
            "categories": [
            "values": {
              "price": [
                  "locale": null,
                  "scope": null,
                  "data": [
                      "amount": "50.00",
                      "currency": "EUR"
              "description": [
                  "locale": "en_US",
                  "scope": "ecommerce",
                  "data": "I like tshirt!"
            "associations": {
              "PACK": {
                "products": [
                "product_models": [],
                "groups": []
            "quantified_associations": {
              "PRODUCT_SET": {
                "products": [
                    "identifier": "cap",
                    "quantity": 2
                "product_models": []
            "quality_scores": [
                "scope": "ecommerce",
                "locale": "en_US",
                "data": "A"
                "scope": "ecommerce",
                "locale": "fr_FR",
                "data": "B"
                "scope": "tablet",
                "locale": "en_US",
                "data": "D"
                "scope": "tablet",
                "locale": "fr_FR",
                "data": "E"
            "created": "2017-10-04T18:04:10+02:00",
            "updated": "2017-10-04T18:04:10+02:00"
            "_links": {
              "self": {
                "href": ""
            "code": "Astertrousers",
            "family": "clothing",
            "family_variant": "clothing_VariantA1",
            "parent": null,
            "categories": [
            "values": {
              "price": [
                  "locale": null,
                  "scope": null,
                  "data": [
                      "amount": "50.00",
                      "currency": "EUR"
              "description": [
                  "locale": "en_US",
                  "scope": "ecommerce",
                  "data": "I like trousers!"
            "associations": {
              "PACK": {
                "products": [
                "product_models": [],
                "groups": []
            "quantified_associations": {},
            "created": "2017-10-04T18:04:10+02:00",
            "updated": "2017-10-04T18:04:10+02:00"

Authentication required

Can be caused by a missing or expired token

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 401,
      "message": "Authentication is required"

Not Acceptable

The `Accept` header is not `application/json` but it should

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 406,
      "message": "‘xxx’ in ‘Accept‘ header is not valid. Only ‘application/json‘ is allowed."

Unprocessable entity

The validation of the entity given in the body of the request failed

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 422,
      "message": "Property \"labels\" expects an array as data, \"NULL\" given. Check the API reference documentation.",
      "_links": {
        "documentation": {
          "href": ""

Create a new product model

This endpoint allows you to create a new product model. In the Enterprise Edition, since the v2.3, permissions based on your user groups are applied to the product model you try to create.

Available in PIM versions: 2.x 3.x 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 SaaS


post /api/rest/v1/product-models

Path parameters


Query parameters



Authorization • Equal to 'Bearer xxx', `xxx` being the authentication token, see Authentication section

Content-type • Equal to 'application/json', no other value allowed


Follow the standard format of the entity


code (string ) • Product model code

family (string ) Family code from which the product inherits its attributes and attributes requirements (since the 3.2)

family_variant (string ) • Family variant code from which the product model inherits its attributes and variant attributes

parent (string , null by default) • Code of the parent product model. This parent can be modified since the 2.3.

categories (array [string] , [] by default) • Codes of the categories in which the product model is categorized

values (object ) • Product model attributes values, see Product values section for more details

associations (object { associationTypeCode : object { groups : array [string] , products : array [string] , product_models : array [string] } } ) • Several associations related to groups, product and/or other product models, grouped by association types

quantified_associations (object { quantifiedAssociationTypeCode : object { products : array [object] , product_models : array [object] } } ) • Several quantified associations related to products and/or product models, grouped by quantified association types (only available since the 5.0)



      "code": "model-biker-jacket-leather",
      "family": "clothing",
      "family_variant": "clothing_material_size",
      "parent": "model-biker-jacket",
      "categories": [
      "values": {
        "color": [
            "locale": null,
            "scope": null,
            "data": "antique_white"
        "material": [
            "locale": null,
            "scope": null,
            "data": "leather"
        "variation_name": [
            "locale": "en_US",
            "scope": null,
            "data": "Biker jacket leather"
        "name": [
            "locale": "en_US",
            "scope": null,
            "data": "Biker jacket"
        "collection": [
            "locale": null,
            "scope": null,
            "data": [
        "description": [
            "locale": "en_US",
            "scope": "ecommerce",
            "data": "Biker jacket"
      "associations": {
        "PACK": {
          "products": [
          "product_models": [],
          "groups": []
      "quantified_associations": {
        "PRODUCT_SET": {
          "products": [
              "identifier": "top",
              "quantity": 2
              "identifier": "cap",
              "quantity": 1
          "product_models": [
              "code": "model-biker-jacket-leather",
              "quantity": 2



Means that the creation was successful


Location • URI of the created resource

Body Format application/json


Bad request

Can be caused by a malformed JSON request

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 400,
      "message": "Invalid JSON message received"

Authentication required

Can be caused by a missing or expired token

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 401,
      "message": "Authentication is required"

Unsupported Media type

The `Content-type` header has to be `application/json`

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 415,
      "message": "‘xxx’ in ‘Content-type’ header is not valid.  Only ‘application/json’ is allowed."

Unprocessable entity

The validation of the entity given in the body of the request failed

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 422,
      "message": "Property \"labels\" expects an array as data, \"NULL\" given. Check the API reference documentation.",
      "_links": {
        "documentation": {
          "href": ""

Update/create several product models

This endpoint allows you to update and/or create several product models at once. Learn more about Update behavior. Note that if no product models exists for the given code, it creates it. In the Enterprise Edition, since the v2.3, permissions based on your user groups are applied to the product models you try to update. It may result in the creation of drafts if you only have edit rights through the product model's categories.

Available in PIM versions: 2.x 3.x 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 SaaS


patch /api/rest/v1/product-models

Path parameters


Query parameters



Authorization • Equal to 'Bearer xxx', `xxx` being the authentication token, see Authentication section

Content-type • Equal to 'application/vnd.akeneo.collection+json', no other value allowed


Contains several lines, each line is a product model in JSON standard format


code (string ) • Product model code

family (string ) Family code from which the product inherits its attributes and attributes requirements (since the 3.2)

family_variant (string ) • Family variant code from which the product model inherits its attributes and variant attributes

parent (string , null by default) • Code of the parent product model. This parent can be modified since the 2.3.

categories (array [string] , [] by default) • Codes of the categories in which the product model is categorized

values (object ) • Product model attributes values, see Product values section for more details

associations (object { associationTypeCode : object { groups : array [string] , products : array [string] , product_models : array [string] } } ) • Several associations related to groups, product and/or other product models, grouped by association types

quantified_associations (object { quantifiedAssociationTypeCode : object { products : array [object] , product_models : array [object] } } ) • Several quantified associations related to products and/or product models, grouped by quantified association types (only available since the 5.0)

created (string ) • Date of creation

updated (string ) • Date of the last update

metadata (object { workflow_status : string } ) • More information around the product model (only available since the v2.3 in the Enterprise Edition)

quality_scores (object ) • Product model quality scores for each channel/locale combination (only available since the 7.0 version and when the "with_quality_scores" query parameter is set to "true")



{"code": "sub_sweat_option_a", "parent": "sweat", "values": {"a_simple_select": [{"locale": null, "scope": null, "data": "optionA"}]}}
    {"code": "sub_sweat_option_b", "parent": "sweat", "values": {"a_simple_select": [{"locale": null, "scope": null, "data": "optionA"}]}}
    {"code":"tshirt", "parent": "root_tshirt", "family_variant":"clothesvariant","values":{"description":[{"scope":"ecommerce","locale":"en_US","data":"My amazing tshirt"}]}}



Returns a plain text response whose lines are JSON containing the status of each update or creation

Body Format application/json


line (integer ) • Line number

identifier (string ) • Resource identifier, only filled when the resource is a product

code (string ) • Resource code, only filled when the resource is not a product

status_code (integer ) • HTTP status code, see Client errors to understand the meaning of each code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



    {"line":2,"code":"sub_sweat_option_b","status_code":422,"message":"Validation failed.","errors":[{"property":"attribute","message":"Cannot set value \"Option A\" for the attribute axis \"a_simple_select\", as another sibling entity already has this value"}]}

Authentication required

Can be caused by a missing or expired token

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 401,
      "message": "Authentication is required"

Access forbidden

The user does not have the permission to execute this request

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 403,
      "message": "Access forbidden. You are not allowed to list categories."

Request Entity Too Large

There are too many resources to process (max 100) or the line of JSON is too long (max 1 000 000 characters)

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 413,
      "message": "Too many resources to process, 100 is the maximum allowed."

Unsupported Media type

The `Content-type` header has to be `application/vnd.akeneo.collection+json`

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 415,
      "message": "‘xxx’ in ‘Content-type’ header is not valid.  Only ‘application/vnd.akeneo.collection+json’ is allowed."

Get a product model

This endpoint allows you to get the information about a given product model. In the Entreprise Edition, since the v2.0, permissions based on your user groups are applied to the product model you request.

Available in PIM versions: 2.x 3.x 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 SaaS


get /api/rest/v1/product-models/{code}

Path parameters

code (string) • Code of the resource

Query parameters

with_asset_share_links (boolean ) • Return asset collection share link urls in the response. See the `linked_data` format section for more details. (Only available in the SaaS version)

with_quality_scores (boolean ) • Return product model quality scores in the response. (Only available since the 6.0 version)


Authorization • Equal to 'Bearer xxx', `xxx` being the authentication token, see Authentication section

Accept • Equal to 'application/json', no other value allowed





Returns the content of the product model in JSON standard format.

Body Format application/json

Follow the standard format of the entity


code (string ) • Product model code

family (string ) Family code from which the product inherits its attributes and attributes requirements (since the 3.2)

family_variant (string ) • Family variant code from which the product model inherits its attributes and variant attributes

parent (string ) • Code of the parent product model. This parent can be modified since the 2.3.

categories (array [string] ) • Codes of the categories in which the product model is categorized

values (object ) • Product model attributes values, see Product values section for more details

associations (object ) : {
    associationTypeCode (object ) : {
        groups (array [string] ) • Array of groups codes with which the product is in relation
        products (array [string] ) • Array of product identifiers with which the product is in relation
        product_models (array [string] ) • Array of product model codes with which the product is in relation (only available since the v2.1)

quantified_associations (object ) : {
    quantifiedAssociationTypeCode (object ) : {
        products (array [object] ) • Array of objects containing product identifiers and quantities with which the product model is in relation
        product_models (array [object] ) • Array of objects containing product model codes and quantities with which the product model is in relation

created (string ) • Date of creation

updated (string ) • Date of the last update

metadata (object ) : {
    workflow_status (string ) • Status of the product model regarding the user permissions

quality_scores (object ) • Product model quality scores for each channel/locale combination (only available since the 7.0 version and when the "with_quality_scores" query parameter is set to "true")



      "code": "model-biker-jacket-leather",
      "family": "clothing",
      "family_variant": "clothing_material_size",
      "parent": "model-biker-jacket",
      "categories": [
      "values": {
        "color": [
            "locale": null,
            "scope": null,
            "data": "antique_white"
        "material": [
            "locale": null,
            "scope": null,
            "data": "leather"
        "variation_name": [
            "locale": "en_US",
            "scope": null,
            "data": "Biker jacket leather"
        "name": [
            "locale": "en_US",
            "scope": null,
            "data": "Biker jacket"
        "collection": [
            "locale": null,
            "scope": null,
            "data": [
        "description": [
            "locale": "en_US",
            "scope": "ecommerce",
            "data": "Biker jacket"
      "associations": {
        "PACK": {
          "products": [
          "product_models": [],
          "groups": []
      "quantified_associations": {
        "PRODUCT_SET": {
          "products": [
              "identifier": "top",
              "quantity": 2
              "identifier": "cap",
              "quantity": 1
          "product_models": [
              "code": "model-biker-jacket-leather",
              "quantity": 2
      "quality_scores": [
          "scope": "ecommerce",
          "locale": "en_US",
          "data": "A"
          "scope": "ecommerce",
          "locale": "fr_FR",
          "data": "B"
          "scope": "tablet",
          "locale": "en_US",
          "data": "D"
          "scope": "tablet",
          "locale": "fr_FR",
          "data": "E"
      "created": "2017-10-02T15:03:55+02:00",
      "updated": "2017-10-02T15:03:55+02:00"

Authentication required

Can be caused by a missing or expired token

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 401,
      "message": "Authentication is required"

Resource not found

The resource code given in the URI does not correspond to any existing PIM resource

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 404,
      "message": "Resource `my_resource_code` does not exist."

Not Acceptable

The `Accept` header is not `application/json` but it should

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 406,
      "message": "‘xxx’ in ‘Accept‘ header is not valid. Only ‘application/json‘ is allowed."

Update/create a product model

This endpoint allows you to update a given product model. Learn more about Update behavior. Note that if no product model exists for the given code, it creates it. In the Enterprise Edition PIM since the 2.3, permissions based on your user groups are applied to the product model you try to update. It may result in the creation of a draft if you only have edit rights through the product model's categories.

Available in PIM versions: 2.x 3.x 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 SaaS


patch /api/rest/v1/product-models/{code}

Path parameters

code (string) • Code of the resource

Query parameters



Authorization • Equal to 'Bearer xxx', `xxx` being the authentication token, see Authentication section

Content-type • Equal to 'application/json', no other value allowed


Follow the standard format of the entity


code (string ) • Product model code

family (string ) Family code from which the product inherits its attributes and attributes requirements (since the 3.2)

family_variant (string ) • Family variant code from which the product model inherits its attributes and variant attributes

parent (string , null by default) • Code of the parent product model. This parent can be modified since the 2.3.

categories (array [string] , [] by default) • Codes of the categories in which the product model is categorized

values (object ) • Product model attributes values, see Product values section for more details

associations (object { associationTypeCode : object { groups : array [string] , products : array [string] , product_models : array [string] } } ) • Several associations related to groups, product and/or other product models, grouped by association types

quantified_associations (object { quantifiedAssociationTypeCode : object { products : array [object] , product_models : array [object] } } ) • Several quantified associations related to products and/or product models, grouped by quantified association types (only available since the 5.0)

created (string ) • Date of creation

updated (string ) • Date of the last update

metadata (object { workflow_status : string } ) • More information around the product model (only available since the v2.3 in the Enterprise Edition)

quality_scores (object ) • Product model quality scores for each channel/locale combination (only available since the 7.0 version and when the "with_quality_scores" query parameter is set to "true")



      "code": "model-biker-jacket-leather",
      "family": "clothing",
      "family_variant": "clothing_material_size",
      "parent": "model-biker-jacket",
      "categories": [
      "values": {
        "color": [
            "locale": null,
            "scope": null,
            "data": "antique_white"
        "material": [
            "locale": null,
            "scope": null,
            "data": "leather"
        "variation_name": [
            "locale": "en_US",
            "scope": null,
            "data": "Biker jacket leather"
        "name": [
            "locale": "en_US",
            "scope": null,
            "data": "Biker jacket"
        "collection": [
            "locale": null,
            "scope": null,
            "data": [
        "description": [
            "locale": "en_US",
            "scope": "ecommerce",
            "data": "Biker jacket"
      "associations": {
        "PACK": {
          "products": [
          "product_models": [],
          "groups": []
      "quantified_associations": {
        "PRODUCT_SET": {
          "products": [
              "identifier": "top",
              "quantity": 2
              "identifier": "cap",
              "quantity": 1
          "product_models": [
              "code": "model-biker-jacket-leather",
              "quantity": 2
      "quality_scores": [
          "scope": "ecommerce",
          "locale": "en_US",
          "data": "A"
          "scope": "ecommerce",
          "locale": "fr_FR",
          "data": "B"
          "scope": "tablet",
          "locale": "en_US",
          "data": "D"
          "scope": "tablet",
          "locale": "fr_FR",
          "data": "E"
      "created": "2017-10-02T15:03:55+02:00",
      "updated": "2017-10-02T15:03:55+02:00"



Means that the creation was successful


Location • URI of the created resource

Body Format application/json


No content to return

Means that the update was successful


Location • URI of the updated resource

Body Format application/json


Authentication required

Can be caused by a missing or expired token

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 401,
      "message": "Authentication is required"

Unsupported Media type

The `Content-type` header has to be `application/json`

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 415,
      "message": "‘xxx’ in ‘Content-type’ header is not valid.  Only ‘application/json’ is allowed."

Unprocessable entity

The validation of the entity given in the body of the request failed

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 422,
      "message": "Property \"labels\" expects an array as data, \"NULL\" given. Check the API reference documentation.",
      "_links": {
        "documentation": {
          "href": ""

Delete a product model

This endpoint allows you to delete a given product model. All its children, product models and variant products, will be also deleted. In the Enterprise Edition, the permissions based on your connection user group are applied to the product model you try to delete.

Available in PIM versions: 6.0 7.0 SaaS


delete /api/rest/v1/product-models/{code}

Path parameters

code (string) • Code of the resource

Query parameters



Authorization • Equal to 'Bearer xxx', `xxx` being the authentication token, see Authentication section

Accept • Equal to 'application/json', no other value allowed




No content to return

Means that the deletion was successful

Body Format application/json


Authentication required

Can be caused by a missing or expired token

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 401,
      "message": "Authentication is required"

Access forbidden

The user does not have the permission to execute this request

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 403,
      "message": "Access forbidden. You are not allowed to list categories."

Resource not found

The resource code given in the URI does not correspond to any existing PIM resource

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 404,
      "message": "Resource `my_resource_code` does not exist."

Submit a draft for approval  EE only

This endpoint allows you to submit a product model draft for approval.

Available in PIM versions: 2.3 3.x 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 SaaS


post /api/rest/v1/product-models/{code}/proposal

Path parameters

code (string) • Code of the resource

Query parameters



Authorization • Equal to 'Bearer xxx', `xxx` being the authentication token, see Authentication section

Accept • Equal to 'application/json', no other value allowed





Means that the draft submission was successful


Location • URI of the created resource

Body Format application/json


Authentication required

Can be caused by a missing or expired token

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 401,
      "message": "Authentication is required"

Access forbidden

The user does not have the permission to execute this request

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 403,
      "message": "Access forbidden. You are not allowed to list categories."

Unsupported Media type

The `Content-type` header has to be `application/json`

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 415,
      "message": "‘xxx’ in ‘Content-type’ header is not valid.  Only ‘application/json’ is allowed."

Unprocessable entity

The validation of the entity given in the body of the request failed

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 422,
      "message": "Property \"labels\" expects an array as data, \"NULL\" given. Check the API reference documentation.",
      "_links": {
        "documentation": {
          "href": ""

Get a draft  EE only

This endpoint allows you to get the information about a given product model draft.

Available in PIM versions: 2.3 3.x 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 SaaS


get /api/rest/v1/product-models/{code}/draft

Path parameters

code (string) • Code of the resource

Query parameters



Authorization • Equal to 'Bearer xxx', `xxx` being the authentication token, see Authentication section

Accept • Equal to 'application/json', no other value allowed





Returns the content of the draft in JSON standard format

Body Format application/json

Follow the standard format of the entity


code (string ) • Product model code

family (string ) Family code from which the product inherits its attributes and attributes requirements (since the 3.2)

family_variant (string ) • Family variant code from which the product model inherits its attributes and variant attributes

parent (string ) • Code of the parent product model. This parent can be modified since the 2.3.

categories (array [string] ) • Codes of the categories in which the product model is categorized

values (object ) • Product model attributes values, see Product values section for more details

associations (object ) : {
    associationTypeCode (object ) : {
        groups (array [string] ) • Array of groups codes with which the product is in relation
        products (array [string] ) • Array of product identifiers with which the product is in relation
        product_models (array [string] ) • Array of product model codes with which the product is in relation (only available since the v2.1)

quantified_associations (object ) : {
    quantifiedAssociationTypeCode (object ) : {
        products (array [object] ) • Array of objects containing product identifiers and quantities with which the product model is in relation
        product_models (array [object] ) • Array of objects containing product model codes and quantities with which the product model is in relation

created (string ) • Date of creation

updated (string ) • Date of the last update

metadata (object ) : {
    workflow_status (string ) • Status of the product model regarding the user permissions

quality_scores (object ) • Product model quality scores for each channel/locale combination (only available since the 7.0 version and when the "with_quality_scores" query parameter is set to "true")



      "code": "model-biker-jacket-leather",
      "family": "clothing",
      "family_variant": "clothing_material_size",
      "parent": "model-biker-jacket",
      "categories": [
      "values": {
        "color": [
            "locale": null,
            "scope": null,
            "data": "antique_white"
        "material": [
            "locale": null,
            "scope": null,
            "data": "leather"
        "variation_name": [
            "locale": "en_US",
            "scope": null,
            "data": "Biker jacket leather"
        "name": [
            "locale": "en_US",
            "scope": null,
            "data": "Biker jacket"
        "collection": [
            "locale": null,
            "scope": null,
            "data": [
        "description": [
            "locale": "en_US",
            "scope": "ecommerce",
            "data": "Biker jacket"
      "associations": {
        "PACK": {
          "products": [
          "product_models": [],
          "groups": []
      "quantified_associations": {
        "PRODUCT_SET": {
          "products": [
              "identifier": "top",
              "quantity": 2
              "identifier": "cap",
              "quantity": 1
          "product_models": [
              "code": "model-biker-jacket-leather",
              "quantity": 2
      "quality_scores": [
          "scope": "ecommerce",
          "locale": "en_US",
          "data": "A"
          "scope": "ecommerce",
          "locale": "fr_FR",
          "data": "B"
          "scope": "tablet",
          "locale": "en_US",
          "data": "D"
          "scope": "tablet",
          "locale": "fr_FR",
          "data": "E"
      "created": "2017-10-02T15:03:55+02:00",
      "updated": "2017-10-02T15:03:55+02:00"

Authentication required

Can be caused by a missing or expired token

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 401,
      "message": "Authentication is required"

Access forbidden

The user does not have the permission to execute this request

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 403,
      "message": "Access forbidden. You are not allowed to list categories."

Resource not found

The resource code given in the URI does not correspond to any existing PIM resource

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 404,
      "message": "Resource `my_resource_code` does not exist."

Not Acceptable

The `Accept` header is not `application/json` but it should

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 406,
      "message": "‘xxx’ in ‘Accept‘ header is not valid. Only ‘application/json‘ is allowed."

Product media file

Get a list of product media files

This endpoint allows you to get a list of media files that are used as attribute values in products or product models.

Available in PIM versions: 1.7 2.x 3.x 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 SaaS


get /api/rest/v1/media-files

Path parameters


Query parameters

page (integer , 1 by default ) • Number of the page to retrieve when using the `page` pagination method type. Should never be set manually, see Pagination section

limit (integer , 10 by default ) • Number of results by page, see Pagination section

with_count (boolean ) • Return the count of items in the response. Be carefull with that, on a big catalog, it can decrease performance in a significative way


Authorization • Equal to 'Bearer xxx', `xxx` being the authentication token, see Authentication section

Accept • Equal to 'application/json', no other value allowed




Return media files paginated

Body Format application/json

Follow the standard format of the entity


_links (object) : {
    self (object ) : {
        href (string ) • URI of the current page of resources
    first (object ) : {
        href (string ) • URI of the first page of resources
    previous (object ) : {
        href (string ) • URI of the previous page of resources
    next (object ) : {
        href (string ) • URI of the next page of resources

current_page (integer) • Current page number

_embedded (object) : {
    items (array ) : [
          _links (object) : {
              self (object) : {
                  href (string ) • URI to get the metadata of the media file
              download (object) : {
                  href (string ) • URI to download the binaries of the media file
          code (string) • Media file code
          original_filename (string) • Original filename of the media file
          mime_type (string) • Mime type of the media file
          size (integer) • Size of the media file
          extension (string) • Extension of the media file



      "_links": {
        "self": {
          "href": ""
        "first": {
          "href": ""
        "previous": {
          "href": ""
        "next": {
          "href": ""
      "current_page": 2,
      "_embedded": {
        "items": [
            "_links": {
              "self": {
                "href": ""
              "download": {
                "href": ""
            "code": "7/5/8/e/758e39d48ea7b42a55091434fd3d8b6cf3189b7f_10806799_1356.jpg",
            "original_filename": "10806799-1356.jpg",
            "mime_type": "image/jpeg",
            "size": 16070,
            "extension": "jpg"
            "_links": {
              "self": {
                "href": ""
              "download": {
                "href": ""
            "code": "d/0/3/2/d032a92d994df3ef67ee6746b7b7a795c2964e7c_10734346_1480.jpg",
            "original_filename": "10734346-1480.jpg",
            "mime_type": "image/jpeg",
            "size": 16454,
            "extension": "jpg"
            "_links": {
              "self": {
                "href": ""
              "download": {
                "href": ""
            "code": "5/1/d/8/51d81dc778ba1501a8f998f3ab5797569f3b9e25_12431976_8797.jpg",
            "original_filename": "12431976-8797.jpg",
            "mime_type": "image/jpeg",
            "size": 19725,
            "extension": "jpg"
            "_links": {
              "self": {
                "href": ""
              "download": {
                "href": ""
            "code": "0/c/b/0/0cb0c0e115dedba676f8d1ad8343e6207ab54c7b_107406_9841.jpg",
            "original_filename": "107406-9841.jpg",
            "mime_type": "image/jpeg",
            "size": 17639,
            "extension": "jpg"

Authentication required

Can be caused by a missing or expired token

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 401,
      "message": "Authentication is required"

Access forbidden

The user does not have the permission to execute this request

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 403,
      "message": "Access forbidden. You are not allowed to list categories."

Not Acceptable

The `Accept` header is not `application/json` but it should

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 406,
      "message": "‘xxx’ in ‘Accept‘ header is not valid. Only ‘application/json‘ is allowed."

Create a new product media file

This endpoint allows you to create a new media file and associate it to an attribute value of a given product or product model.

Available in PIM versions: 1.7 2.x 3.x 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 SaaS


post /api/rest/v1/media-files

Path parameters


Query parameters



Authorization • Equal to 'Bearer xxx', `xxx` being the authentication token, see Authentication section

Content-type • Equal to 'multipart/form-data', no other value allowed


Given as form-data

product (string ) • The product to which the media file will be associated. It is a JSON string that follows this format '{"identifier":"product_identifier", "attribute":"attribute_code", "scope":"channel_code","locale":"locale_code"}'. You have to either use this field or the `product_model` field, but not both at the same time.

product_model (string ) • The product model to which the media file will be associated. It is a JSON string that follows this format '{"code":"product_model_code", "attribute":"attribute_code", "scope":"channel_code","locale":"locale_code"}'. You have to either use this field or the `product` field, but not both at the same time.

file (string / binary) • The binaries of the file



Means that the creation was successful


Location • URI of the created resource

Body Format application/json


Bad request

Can be caused by a malformed JSON request

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 400,
      "message": "Invalid JSON message received"

Authentication required

Can be caused by a missing or expired token

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 401,
      "message": "Authentication is required"

Access forbidden

The user does not have the permission to execute this request

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 403,
      "message": "Access forbidden. You are not allowed to list categories."

Unsupported Media type

The `Content-type` header has to be `multipart/form-data`

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 415,
      "message": "‘xxx’ in ‘Content-type’ header is not valid.  Only ‘multipart/form-data’ is allowed."

Unprocessable entity

The validation of the entity given in the body of the request failed

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 422,
      "message": "Property \"labels\" expects an array as data, \"NULL\" given. Check the API reference documentation.",
      "_links": {
        "documentation": {
          "href": ""

Get a product media file

This endpoint allows you to get the information about a given media file that is used as an attribute value of a product or a product model.

Available in PIM versions: 1.7 2.x 3.x 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 SaaS


get /api/rest/v1/media-files/{code}

Path parameters

code (string) • Code of the resource

Query parameters



Authorization • Equal to 'Bearer xxx', `xxx` being the authentication token, see Authentication section

Accept • Equal to 'application/json', no other value allowed





Returns the content of the media file in JSON standard format

Body Format application/json

Follow the standard format of the entity


_links (object) : {
    download (object ) : {
        href (string ) • URI to download the binaries of the media file

code (string) • Media file code

original_filename (string) • Original filename of the media file

mime_type (string) • Mime type of the media file

size (integer) • Size of the media file

extension (string) • Extension of the media file



      "_links": {
        "download": {
          "href": ""
      "code": "7/5/8/e/758e39d48ea7b42a55091434fd3d8b6cf3189b7f_10806799_1356.jpg",
      "original_filename": "10806799-1356.jpg",
      "mime_type": "image/jpeg",
      "size": 16070,
      "extension": "jpg"

Authentication required

Can be caused by a missing or expired token

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 401,
      "message": "Authentication is required"

Access forbidden

The user does not have the permission to execute this request

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 403,
      "message": "Access forbidden. You are not allowed to list categories."

Resource not found

The resource code given in the URI does not correspond to any existing PIM resource

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 404,
      "message": "Resource `my_resource_code` does not exist."

Not Acceptable

The `Accept` header is not `application/json` but it should

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 406,
      "message": "‘xxx’ in ‘Accept‘ header is not valid. Only ‘application/json‘ is allowed."

Download a product media file

This endpoint allows you to download a given media file that is used as an attribute value of a product or a product model.

Available in PIM versions: 1.7 2.x 3.x 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 SaaS


get /api/rest/v1/media-files/{code}/download

Path parameters

code (string) • Code of the resource

Query parameters



Authorization • Equal to 'Bearer xxx', `xxx` being the authentication token, see Authentication section





Returns the binary of the media file

Body Format Mime-type of the media file
Media file binary

Authentication required

Can be caused by a missing or expired token

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 401,
      "message": "Authentication is required"

Access forbidden

The user does not have the permission to execute this request

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 403,
      "message": "Access forbidden. You are not allowed to list categories."

Resource not found

The resource code given in the URI does not correspond to any existing PIM resource

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 404,
      "message": "Resource `my_resource_code` does not exist."

Published products

Published product

Important update: Published Products discontinuation. This feature is no longer actively supported and will soon be retired. We recommend exploring alternative solutions. Learn more in the help center.

Get list of published products  EE only

This endpoint allows you to get a list of published products. Published products are paginated and they can be filtered.

Available in PIM versions: 2.x 3.x 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 SaaS


get /api/rest/v1/published-products

Path parameters


Query parameters

search (string ) • Filter published products, for more details see the Filters section

scope (string ) • Filter published product values to return scopable attributes for the given channel as well as the non localizable/non scopable attributes, for more details see the Filter on published product values section

locales (string ) • Filter published product values to return localizable attributes for the given locales as well as the non localizable/non scopable attributes, for more details see the Filter on published product values section

attributes (string ) • Filter published product values to only return those concerning the given attributes, for more details see the Filter on product values section

pagination_type (string , page by default ) • Pagination method type, see Pagination section

page (integer , 1 by default ) • Number of the page to retrieve when using the `page` pagination method type. Should never be set manually, see Pagination section

search_after (string , cursor to the first page by default ) • Cursor when using the `search_after` pagination method type. Should never be set manually, see Pagination section

limit (integer , 10 by default ) • Number of results by page, see Pagination section

with_count (boolean ) • Return the count of items in the response. Be carefull with that, on a big catalog, it can decrease performance in a significative way


Authorization • Equal to 'Bearer xxx', `xxx` being the authentication token, see Authentication section

Accept • Equal to 'application/json', no other value allowed




Return published products paginated

Body Format application/json

Follow the standard format of the entity


_links (object) : {
    self (object ) : {
        href (string ) • URI of the current page of resources
    first (object ) : {
        href (string ) • URI of the first page of resources
    previous (object ) : {
        href (string ) • URI of the previous page of resources
    next (object ) : {
        href (string ) • URI of the next page of resources

current_page (integer) • Current page number

_embedded (object) : {
    items (array ) : [
          _links (object) : {
              self (object) : {
                  href (string ) • URI of the resource
          identifier (string) • Published product identifier, i.e. the value of the only `pim_catalog_identifier` attribute
          enabled (boolean) • Whether the published product is enable
          family (string)Family code from which the published product inherits its attributes and attributes requirements
          categories (array [string ]) • Codes of the categories in which the published product is classified
          groups (array [string ]) • Codes of the groups to which the published product belong
          values (object) • Published product attributes values, see Product values section for more details
          associations (object) : {
              associationTypeCode (object) : {
                  groups (array [string ] ) • Array of groups codes with which the published product is in relation
                  products (array [string ] ) • Array of published product identifiers with which the published product is in relation
                  product_models (array [string ] ) • Array of product model codes with which the product is in relation (only available since the v2.1)
          quantified_associations (object) • Warning: associations with quantities are not compatible with the published products. The response will always be empty.
          created (string) • Date of creation
          updated (string) • Date of the last update



      "_links": {
        "self": {
          "href": ""
        "first": {
          "href": ""
        "previous": {
          "href": ""
        "next": {
          "href": ""
      "current_page": 3,
      "_embedded": {
        "items": [
            "_links": {
              "self": {
                "href": ""
            "identifier": "top",
            "family": "tshirt",
            "groups": [],
            "categories": [
            "enabled": true,
            "values": {
              "name": [
                  "data": "Top",
                  "locale": "en_US",
                  "scope": null
                  "data": "Débardeur",
                  "locale": "fr_FR",
                  "scope": null
              "description": [
                  "data": "Summer top",
                  "locale": "en_US",
                  "scope": "ecommerce"
                  "data": "Top",
                  "locale": "en_US",
                  "scope": "tablet"
                  "data": "Débardeur pour l'été",
                  "locale": "fr_FR",
                  "scope": "ecommerce"
                  "data": "Débardeur",
                  "locale": "fr_FR",
                  "scope": "tablet"
              "price": [
                  "locale": null,
                  "scope": null,
                  "data": [
                      "amount": "15.5",
                      "currency": "EUR"
                      "amount": "15",
                      "currency": "USD"
              "color": [
                  "locale": null,
                  "scope": null,
                  "data": "black"
              "size": [
                  "locale": null,
                  "scope": null,
                  "data": "m"
            "created": "2016-06-23T18:24:44+02:00",
            "updated": "2016-06-25T17:56:12+02:00",
            "associations": {
              "PACK": {
                "products": [
                "product_models": [],
                "groups": []
            "_links": {
              "self": {
                "href": ""
            "identifier": "cap",
            "family": "caps",
            "groups": [],
            "categories": [
            "enabled": true,
            "values": {
              "name": [
                  "data": "Cap",
                  "locale": "en_US",
                  "scope": null
                  "data": "Casquette",
                  "locale": "fr_FR",
                  "scope": null
              "description": [
                  "data": "Cap unisex",
                  "locale": "en_US",
                  "scope": "ecommerce"
                  "data": "Cap unisex",
                  "locale": "en_US",
                  "scope": "tablet"
                  "data": "Casquette unisexe",
                  "locale": "fr_FR",
                  "scope": "ecommerce"
                  "data": "Casquette unisexe",
                  "locale": "fr_FR",
                  "scope": "tablet"
              "price": [
                  "locale": null,
                  "scope": null,
                  "data": [
                      "amount": "20",
                      "currency": "EUR"
                      "amount": "20",
                      "currency": "USD"
              "color": [
                  "locale": null,
                  "scope": null,
                  "data": "black"
            "created": "2016-06-23T18:24:44+02:00",
            "updated": "2016-06-25T17:56:12+02:00",
            "associations": {
              "PACK": {
                "products": [
                "product_models": [],
                "groups": []
            "_links": {
              "self": {
                "href": ""
            "identifier": "sweat",
            "family": null,
            "groups": [],
            "categories": [
            "enabled": true,
            "values": {},
            "created": "2016-06-23T11:24:44+02:00",
            "updated": "2016-06-23T11:24:44+02:00",
            "associations": {}

Bad request

Can be caused by a malformed JSON request

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 400,
      "message": "Invalid JSON message received"

Authentication required

Can be caused by a missing or expired token

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 401,
      "message": "Authentication is required"

Access forbidden

The user does not have the permission to execute this request

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 403,
      "message": "Access forbidden. You are not allowed to list categories."

Not Acceptable

The `Accept` header is not `application/json` but it should

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 406,
      "message": "‘xxx’ in ‘Accept‘ header is not valid. Only ‘application/json‘ is allowed."

Unprocessable entity

The validation of the entity given in the body of the request failed

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 422,
      "message": "Property \"labels\" expects an array as data, \"NULL\" given. Check the API reference documentation.",
      "_links": {
        "documentation": {
          "href": ""

Get a published product  EE only

This endpoint allows you to get the information about a given published product.

Available in PIM versions: 2.x 3.x 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 SaaS


get /api/rest/v1/published-products/{code}

Path parameters

code (string) • Code of the resource

Query parameters



Authorization • Equal to 'Bearer xxx', `xxx` being the authentication token, see Authentication section

Accept • Equal to 'application/json', no other value allowed





Returns the content of the published product in JSON standard format

Body Format application/json

Follow the standard format of the entity


identifier (string ) • Published product identifier, i.e. the value of the only `pim_catalog_identifier` attribute

enabled (boolean ) • Whether the published product is enable

family (string ) Family code from which the published product inherits its attributes and attributes requirements

categories (array [string] ) • Codes of the categories in which the published product is classified

groups (array [string] ) • Codes of the groups to which the published product belong

values (object ) • Published product attributes values, see Product values section for more details

associations (object ) : {
    associationTypeCode (object ) : {
        groups (array [string] ) • Array of groups codes with which the published product is in relation
        products (array [string] ) • Array of published product identifiers with which the published product is in relation
        product_models (array [string] ) • Array of product model codes with which the product is in relation (only available since the v2.1)

quantified_associations (object ) • Warning: associations with quantities are not compatible with the published products. The response will always be empty.

created (string ) • Date of creation

updated (string ) • Date of the last update



      "identifier": "top",
      "enabled": true,
      "family": "tshirt",
      "categories": [
      "groups": [],
      "values": {
        "name": [
            "data": "Top",
            "locale": "en_US",
            "scope": null
            "data": "Débardeur",
            "locale": "fr_FR",
            "scope": null
        "description": [
            "data": "Summer top",
            "locale": "en_US",
            "scope": "ecommerce"
            "data": "Top",
            "locale": "en_US",
            "scope": "tablet"
            "data": "Débardeur pour l'été",
            "locale": "fr_FR",
            "scope": "ecommerce"
            "data": "Débardeur",
            "locale": "fr_FR",
            "scope": "tablet"
        "price": [
            "locale": null,
            "scope": null,
            "data": [
                "amount": "15.5",
                "currency": "EUR"
                "amount": "15",
                "currency": "USD"
        "color": [
            "locale": null,
            "scope": null,
            "data": "black"
        "size": [
            "locale": null,
            "scope": null,
            "data": "m"
      "created": "2016-06-23T18:24:44+02:00",
      "updated": "2016-06-25T17:56:12+02:00",
      "associations": {
        "PACK": {
          "products": [
          "product_models": [],
          "groups": []

Authentication required

Can be caused by a missing or expired token

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 401,
      "message": "Authentication is required"

Access forbidden

The user does not have the permission to execute this request

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 403,
      "message": "Access forbidden. You are not allowed to list categories."

Resource not found

The resource code given in the URI does not correspond to any existing PIM resource

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 404,
      "message": "Resource `my_resource_code` does not exist."

Not Acceptable

The `Accept` header is not `application/json` but it should

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 406,
      "message": "‘xxx’ in ‘Accept‘ header is not valid. Only ‘application/json‘ is allowed."

Catalog structure


Get list of families

This endpoint allows you to get a list of families. Families are paginated and sorted by code.

Available in PIM versions: 1.7 2.x 3.x 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 SaaS


get /api/rest/v1/families

Path parameters


Query parameters

search (string ) • Filter families, for more details see the Filters section.

page (integer , 1 by default ) • Number of the page to retrieve when using the `page` pagination method type. Should never be set manually, see Pagination section

limit (integer , 10 by default ) • Number of results by page, see Pagination section

with_count (boolean ) • Return the count of items in the response. Be carefull with that, on a big catalog, it can decrease performance in a significative way


Authorization • Equal to 'Bearer xxx', `xxx` being the authentication token, see Authentication section

Accept • Equal to 'application/json', no other value allowed




Return families paginated

Body Format application/json

Follow the standard format of the entity


_links (object) : {
    self (object ) : {
        href (string ) • URI of the current page of resources
    first (object ) : {
        href (string ) • URI of the first page of resources
    previous (object ) : {
        href (string ) • URI of the previous page of resources
    next (object ) : {
        href (string ) • URI of the next page of resources

current_page (integer) • Current page number

_embedded (object) : {
    items (array ) : [
          _links (object) : {
              self (object) : {
                  href (string ) • URI of the resource
          code (string) • Family code
          attribute_as_label (string) • Attribute code used as label
          attribute_as_image (string) • Attribute code used as the main picture in the user interface (only since v2.0)
          attributes (array [string ]) • Attributes codes that compose the family
          attribute_requirements (object) : {
              channelCode (array [string ]) • • Attributes codes of the family that are required for the completeness calculation for the channel `channelCode`
          labels (object) : {
              localeCode (string) • Family label for the locale `localeCode`



      "_links": {
        "self": {
          "href": ""
        "first": {
          "href": ""
        "previous": {
          "href": ""
        "next": {
          "href": ""
      "current_page": 2,
      "_embedded": {
        "items": [
            "_links": {
              "self": {
                "href": ""
            "code": "tshirt",
            "attributes": [
            "attribute_as_label": "name",
            "attribute_as_image": "picture",
            "attribute_requirements": {
              "ecommerce": [
              "tablet": [
            "labels": {
              "en_US": "Tshirt",
              "fr_FR": "Tshirt"
            "_links": {
              "self": {
                "href": ""
            "code": "caps",
            "attributes": [
            "attribute_as_label": "name",
            "attribute_as_image": "picture",
            "attribute_requirements": {
              "ecommerce": [
              "tablet": [
            "labels": {
              "en_US": "Caps",
              "fr_FR": "Casquettes"

Authentication required

Can be caused by a missing or expired token

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 401,
      "message": "Authentication is required"

Access forbidden

The user does not have the permission to execute this request

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 403,
      "message": "Access forbidden. You are not allowed to list categories."

Not Acceptable

The `Accept` header is not `application/json` but it should

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 406,
      "message": "‘xxx’ in ‘Accept‘ header is not valid. Only ‘application/json‘ is allowed."

Create a new family

This endpoint allows you to create a new family.

Available in PIM versions: 1.7 2.x 3.x 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 SaaS


post /api/rest/v1/families

Path parameters


Query parameters



Authorization • Equal to 'Bearer xxx', `xxx` being the authentication token, see Authentication section

Content-type • Equal to 'application/json', no other value allowed


Follow the standard format of the entity


code (string ) • Family code

attribute_as_label (string ) • Attribute code used as label

attribute_as_image (string , null by default) • Attribute code used as the main picture in the user interface (only since v2.0)

attributes (array [string] , [] by default) • Attributes codes that compose the family

attribute_requirements (object { channelCode : array [ string ] } ) • Attributes codes of the family that are required for the completeness calculation for each channel

labels (object { localeCode : string } , [] by default) • Family labels for each locale



      "code": "caps",
      "attributes": [
      "attribute_as_label": "name",
      "attribute_as_image": "picture",
      "attribute_requirements": {
        "ecommerce": [
        "tablet": [
      "labels": {
        "en_US": "Caps",
        "fr_FR": "Casquettes"



Means that the creation was successful


Location • URI of the created resource

Body Format application/json


Bad request

Can be caused by a malformed JSON request

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 400,
      "message": "Invalid JSON message received"

Authentication required

Can be caused by a missing or expired token

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 401,
      "message": "Authentication is required"

Access forbidden

The user does not have the permission to execute this request

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 403,
      "message": "Access forbidden. You are not allowed to list categories."

Unsupported Media type

The `Content-type` header has to be `application/json`

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 415,
      "message": "‘xxx’ in ‘Content-type’ header is not valid.  Only ‘application/json’ is allowed."

Unprocessable entity

The validation of the entity given in the body of the request failed

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 422,
      "message": "Property \"labels\" expects an array as data, \"NULL\" given. Check the API reference documentation.",
      "_links": {
        "documentation": {
          "href": ""

Update/create several families

This endpoint allows you to update and/or create several families at once.

Available in PIM versions: 1.7 2.x 3.x 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 SaaS


patch /api/rest/v1/families

Path parameters


Query parameters



Authorization • Equal to 'Bearer xxx', `xxx` being the authentication token, see Authentication section

Content-type • Equal to 'application/vnd.akeneo.collection+json', no other value allowed


Contains several lines, each line is a family in JSON standard format


code (string ) • Family code

attribute_as_label (string ) • Attribute code used as label

attribute_as_image (string , null by default) • Attribute code used as the main picture in the user interface (only since v2.0)

attributes (array [string] , [] by default) • Attributes codes that compose the family

attribute_requirements (object { channelCode : array [ string ] } ) • Attributes codes of the family that are required for the completeness calculation for each channel

labels (object { localeCode : string } , [] by default) • Family labels for each locale






Returns a plain text response whose lines are JSON containing the status of each update or creation

Body Format application/json


line (integer ) • Line number

identifier (string ) • Resource identifier, only filled when the resource is a product

code (string ) • Resource code, only filled when the resource is not a product

status_code (integer ) • HTTP status code, see Client errors to understand the meaning of each code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



    {"line":2,"code":"cap","status_code":422,"message":"Attribute \"descripion\" does not exist."}

Authentication required

Can be caused by a missing or expired token

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 401,
      "message": "Authentication is required"

Access forbidden

The user does not have the permission to execute this request

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 403,
      "message": "Access forbidden. You are not allowed to list categories."

Request Entity Too Large

There are too many resources to process (max 100) or the line of JSON is too long (max 1 000 000 characters)

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 413,
      "message": "Too many resources to process, 100 is the maximum allowed."

Unsupported Media type

The `Content-type` header has to be `application/vnd.akeneo.collection+json`

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 415,
      "message": "‘xxx’ in ‘Content-type’ header is not valid.  Only ‘application/vnd.akeneo.collection+json’ is allowed."

Get a family

This endpoint allows you to get the information about a given family.

Available in PIM versions: 1.7 2.x 3.x 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 SaaS


get /api/rest/v1/families/{code}

Path parameters

code (string) • Code of the resource

Query parameters



Authorization • Equal to 'Bearer xxx', `xxx` being the authentication token, see Authentication section

Accept • Equal to 'application/json', no other value allowed





Returns the content of the family in JSON standard format

Body Format application/json

Follow the standard format of the entity


code (string ) • Family code

attribute_as_label (string ) • Attribute code used as label

attribute_as_image (string ) • Attribute code used as the main picture in the user interface (only since v2.0)

attributes (array [string] ) • Attributes codes that compose the family

attribute_requirements (object ) : {
    channelCode (array [string] ) • Attributes codes of the family that are required for the completeness calculation for the channel `channelCode`

labels (object ) : {
    localeCode (string ) • Family label for the locale `localeCode`



      "code": "caps",
      "attributes": [
      "attribute_as_label": "name",
      "attribute_as_image": "picture",
      "attribute_requirements": {
        "ecommerce": [
        "tablet": [
      "labels": {
        "en_US": "Caps",
        "fr_FR": "Casquettes"

Authentication required

Can be caused by a missing or expired token

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 401,
      "message": "Authentication is required"

Access forbidden

The user does not have the permission to execute this request

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 403,
      "message": "Access forbidden. You are not allowed to list categories."

Resource not found

The resource code given in the URI does not correspond to any existing PIM resource

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 404,
      "message": "Resource `my_resource_code` does not exist."

Not Acceptable

The `Accept` header is not `application/json` but it should

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 406,
      "message": "‘xxx’ in ‘Accept‘ header is not valid. Only ‘application/json‘ is allowed."

Update/create a family

This endpoint allows you to update a given family. Know more about Update behavior. Note that if no family exists for the given code, it creates it.

Available in PIM versions: 1.7 2.x 3.x 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 SaaS


patch /api/rest/v1/families/{code}

Path parameters

code (string) • Code of the resource

Query parameters



Authorization • Equal to 'Bearer xxx', `xxx` being the authentication token, see Authentication section

Content-type • Equal to 'application/json', no other value allowed


Follow the standard format of the entity


code (string ) • Family code

attribute_as_label (string ) • Attribute code used as label

attribute_as_image (string , null by default) • Attribute code used as the main picture in the user interface (only since v2.0)

attributes (array [string] , [] by default) • Attributes codes that compose the family

attribute_requirements (object { channelCode : array [ string ] } ) • Attributes codes of the family that are required for the completeness calculation for each channel

labels (object { localeCode : string } , [] by default) • Family labels for each locale



      "code": "caps",
      "attributes": [
      "attribute_as_label": "name",
      "attribute_as_image": "picture",
      "attribute_requirements": {
        "ecommerce": [
        "tablet": [
      "labels": {
        "en_US": "Caps",
        "fr_FR": "Casquettes"



Means that the creation was successful


Location • URI of the created resource

Body Format application/json


No content to return

Means that the update was successful


Location • URI of the updated resource

Body Format application/json


Bad request

Can be caused by a malformed JSON request

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 400,
      "message": "Invalid JSON message received"

Authentication required

Can be caused by a missing or expired token

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 401,
      "message": "Authentication is required"

Access forbidden

The user does not have the permission to execute this request

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 403,
      "message": "Access forbidden. You are not allowed to list categories."

Unsupported Media type

The `Content-type` header has to be `application/json`

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 415,
      "message": "‘xxx’ in ‘Content-type’ header is not valid.  Only ‘application/json’ is allowed."

Unprocessable entity

The validation of the entity given in the body of the request failed

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 422,
      "message": "Property \"labels\" expects an array as data, \"NULL\" given. Check the API reference documentation.",
      "_links": {
        "documentation": {
          "href": ""

Delete a family

This endpoint allows you to delete a family by code.

Available in PIM versions: SaaS


delete /api/rest/v1/families/{code}

Path parameters

code (string) • Code of the resource

Query parameters



Authorization • Equal to 'Bearer xxx', `xxx` being the authentication token, see Authentication section

Accept • Equal to 'application/json', no other value allowed




No content to return

Means that the update was successful


Location • URI of the updated resource

Body Format application/json


Access forbidden

The user does not have the permission to execute this request

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 403,
      "message": "Access forbidden. You are not allowed to list categories."

Resource not found

The resource code given in the URI does not correspond to any existing PIM resource

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 404,
      "message": "Resource `my_resource_code` does not exist."

Unprocessable entity

The validation of the entity given in the body of the request failed

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 422,
      "message": "Property \"labels\" expects an array as data, \"NULL\" given. Check the API reference documentation.",
      "_links": {
        "documentation": {
          "href": ""

Create a new family variant

This endpoint allows you to create a family variant.

Available in PIM versions: 2.x 3.x 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 SaaS


post /api/rest/v1/families/{family_code}/variants

Path parameters

family_code (string) • Code of the family

Query parameters



Authorization • Equal to 'Bearer xxx', `xxx` being the authentication token, see Authentication section

Content-type • Equal to 'application/json', no other value allowed


Follow the standard format of the entity


code (string ) • Family variant code

variant_attribute_sets (array [object] ) : [
            level (integer ) • Enrichment level
            axes (array [string ]) • Codes of attributes used as variant axes
            attributes (array [string ]) • Codes of attributes bind to this enrichment level

labels (object { localeCode : string } , [] by default) • Family variant labels for each locale



      "code": "shoesVariant",
      "labels": {
        "en_US": "Shoes variant",
        "fr_FR": "Variante de chaussures"
      "variant_attribute_sets": [
          "level": 1,
          "attributes": [
          "axes": [
          "level": 2,
          "attributes": [
          "axes": [



Means that the creation was successful


Location • URI of the created resource

Body Format application/json


Bad request

Can be caused by a malformed JSON request

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 400,
      "message": "Invalid JSON message received"

Authentication required

Can be caused by a missing or expired token

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 401,
      "message": "Authentication is required"

Access forbidden

The user does not have the permission to execute this request

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 403,
      "message": "Access forbidden. You are not allowed to list categories."

Unsupported Media type

The `Content-type` header has to be `application/json`

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 415,
      "message": "‘xxx’ in ‘Content-type’ header is not valid.  Only ‘application/json’ is allowed."

Unprocessable entity

The validation of the entity given in the body of the request failed

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 422,
      "message": "Property \"labels\" expects an array as data, \"NULL\" given. Check the API reference documentation.",
      "_links": {
        "documentation": {
          "href": ""

Family variant

Get list of family variants

This endpoint allows you to get a list of family variants. Family variants are paginated and sorted by code.

Available in PIM versions: 2.x 3.x 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 SaaS


get /api/rest/v1/families/{family_code}/variants

Path parameters

family_code (string) • Code of the family

Query parameters

page (integer , 1 by default ) • Number of the page to retrieve when using the `page` pagination method type. Should never be set manually, see Pagination section

limit (integer , 10 by default ) • Number of results by page, see Pagination section

with_count (boolean ) • Return the count of items in the response. Be carefull with that, on a big catalog, it can decrease performance in a significative way


Authorization • Equal to 'Bearer xxx', `xxx` being the authentication token, see Authentication section

Accept • Equal to 'application/json', no other value allowed




Return family variants paginated

Body Format application/json

Follow the standard format of the entity


_links (object) : {
    self (object ) : {
        href (string ) • URI of the current page of resources
    first (object ) : {
        href (string ) • URI of the first page of resources
    previous (object ) : {
        href (string ) • URI of the previous page of resources
    next (object ) : {
        href (string ) • URI of the next page of resources

current_page (integer) • Current page number

_embedded (object) : {
    items (array ) : [
          _links (object) : {
              self (object) : {
                  href (string ) • URI of the resource
          code (string) • Family variant code
          variant_attribute_sets (array [object ]) • Attributes distribution according to the enrichment level
          labels (object) : {
              localeCode (string) • Family variant label for the locale `localeCode`



      "code": "shoesVariant",
      "labels": {
        "en_US": "Shoes variant",
        "fr_FR": "Variante de chaussures"
      "variant_attribute_sets": [
          "level": 1,
          "attributes": [
          "axes": [
          "level": 2,
          "attributes": [
          "axes": [

Authentication required

Can be caused by a missing or expired token

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 401,
      "message": "Authentication is required"

Access forbidden

The user does not have the permission to execute this request

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 403,
      "message": "Access forbidden. You are not allowed to list categories."

Not Acceptable

The `Accept` header is not `application/json` but it should

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 406,
      "message": "‘xxx’ in ‘Accept‘ header is not valid. Only ‘application/json‘ is allowed."

Update/create several family variants

This endpoint allows you to update and/or create several family variants at once, for a given family.

Available in PIM versions: 2.x 3.x 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 SaaS


patch /api/rest/v1/families/{family_code}/variants

Path parameters

family_code (string) • Code of the family

Query parameters



Authorization • Equal to 'Bearer xxx', `xxx` being the authentication token, see Authentication section

Content-type • Equal to 'application/vnd.akeneo.collection+json', no other value allowed


Contains several lines, each line is a family in JSON standard format


code (string ) • Family variant code

variant_attribute_sets (array [object] ) : [
            level (integer ) • Enrichment level
            axes (array [string ]) • Codes of attributes used as variant axes
            attributes (array [string ]) • Codes of attributes bind to this enrichment level

labels (object { localeCode : string } , [] by default) • Family variant labels for each locale



{"code": "shoes_by_size", "variant_attribute_sets": [{"level": 1, "axes": ["size"], "attributes": ["color"]}]}
    {"code": "shoes_by_color","labels": {"en_US": "Shoes by color"}}
    {"code": "shoes_without_axes", "variant_attribute_sets": [{"level": 1, "axes": [], "attributes": ["color"]}]}



Returns a plain text response whose lines are JSON containing the status of each update or creation

Body Format application/json


line (integer ) • Line number

identifier (string ) • Resource identifier, only filled when the resource is a product

code (string ) • Resource code, only filled when the resource is not a product

status_code (integer ) • HTTP status code, see Client errors to understand the meaning of each code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



    {"line":3,"code":"mug","status_code":422, "message":"There should be at least one attribute defined as axis for the attribute set for level \"1\""}

Authentication required

Can be caused by a missing or expired token

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 401,
      "message": "Authentication is required"

Access forbidden

The user does not have the permission to execute this request

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 403,
      "message": "Access forbidden. You are not allowed to list categories."

Request Entity Too Large

There are too many resources to process (max 100) or the line of JSON is too long (max 1 000 000 characters)

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 413,
      "message": "Too many resources to process, 100 is the maximum allowed."

Unsupported Media type

The `Content-type` header has to be `application/vnd.akeneo.collection+json`

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 415,
      "message": "‘xxx’ in ‘Content-type’ header is not valid.  Only ‘application/vnd.akeneo.collection+json’ is allowed."

Get a family variant

This endpoint allows you to get the information about a given family variant.

Available in PIM versions: 2.x 3.x 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 SaaS


get /api/rest/v1/families/{family_code}/variants/{code}

Path parameters

family_code (string) • Code of the family

code (string) • Code of the resource

Query parameters



Authorization • Equal to 'Bearer xxx', `xxx` being the authentication token, see Authentication section

Accept • Equal to 'application/json', no other value allowed





Returns the content of the family variant in JSON standard format

Body Format application/json

Follow the standard format of the entity


code (string ) • Family variant code

variant_attribute_sets (array [object] ) : [
          level (integer) • Enrichment level
          axes (array) • Codes of attributes used as variant axes
          attributes (array) • Codes of attributes bind to this enrichment level

labels (object ) : {
    localeCode (string ) • Family variant label for the locale `localeCode`



      "code": "shoesVariant",
      "labels": {
        "en_US": "Shoes variant",
        "fr_FR": "Variante de chaussures"
      "variant_attribute_sets": [
          "level": 1,
          "attributes": [
          "axes": [
          "level": 2,
          "attributes": [
          "axes": [

Authentication required

Can be caused by a missing or expired token

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 401,
      "message": "Authentication is required"

Access forbidden

The user does not have the permission to execute this request

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 403,
      "message": "Access forbidden. You are not allowed to list categories."

Resource not found

The resource code given in the URI does not correspond to any existing PIM resource

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 404,
      "message": "Resource `my_resource_code` does not exist."

Not Acceptable

The `Accept` header is not `application/json` but it should

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 406,
      "message": "‘xxx’ in ‘Accept‘ header is not valid. Only ‘application/json‘ is allowed."

Update/create a family variant

This endpoint allows you to update a given family variant. Know more about Update behavior. Note that if no family variant exists for the given code, it creates it.

Available in PIM versions: 2.x 3.x 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 SaaS


patch /api/rest/v1/families/{family_code}/variants/{code}

Path parameters

family_code (string) • Code of the family

code (string) • Code of the resource

Query parameters



Authorization • Equal to 'Bearer xxx', `xxx` being the authentication token, see Authentication section

Content-type • Equal to 'application/json', no other value allowed


Follow the standard format of the entity


code (string ) • Family variant code

variant_attribute_sets (array [object] ) : [
            level (integer ) • Enrichment level
            axes (array [string ]) • Codes of attributes used as variant axes
            attributes (array [string ]) • Codes of attributes bind to this enrichment level

labels (object { localeCode : string } , [] by default) • Family variant labels for each locale



      "code": "shoesVariant",
      "labels": {
        "en_US": "Shoes variant",
        "fr_FR": "Variante de chaussures"
      "variant_attribute_sets": [
          "level": 1,
          "attributes": [
          "axes": [
          "level": 2,
          "attributes": [
          "axes": [



Means that the creation was successful


Location • URI of the created resource

Body Format application/json


No content to return

Means that the update was successful


Location • URI of the updated resource

Body Format application/json


Bad request

Can be caused by a malformed JSON request

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 400,
      "message": "Invalid JSON message received"

Authentication required

Can be caused by a missing or expired token

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 401,
      "message": "Authentication is required"

Access forbidden

The user does not have the permission to execute this request

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 403,
      "message": "Access forbidden. You are not allowed to list categories."

Unsupported Media type

The `Content-type` header has to be `application/json`

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 415,
      "message": "‘xxx’ in ‘Content-type’ header is not valid.  Only ‘application/json’ is allowed."

Unprocessable entity

The validation of the entity given in the body of the request failed

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 422,
      "message": "Property \"labels\" expects an array as data, \"NULL\" given. Check the API reference documentation.",
      "_links": {
        "documentation": {
          "href": ""


Get list of attributes

This endpoint allows you to get a list of attributes. Attributes are paginated and sorted by code.

Available in PIM versions: 1.7 2.x 3.x 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 SaaS


get /api/rest/v1/attributes

Path parameters


Query parameters

search (string ) • Filter attributes, for more details see the Filters section.

page (integer , 1 by default ) • Number of the page to retrieve when using the `page` pagination method type. Should never be set manually, see Pagination section

limit (integer , 10 by default ) • Number of results by page, see Pagination section

with_count (boolean ) • Return the count of items in the response. Be carefull with that, on a big catalog, it can decrease performance in a significative way

with_table_select_options (boolean ) • Return the options of 'select' column types (of a table attribute) in the response. (Only available since the 7.0 version)


Authorization • Equal to 'Bearer xxx', `xxx` being the authentication token, see Authentication section

Accept • Equal to 'application/json', no other value allowed




Return attributes paginated

Body Format application/json

Follow the standard format of the entity


_links (object) : {
    self (object ) : {
        href (string ) • URI of the current page of resources
    first (object ) : {
        href (string ) • URI of the first page of resources
    previous (object ) : {
        href (string ) • URI of the previous page of resources
    next (object ) : {
        href (string ) • URI of the next page of resources

current_page (integer) • Current page number

_embedded (object) : {
    items (array ) : [
          _links (object) : {
              self (object) : {
                  href (string ) • URI of the resource
          code (string) • Attribute code
          type (string) • Attribute type. See type section for more details.
          labels (object) : {
              localeCode (string) • Attribute label for the locale `localeCode`
          group (string) • Attribute group
          group_labels (object) : {
              localeCode (string) • Group label for the locale `localeCode`
          sort_order (integer) • Order of the attribute in its group
          localizable (boolean) • Whether the attribute is localizable, i.e. can have one value by locale
          scopable (boolean) • Whether the attribute is scopable, i.e. can have one value by channel
          available_locales (array [string ]) • To make the attribute locale specfic, specify here for which locales it is specific
          unique (boolean) • Whether two values for the attribute cannot be the same
          useable_as_grid_filter (boolean) • Whether the attribute can be used as a filter for the product grid in the PIM user interface
          max_characters (integer) • Number maximum of characters allowed for the value of the attribute when the attribute type is `pim_catalog_text`, `pim_catalog_textarea` or `pim_catalog_identifier`
          validation_rule (string) • Validation rule type used to validate any attribute value when the attribute type is `pim_catalog_text` or `pim_catalog_identifier`
          validation_regexp (string) • Regexp expression used to validate any attribute value when the attribute type is `pim_catalog_text` or `pim_catalog_identifier`
          wysiwyg_enabled (boolean) • Whether the WYSIWYG interface is shown when the attribute type is `pim_catalog_textarea`
          number_min (string) • Minimum integer value allowed when the attribute type is `pim_catalog_metric`, `pim_catalog_price` or `pim_catalog_number`
          number_max (string) • Maximum integer value allowed when the attribute type is `pim_catalog_metric`, `pim_catalog_price` or `pim_catalog_number`
          decimals_allowed (boolean) • Whether decimals are allowed when the attribute type is `pim_catalog_metric`, `pim_catalog_price` or `pim_catalog_number`
          negative_allowed (boolean) • Whether negative values are allowed when the attribute type is `pim_catalog_metric` or `pim_catalog_number`
          metric_family (string) • Metric family when the attribute type is `pim_catalog_metric`
          default_metric_unit (string) • Default metric unit when the attribute type is `pim_catalog_metric`
          date_min (string) • Minimum date allowed when the attribute type is `pim_catalog_date`
          date_max (string) • Maximum date allowed when the attribute type is `pim_catalog_date`
          allowed_extensions (array [string ]) • Extensions allowed when the attribute type is `pim_catalog_file` or `pim_catalog_image`
          max_file_size (string) • Max file size in MB when the attribute type is `pim_catalog_file` or `pim_catalog_image`
          reference_data_name (string) • Reference entity code when the attribute type is `akeneo_reference_entity` or `akeneo_reference_entity_collection` OR Asset family code when the attribute type is `pim_catalog_asset_collection`
          default_value (boolean) • Default value for a Yes/No attribute, applied when creating a new product or product model (only available since the 5.0)
          table_configuration (array [object ]) • Configuration of the Table attribute (columns)
          is_main_identifier (boolean) • Is this attribute main identifier when attribute type is `pim_catalog_identifier`



      "_links": {
        "self": {
          "href": ""
        "first": {
          "href": ""
        "previous": {
          "href": ""
        "next": {
          "href": ""
      "current_page": 3,
      "_embedded": {
        "items": [
            "_links": {
              "self": {
                "href": ""
            "code": "sku",
            "type": "pim_catalog_identifier",
            "group": "other",
            "group_labels": {
              "en_US": "Other",
              "fr_FR": "Autre"
            "unique": true,
            "useable_as_grid_filter": true,
            "allowed_extensions": [],
            "metric_family": null,
            "default_metric_unit": null,
            "reference_data_name": null,
            "available_locales": [],
            "max_characters": null,
            "validation_rule": null,
            "validation_regexp": null,
            "wysiwyg_enabled": false,
            "number_min": null,
            "number_max": null,
            "decimals_allowed": false,
            "negative_allowed": false,
            "date_min": null,
            "date_max": null,
            "max_file_size": null,
            "minimum_input_length": null,
            "sort_order": 1,
            "localizable": false,
            "scopable": false,
            "default_value": null,
            "labels": {
              "en_US": "Identifier",
              "fr_FR": "Identifiant"
            "_links": {
              "self": {
                "href": ""
            "code": "release_date",
            "type": "pim_catalog_date",
            "group": "marketing",
            "unique": false,
            "useable_as_grid_filter": true,
            "allowed_extensions": [],
            "metric_family": null,
            "default_metric_unit": null,
            "reference_data_name": null,
            "available_locales": [],
            "max_characters": null,
            "validation_rule": null,
            "validation_regexp": null,
            "wysiwyg_enabled": false,
            "number_min": null,
            "number_max": null,
            "decimals_allowed": false,
            "negative_allowed": false,
            "date_min": "2017-06-28T08:00:00",
            "date_max": "2017-08-08T22:00:00",
            "max_file_size": null,
            "minimum_input_length": null,
            "sort_order": 1,
            "localizable": false,
            "scopable": false,
            "default_value": null,
            "labels": {
              "en_US": "Sale date",
              "fr_FR": "Date des soldes"
            "_links": {
              "self": {
                "href": "http://localhost:8080/api/rest/v1/attributes/food_composition"
            "code": "food_composition",
            "type": "pim_catalog_table",
            "group": "product",
            "unique": false,
            "useable_as_grid_filter": false,
            "allowed_extensions": [],
            "metric_family": null,
            "default_metric_unit": null,
            "reference_data_name": null,
            "available_locales": [],
            "max_characters": null,
            "validation_rule": null,
            "validation_regexp": null,
            "wysiwyg_enabled": null,
            "number_min": null,
            "number_max": null,
            "decimals_allowed": null,
            "negative_allowed": null,
            "date_min": null,
            "date_max": null,
            "max_file_size": null,
            "minimum_input_length": null,
            "sort_order": 0,
            "localizable": false,
            "scopable": false,
            "labels": {
              "en_US": "Composition",
              "fr_FR": "Composition"
            "guidelines": {},
            "auto_option_sorting": null,
            "is_read_only": null,
            "default_value": null,
            "table_configuration": [
                "code": "ingredient",
                "data_type": "select",
                "labels": {
                  "en_US": "Ingredient",
                  "fr_FR": "Ingrédient"
                "validations": {},
                "is_required_for_completeness": true
                "code": "percentage",
                "data_type": "number",
                "labels": {
                  "en_US": "%",
                  "fr_FR": "%"
                "validations": {
                  "max": 100,
                  "min": 0,
                  "decimals_allowed": true
                "is_required_for_completeness": true
                "code": "allergen",
                "data_type": "boolean",
                "labels": {
                  "en_US": "Allergen",
                  "fr_FR": "Allergène"
                "validations": {},
                "is_required_for_completeness": false

Authentication required

Can be caused by a missing or expired token

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 401,
      "message": "Authentication is required"

Access forbidden

The user does not have the permission to execute this request

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 403,
      "message": "Access forbidden. You are not allowed to list categories."

Not Acceptable

The `Accept` header is not `application/json` but it should

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 406,
      "message": "‘xxx’ in ‘Accept‘ header is not valid. Only ‘application/json‘ is allowed."

Create a new attribute

This endpoint allows you to create a new attribute.

Available in PIM versions: 1.7 2.x 3.x 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 SaaS


post /api/rest/v1/attributes

Path parameters


Query parameters



Authorization • Equal to 'Bearer xxx', `xxx` being the authentication token, see Authentication section

Content-type • Equal to 'application/json', no other value allowed


Follow the standard format of the entity


code (string ) • Attribute code

type (string ) • Attribute type. See type section for more details.

labels (object { localeCode : string } , [] by default) • Attribute labels for each locale

group (string ) • Attribute group

sort_order (integer , 0 by default) • Order of the attribute in its group

localizable (boolean , false by default) • Whether the attribute is localizable, i.e. can have one value by locale

scopable (boolean , false by default) • Whether the attribute is scopable, i.e. can have one value by channel

available_locales (array [string] ) • To make the attribute locale specfic, specify here for which locales it is specific

unique (boolean ) • Whether two values for the attribute cannot be the same

useable_as_grid_filter (boolean ) • Whether the attribute can be used as a filter for the product grid in the PIM user interface

max_characters (integer ) • Number maximum of characters allowed for the value of the attribute when the attribute type is `pim_catalog_text`, `pim_catalog_textarea` or `pim_catalog_identifier`

validation_rule (string ) • Validation rule type used to validate any attribute value when the attribute type is `pim_catalog_text` or `pim_catalog_identifier`

validation_regexp (string ) • Regexp expression used to validate any attribute value when the attribute type is `pim_catalog_text` or `pim_catalog_identifier`

wysiwyg_enabled (boolean ) • Whether the WYSIWYG interface is shown when the attribute type is `pim_catalog_textarea`

number_min (string ) • Minimum integer value allowed when the attribute type is `pim_catalog_metric`, `pim_catalog_price` or `pim_catalog_number`

number_max (string ) • Maximum integer value allowed when the attribute type is `pim_catalog_metric`, `pim_catalog_price` or `pim_catalog_number`

decimals_allowed (boolean ) • Whether decimals are allowed when the attribute type is `pim_catalog_metric`, `pim_catalog_price` or `pim_catalog_number`

negative_allowed (boolean ) • Whether negative values are allowed when the attribute type is `pim_catalog_metric` or `pim_catalog_number`

metric_family (string ) • Metric family when the attribute type is `pim_catalog_metric`

default_metric_unit (string ) • Default metric unit when the attribute type is `pim_catalog_metric`

date_min (string ) • Minimum date allowed when the attribute type is `pim_catalog_date`

date_max (string ) • Maximum date allowed when the attribute type is `pim_catalog_date`

allowed_extensions (array [string] ) • Extensions allowed when the attribute type is `pim_catalog_file` or `pim_catalog_image`

max_file_size (string ) • Max file size in MB when the attribute type is `pim_catalog_file` or `pim_catalog_image`

reference_data_name (string ) • Reference entity code when the attribute type is `akeneo_reference_entity` or `akeneo_reference_entity_collection` OR Asset family code when the attribute type is `pim_catalog_asset_collection`

default_value (boolean ) • Default value for a Yes/No attribute, applied when creating a new product or product model (only available since the 5.0)

table_configuration (array [object] ) : [
            code (string ) • Column code
            data_type (string ) • Column data type
            validations (object ) • User defined validation constraints on the cell content
            labels (object ) • Column labels for each locale
            is_required_for_completeness (boolean ) • Defines if the column should be entirely filled for the attribute to be considered complete

is_main_identifier (boolean ) • Is this attribute main identifier when attribute type is `pim_catalog_identifier`



      "code": "release_date",
      "type": "pim_catalog_date",
      "group": "marketing",
      "unique": false,
      "useable_as_grid_filter": true,
      "allowed_extensions": [],
      "metric_family": null,
      "default_metric_unit": null,
      "reference_data_name": null,
      "available_locales": [],
      "max_characters": null,
      "validation_rule": null,
      "validation_regexp": null,
      "wysiwyg_enabled": null,
      "number_min": null,
      "number_max": null,
      "decimals_allowed": null,
      "negative_allowed": null,
      "date_min": "2017-06-28T08:00:00",
      "date_max": "2017-08-08T22:00:00",
      "max_file_size": null,
      "minimum_input_length": null,
      "sort_order": 1,
      "localizable": false,
      "scopable": false,
      "default_value": null,
      "labels": {
        "en_US": "Sale date",
        "fr_FR": "Date des soldes"



Means that the creation was successful


Location • URI of the created resource

Body Format application/json


Bad request

Can be caused by a malformed JSON request

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 400,
      "message": "Invalid JSON message received"

Authentication required

Can be caused by a missing or expired token

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 401,
      "message": "Authentication is required"

Access forbidden

The user does not have the permission to execute this request

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 403,
      "message": "Access forbidden. You are not allowed to list categories."

Unsupported Media type

The `Content-type` header has to be `application/json`

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 415,
      "message": "‘xxx’ in ‘Content-type’ header is not valid.  Only ‘application/json’ is allowed."

Unprocessable entity

The validation of the entity given in the body of the request failed

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 422,
      "message": "Property \"labels\" expects an array as data, \"NULL\" given. Check the API reference documentation.",
      "_links": {
        "documentation": {
          "href": ""

Update/create several attributes

This endpoint allows you to update and/or create several attributes at once.

Available in PIM versions: 1.7 2.x 3.x 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 SaaS


patch /api/rest/v1/attributes

Path parameters


Query parameters



Authorization • Equal to 'Bearer xxx', `xxx` being the authentication token, see Authentication section

Content-type • Equal to 'application/vnd.akeneo.collection+json', no other value allowed


Contains several lines, each line is an attribute in JSON standard format


code (string ) • Attribute code

type (string ) • Attribute type. See type section for more details.

labels (object { localeCode : string } , [] by default) • Attribute labels for each locale

group (string ) • Attribute group

group_labels (object { localeCode : string } , [] by default) • Group labels for each locale

sort_order (integer , 0 by default) • Order of the attribute in its group

localizable (boolean , false by default) • Whether the attribute is localizable, i.e. can have one value by locale

scopable (boolean , false by default) • Whether the attribute is scopable, i.e. can have one value by channel

available_locales (array [string] ) • To make the attribute locale specfic, specify here for which locales it is specific

unique (boolean ) • Whether two values for the attribute cannot be the same

useable_as_grid_filter (boolean ) • Whether the attribute can be used as a filter for the product grid in the PIM user interface

max_characters (integer ) • Number maximum of characters allowed for the value of the attribute when the attribute type is `pim_catalog_text`, `pim_catalog_textarea` or `pim_catalog_identifier`

validation_rule (string ) • Validation rule type used to validate any attribute value when the attribute type is `pim_catalog_text` or `pim_catalog_identifier`

validation_regexp (string ) • Regexp expression used to validate any attribute value when the attribute type is `pim_catalog_text` or `pim_catalog_identifier`

wysiwyg_enabled (boolean ) • Whether the WYSIWYG interface is shown when the attribute type is `pim_catalog_textarea`

number_min (string ) • Minimum integer value allowed when the attribute type is `pim_catalog_metric`, `pim_catalog_price` or `pim_catalog_number`

number_max (string ) • Maximum integer value allowed when the attribute type is `pim_catalog_metric`, `pim_catalog_price` or `pim_catalog_number`

decimals_allowed (boolean ) • Whether decimals are allowed when the attribute type is `pim_catalog_metric`, `pim_catalog_price` or `pim_catalog_number`

negative_allowed (boolean ) • Whether negative values are allowed when the attribute type is `pim_catalog_metric` or `pim_catalog_number`

metric_family (string ) • Metric family when the attribute type is `pim_catalog_metric`

default_metric_unit (string ) • Default metric unit when the attribute type is `pim_catalog_metric`

date_min (string ) • Minimum date allowed when the attribute type is `pim_catalog_date`

date_max (string ) • Maximum date allowed when the attribute type is `pim_catalog_date`

allowed_extensions (array [string] ) • Extensions allowed when the attribute type is `pim_catalog_file` or `pim_catalog_image`

max_file_size (string ) • Max file size in MB when the attribute type is `pim_catalog_file` or `pim_catalog_image`

reference_data_name (string ) • Reference entity code when the attribute type is `akeneo_reference_entity` or `akeneo_reference_entity_collection` OR Asset family code when the attribute type is `pim_catalog_asset_collection`

default_value (boolean ) • Default value for a Yes/No attribute, applied when creating a new product or product model (only available since the 5.0)

table_configuration (array [object] ) : [
            code (string ) • Column code
            data_type (string ) • Column data type
            validations (object ) • User defined validation constraints on the cell content
            labels (object ) • Column labels for each locale
            is_required_for_completeness (boolean ) • Defines if the column should be entirely filled for the attribute to be considered complete

is_main_identifier (boolean ) • Is this attribute main identifier when attribute type is `pim_catalog_identifier`






Returns a plain text response whose lines are JSON containing the status of each update or creation

Body Format application/json


line (integer ) • Line number

identifier (string ) • Resource identifier, only filled when the resource is a product

code (string ) • Resource code, only filled when the resource is not a product

status_code (integer ) • HTTP status code, see Client errors to understand the meaning of each code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



    {"line":2,"code":"short_description","status_code":422,"message":"Group \"marketig\" does not exist."}

Authentication required

Can be caused by a missing or expired token

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 401,
      "message": "Authentication is required"

Access forbidden

The user does not have the permission to execute this request

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 403,
      "message": "Access forbidden. You are not allowed to list categories."

Request Entity Too Large

There are too many resources to process (max 100) or the line of JSON is too long (max 1 000 000 characters)

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 413,
      "message": "Too many resources to process, 100 is the maximum allowed."

Unsupported Media type

The `Content-type` header has to be `application/vnd.akeneo.collection+json`

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 415,
      "message": "‘xxx’ in ‘Content-type’ header is not valid.  Only ‘application/vnd.akeneo.collection+json’ is allowed."

Get an attribute

This endpoint allows you to get the information about a given attribute.

Available in PIM versions: 1.7 2.x 3.x 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 SaaS


get /api/rest/v1/attributes/{code}

Path parameters

code (string) • Code of the resource

Query parameters

with_table_select_options (boolean ) • Return the options of 'select' column types (of a table attribute) in the response. (Only available since the 7.0 version)


Authorization • Equal to 'Bearer xxx', `xxx` being the authentication token, see Authentication section

Accept • Equal to 'application/json', no other value allowed





Returns the content of the attribute in JSON standard format

Body Format application/json

Follow the standard format of the entity


code (string ) • Attribute code

type (string ) • Attribute type. See type section for more details.

labels (object ) : {
    localeCode (string ) • Attribute label for the locale `localeCode`

group (string ) • Attribute group

group_labels (object ) : {
    localeCode (string ) • Group label for the locale `localeCode`

sort_order (integer ) • Order of the attribute in its group

localizable (boolean ) • Whether the attribute is localizable, i.e. can have one value by locale

scopable (boolean ) • Whether the attribute is scopable, i.e. can have one value by channel

available_locales (array [string] ) • To make the attribute locale specfic, specify here for which locales it is specific

unique (boolean ) • Whether two values for the attribute cannot be the same

useable_as_grid_filter (boolean ) • Whether the attribute can be used as a filter for the product grid in the PIM user interface

max_characters (integer ) • Number maximum of characters allowed for the value of the attribute when the attribute type is `pim_catalog_text`, `pim_catalog_textarea` or `pim_catalog_identifier`

validation_rule (string ) • Validation rule type used to validate any attribute value when the attribute type is `pim_catalog_text` or `pim_catalog_identifier`

validation_regexp (string ) • Regexp expression used to validate any attribute value when the attribute type is `pim_catalog_text` or `pim_catalog_identifier`

wysiwyg_enabled (boolean ) • Whether the WYSIWYG interface is shown when the attribute type is `pim_catalog_textarea`

number_min (string ) • Minimum integer value allowed when the attribute type is `pim_catalog_metric`, `pim_catalog_price` or `pim_catalog_number`

number_max (string ) • Maximum integer value allowed when the attribute type is `pim_catalog_metric`, `pim_catalog_price` or `pim_catalog_number`

decimals_allowed (boolean ) • Whether decimals are allowed when the attribute type is `pim_catalog_metric`, `pim_catalog_price` or `pim_catalog_number`

negative_allowed (boolean ) • Whether negative values are allowed when the attribute type is `pim_catalog_metric` or `pim_catalog_number`

metric_family (string ) • Metric family when the attribute type is `pim_catalog_metric`

default_metric_unit (string ) • Default metric unit when the attribute type is `pim_catalog_metric`

date_min (string ) • Minimum date allowed when the attribute type is `pim_catalog_date`

date_max (string ) • Maximum date allowed when the attribute type is `pim_catalog_date`

allowed_extensions (array [string] ) • Extensions allowed when the attribute type is `pim_catalog_file` or `pim_catalog_image`

max_file_size (string ) • Max file size in MB when the attribute type is `pim_catalog_file` or `pim_catalog_image`

reference_data_name (string ) • Reference entity code when the attribute type is `akeneo_reference_entity` or `akeneo_reference_entity_collection` OR Asset family code when the attribute type is `pim_catalog_asset_collection`

default_value (boolean ) • Default value for a Yes/No attribute, applied when creating a new product or product model (only available since the 5.0)

table_configuration (array [object] ) : [
          code (string) • Column code
          data_type (string) • Column data type
          validations (object) • User defined validation constraints on the cell content
          labels (object) • Column labels for each locale
          is_required_for_completeness (boolean) • Defines if the column should be entirely filled for the attribute to be considered complete

is_main_identifier (boolean ) • Is this attribute main identifier when attribute type is `pim_catalog_identifier`



      "code": "release_date",
      "type": "pim_catalog_date",
      "group": "marketing",
      "group_labels": {
        "en_US": "Marketing",
        "fr_FR": "Marketing"
      "unique": false,
      "useable_as_grid_filter": true,
      "allowed_extensions": [],
      "metric_family": null,
      "default_metric_unit": null,
      "reference_data_name": null,
      "available_locales": [],
      "max_characters": null,
      "validation_rule": null,
      "validation_regexp": null,
      "wysiwyg_enabled": null,
      "number_min": null,
      "number_max": null,
      "decimals_allowed": null,
      "negative_allowed": null,
      "date_min": "2017-06-28T08:00:00",
      "date_max": "2017-08-08T22:00:00",
      "max_file_size": null,
      "minimum_input_length": null,
      "sort_order": 1,
      "localizable": false,
      "scopable": false,
      "default_value": null,
      "labels": {
        "en_US": "Sale date",
        "fr_FR": "Date des soldes"

Authentication required

Can be caused by a missing or expired token

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 401,
      "message": "Authentication is required"

Access forbidden

The user does not have the permission to execute this request

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 403,
      "message": "Access forbidden. You are not allowed to list categories."

Resource not found

The resource code given in the URI does not correspond to any existing PIM resource

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 404,
      "message": "Resource `my_resource_code` does not exist."

Not Acceptable

The `Accept` header is not `application/json` but it should

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 406,
      "message": "‘xxx’ in ‘Accept‘ header is not valid. Only ‘application/json‘ is allowed."

Update/create an attribute

This endpoint allows you to update a given attribute. Know more about Update behavior. Note that if no attribute exists for the given code, it creates it.

Available in PIM versions: 1.7 2.x 3.x 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 SaaS


patch /api/rest/v1/attributes/{code}

Path parameters

code (string) • Code of the resource

Query parameters



Authorization • Equal to 'Bearer xxx', `xxx` being the authentication token, see Authentication section

Content-type • Equal to 'application/json', no other value allowed


Follow the standard format of the entity


code (string ) • Attribute code

type (string ) • Attribute type. See type section for more details.

labels (object { localeCode : string } , [] by default) • Attribute labels for each locale

group (string ) • Attribute group

group_labels (object { localeCode : string } , [] by default) • Group labels for each locale

sort_order (integer , 0 by default) • Order of the attribute in its group

localizable (boolean , false by default) • Whether the attribute is localizable, i.e. can have one value by locale

scopable (boolean , false by default) • Whether the attribute is scopable, i.e. can have one value by channel

available_locales (array [string] ) • To make the attribute locale specfic, specify here for which locales it is specific

unique (boolean ) • Whether two values for the attribute cannot be the same

useable_as_grid_filter (boolean ) • Whether the attribute can be used as a filter for the product grid in the PIM user interface

max_characters (integer ) • Number maximum of characters allowed for the value of the attribute when the attribute type is `pim_catalog_text`, `pim_catalog_textarea` or `pim_catalog_identifier`

validation_rule (string ) • Validation rule type used to validate any attribute value when the attribute type is `pim_catalog_text` or `pim_catalog_identifier`

validation_regexp (string ) • Regexp expression used to validate any attribute value when the attribute type is `pim_catalog_text` or `pim_catalog_identifier`

wysiwyg_enabled (boolean ) • Whether the WYSIWYG interface is shown when the attribute type is `pim_catalog_textarea`

number_min (string ) • Minimum integer value allowed when the attribute type is `pim_catalog_metric`, `pim_catalog_price` or `pim_catalog_number`

number_max (string ) • Maximum integer value allowed when the attribute type is `pim_catalog_metric`, `pim_catalog_price` or `pim_catalog_number`

decimals_allowed (boolean ) • Whether decimals are allowed when the attribute type is `pim_catalog_metric`, `pim_catalog_price` or `pim_catalog_number`

negative_allowed (boolean ) • Whether negative values are allowed when the attribute type is `pim_catalog_metric` or `pim_catalog_number`

metric_family (string ) • Metric family when the attribute type is `pim_catalog_metric`

default_metric_unit (string ) • Default metric unit when the attribute type is `pim_catalog_metric`

date_min (string ) • Minimum date allowed when the attribute type is `pim_catalog_date`

date_max (string ) • Maximum date allowed when the attribute type is `pim_catalog_date`

allowed_extensions (array [string] ) • Extensions allowed when the attribute type is `pim_catalog_file` or `pim_catalog_image`

max_file_size (string ) • Max file size in MB when the attribute type is `pim_catalog_file` or `pim_catalog_image`

reference_data_name (string ) • Reference entity code when the attribute type is `akeneo_reference_entity` or `akeneo_reference_entity_collection` OR Asset family code when the attribute type is `pim_catalog_asset_collection`

default_value (boolean ) • Default value for a Yes/No attribute, applied when creating a new product or product model (only available since the 5.0)

table_configuration (array [object] ) : [
            code (string ) • Column code
            data_type (string ) • Column data type
            validations (object ) • User defined validation constraints on the cell content
            labels (object ) • Column labels for each locale
            is_required_for_completeness (boolean ) • Defines if the column should be entirely filled for the attribute to be considered complete

is_main_identifier (boolean ) • Is this attribute main identifier when attribute type is `pim_catalog_identifier`



      "code": "release_date",
      "type": "pim_catalog_date",
      "group": "marketing",
      "group_labels": {
        "en_US": "Marketing",
        "fr_FR": "Marketing"
      "unique": false,
      "useable_as_grid_filter": true,
      "allowed_extensions": [],
      "metric_family": null,
      "default_metric_unit": null,
      "reference_data_name": null,
      "available_locales": [],
      "max_characters": null,
      "validation_rule": null,
      "validation_regexp": null,
      "wysiwyg_enabled": null,
      "number_min": null,
      "number_max": null,
      "decimals_allowed": null,
      "negative_allowed": null,
      "date_min": "2017-06-28T08:00:00",
      "date_max": "2017-08-08T22:00:00",
      "max_file_size": null,
      "minimum_input_length": null,
      "sort_order": 1,
      "localizable": false,
      "scopable": false,
      "default_value": null,
      "labels": {
        "en_US": "Sale date",
        "fr_FR": "Date des soldes"



Means that the creation was successful


Location • URI of the created resource

Body Format application/json


No content to return

Means that the update was successful


Location • URI of the updated resource

Body Format application/json


Bad request

Can be caused by a malformed JSON request

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 400,
      "message": "Invalid JSON message received"

Authentication required

Can be caused by a missing or expired token

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 401,
      "message": "Authentication is required"

Access forbidden

The user does not have the permission to execute this request

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 403,
      "message": "Access forbidden. You are not allowed to list categories."

Unsupported Media type

The `Content-type` header has to be `application/json`

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 415,
      "message": "‘xxx’ in ‘Content-type’ header is not valid.  Only ‘application/json’ is allowed."

Unprocessable entity

The validation of the entity given in the body of the request failed

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 422,
      "message": "Property \"labels\" expects an array as data, \"NULL\" given. Check the API reference documentation.",
      "_links": {
        "documentation": {
          "href": ""

Attribute option

Get list of attribute options

This endpoint allows you to get a list of attribute options. Attribute options are paginated and sorted by code.

Available in PIM versions: 1.7 2.x 3.x 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 SaaS


get /api/rest/v1/attributes/{attribute_code}/options

Path parameters

attribute_code (string) • Code of the attribute

Query parameters

page (integer , 1 by default ) • Number of the page to retrieve when using the `page` pagination method type. Should never be set manually, see Pagination section

limit (integer , 10 by default ) • Number of results by page, see Pagination section

with_count (boolean ) • Return the count of items in the response. Be carefull with that, on a big catalog, it can decrease performance in a significative way


Authorization • Equal to 'Bearer xxx', `xxx` being the authentication token, see Authentication section

Accept • Equal to 'application/json', no other value allowed




Return attribute options paginated

Body Format application/json

Follow the standard format of the entity


_links (object) : {
    self (object ) : {
        href (string ) • URI of the current page of resources
    first (object ) : {
        href (string ) • URI of the first page of resources
    previous (object ) : {
        href (string ) • URI of the previous page of resources
    next (object ) : {
        href (string ) • URI of the next page of resources

current_page (integer) • Current page number

_embedded (object) : {
    items (array ) : [
          _links (object) : {
              self (object) : {
                  href (string ) • URI of the resource
          code (string) • Code of option
          attribute (string) • Code of attribute related to the attribute option
          sort_order (integer) • Order of attribute option
          labels (object) : {
              localeCode (string) • Attribute option label for the locale `localeCode`



      "_links": {
        "self": {
          "href": ""
        "first": {
          "href": ""
        "previous": {
          "href": ""
        "next": {
          "href": ""
      "current_page": 3,
      "_embedded": {
        "items": [
            "_links": {
              "self": {
                "href": ""
            "code": "red",
            "attribute": "a_simple_select",
            "sort_order": 1,
            "labels": {
              "en_US": "Red",
              "fr_FR": "Rouge"
            "_links": {
              "self": {
                "href": ""
            "code": "black",
            "attribute": "a_simple_select",
            "sort_order": 2,
            "labels": {
              "en_US": "Black",
              "fr_FR": "Noir"
            "_links": {
              "self": {
                "href": ""
            "code": "purple",
            "attribute": "a_simple_select",
            "sort_order": 3,
            "labels": {
              "en_US": "Purple",
              "fr_FR": "Violet"

Authentication required

Can be caused by a missing or expired token

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 401,
      "message": "Authentication is required"

Access forbidden

The user does not have the permission to execute this request

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 403,
      "message": "Access forbidden. You are not allowed to list categories."

Not Acceptable

The `Accept` header is not `application/json` but it should

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 406,
      "message": "‘xxx’ in ‘Accept‘ header is not valid. Only ‘application/json‘ is allowed."

Create a new attribute option

This endpoint allows you to create a new attribute option.

Available in PIM versions: 1.7 2.x 3.x 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 SaaS


post /api/rest/v1/attributes/{attribute_code}/options

Path parameters

attribute_code (string) • Code of the attribute

Query parameters



Authorization • Equal to 'Bearer xxx', `xxx` being the authentication token, see Authentication section

Content-type • Equal to 'application/json', no other value allowed


Follow the standard format of the entity


code (string ) • Code of option

attribute (string ) • Code of attribute related to the attribute option

sort_order (integer ) • Order of attribute option

labels (object { localeCode : string } , [] by default) • Attribute option labels for each locale



      "code": "black",
      "attribute": "a_simple_select",
      "sort_order": 2,
      "labels": {
        "en_US": "Black",
        "fr_FR": "Noir"



Means that the creation was successful


Location • URI of the created resource

Body Format application/json


Bad request

Can be caused by a malformed JSON request

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 400,
      "message": "Invalid JSON message received"

Authentication required

Can be caused by a missing or expired token

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 401,
      "message": "Authentication is required"

Access forbidden

The user does not have the permission to execute this request

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 403,
      "message": "Access forbidden. You are not allowed to list categories."

Unsupported Media type

The `Content-type` header has to be `application/json`

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 415,
      "message": "‘xxx’ in ‘Content-type’ header is not valid.  Only ‘application/json’ is allowed."

Unprocessable entity

The validation of the entity given in the body of the request failed

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 422,
      "message": "Property \"labels\" expects an array as data, \"NULL\" given. Check the API reference documentation.",
      "_links": {
        "documentation": {
          "href": ""

Update/create several attribute options

This endpoint allows you to update several attribute options at once. Please note that this endpoint applies a rate limit of 3 concurrent API requests per second.

Available in PIM versions: 2.1 2.2 2.3 3.x 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 SaaS


patch /api/rest/v1/attributes/{attribute_code}/options

Path parameters

attribute_code (string) • Code of the attribute

Query parameters



Authorization • Equal to 'Bearer xxx', `xxx` being the authentication token, see Authentication section

Content-type • Equal to 'application/vnd.akeneo.collection+json', no other value allowed


Contains several lines, each line is an attribute option in JSON standard format


code (string ) • Code of option

attribute (string ) • Code of attribute related to the attribute option

sort_order (integer ) • Order of attribute option

labels (object { localeCode : string } , [] by default) • Attribute option labels for each locale



{"code":"black", "attribute":"a_simple_select", "labels":{"en_US": "Black","fr_FR": "Noir"}}
    {"code":"red", "label":{"en_US": "Red","fr_FR": "Rouge"}}
    {"code":"yellow", "labels":{"en_US": "Yellow","fr_FR": "Jaune"}}



Returns a plain text response whose lines are JSON containing the status of each update or creation

Body Format application/json


line (integer ) • Line number

identifier (string ) • Resource identifier, only filled when the resource is a product

code (string ) • Resource code, only filled when the resource is not a product

status_code (integer ) • HTTP status code, see Client errors to understand the meaning of each code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



    {"line":2,"code":"red","status_code":422,"message":"Property \"label\" does not exist. Check the API format documentation."}

Authentication required

Can be caused by a missing or expired token

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 401,
      "message": "Authentication is required"

Access forbidden

The user does not have the permission to execute this request

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 403,
      "message": "Access forbidden. You are not allowed to list categories."

Request Entity Too Large

There are too many resources to process (max 100) or the line of JSON is too long (max 1 000 000 characters)

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 413,
      "message": "Too many resources to process, 100 is the maximum allowed."

Unsupported Media type

The `Content-type` header has to be `application/vnd.akeneo.collection+json`

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 415,
      "message": "‘xxx’ in ‘Content-type’ header is not valid.  Only ‘application/vnd.akeneo.collection+json’ is allowed."

Too many requests

There are too many requests on this endpoint

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 429,
      "message": "You have exceeded the limit of API requests per second."

Get an attribute option

This endpoint allows you to get the information about a given attribute option.

Available in PIM versions: 1.7 2.x 3.x 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 SaaS


get /api/rest/v1/attributes/{attribute_code}/options/{code}

Path parameters

attribute_code (string) • Code of the attribute

code (string) • Code of the resource

Query parameters



Authorization • Equal to 'Bearer xxx', `xxx` being the authentication token, see Authentication section

Accept • Equal to 'application/json', no other value allowed





Returns the content of the attribute option in JSON standard format

Body Format application/json

Follow the standard format of the entity


code (string ) • Code of option

attribute (string ) • Code of attribute related to the attribute option

sort_order (integer ) • Order of attribute option

labels (object ) : {
    localeCode (string ) • Attribute option label for the locale `localeCode`



      "code": "black",
      "attribute": "a_simple_select",
      "sort_order": 2,
      "labels": {
        "en_US": "Black",
        "fr_FR": "Noir"

Authentication required

Can be caused by a missing or expired token

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 401,
      "message": "Authentication is required"

Access forbidden

The user does not have the permission to execute this request

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 403,
      "message": "Access forbidden. You are not allowed to list categories."

Resource not found

The resource code given in the URI does not correspond to any existing PIM resource

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 404,
      "message": "Resource `my_resource_code` does not exist."

Not Acceptable

The `Accept` header is not `application/json` but it should

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 406,
      "message": "‘xxx’ in ‘Accept‘ header is not valid. Only ‘application/json‘ is allowed."

Update/create an attribute option

This endpoint allows you to update a given attribute option. Know more about Update behavior. Note that if no attribute option exists for the given code, it creates it. Please note that this endpoint applies a rate limit of 3 concurrent API requests per second.

Available in PIM versions: 1.7 2.x 3.x 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 SaaS


patch /api/rest/v1/attributes/{attribute_code}/options/{code}

Path parameters

attribute_code (string) • Code of the attribute

code (string) • Code of the resource

Query parameters



Authorization • Equal to 'Bearer xxx', `xxx` being the authentication token, see Authentication section

Content-type • Equal to 'application/json', no other value allowed


Follow the standard format of the entity


code (string ) • Code of option

attribute (string ) • Code of attribute related to the attribute option

sort_order (integer ) • Order of attribute option

labels (object { localeCode : string } , [] by default) • Attribute option labels for each locale



      "code": "black",
      "attribute": "a_simple_select",
      "sort_order": 2,
      "labels": {
        "en_US": "Black",
        "fr_FR": "Noir"



Means that the creation was successful


Location • URI of the created resource

Body Format application/json


No content to return

Means that the update was successful


Location • URI of the updated resource

Body Format application/json


Bad request

Can be caused by a malformed JSON request

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 400,
      "message": "Invalid JSON message received"

Authentication required

Can be caused by a missing or expired token

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 401,
      "message": "Authentication is required"

Access forbidden

The user does not have the permission to execute this request

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 403,
      "message": "Access forbidden. You are not allowed to list categories."

Unsupported Media type

The `Content-type` header has to be `application/json`

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 415,
      "message": "‘xxx’ in ‘Content-type’ header is not valid.  Only ‘application/json’ is allowed."

Unprocessable entity

The validation of the entity given in the body of the request failed

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 422,
      "message": "Property \"labels\" expects an array as data, \"NULL\" given. Check the API reference documentation.",
      "_links": {
        "documentation": {
          "href": ""

Too many requests

There are too many requests on this endpoint

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 429,
      "message": "You have exceeded the limit of API requests per second."

Attribute group

Get list of attribute groups

This endpoint allows you to get a list of attribute groups. Attribute groups are paginated and sorted by code.

Available in PIM versions: 2.x 3.x 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 SaaS


get /api/rest/v1/attribute-groups

Path parameters


Query parameters

search (string ) • Filter attribute groups, for more details see the Filters section.

page (integer , 1 by default ) • Number of the page to retrieve when using the `page` pagination method type. Should never be set manually, see Pagination section

limit (integer , 10 by default ) • Number of results by page, see Pagination section

with_count (boolean ) • Return the count of items in the response. Be carefull with that, on a big catalog, it can decrease performance in a significative way


Authorization • Equal to 'Bearer xxx', `xxx` being the authentication token, see Authentication section

Accept • Equal to 'application/json', no other value allowed




Return attribute groups paginated

Body Format application/json

Follow the standard format of the entity


_links (object) : {
    self (object ) : {
        href (string ) • URI of the current page of resources
    first (object ) : {
        href (string ) • URI of the first page of resources
    previous (object ) : {
        href (string ) • URI of the previous page of resources
    next (object ) : {
        href (string ) • URI of the next page of resources

current_page (integer) • Current page number

_embedded (object) : {
    items (array ) : [
          _links (object) : {
              self (object) : {
                  href (string ) • URI of the resource
          code (string) • Attribute group code
          sort_order (integer) • Attribute group order among other attribute groups
          attributes (array [string ]) • Attribute codes that compose the attribute group
          labels (object) : {
              localeCode (string) • Attribute group label for the locale `localeCode`



      "_links": {
        "self": {
          "href": ""
        "first": {
          "href": ""
        "previous": {
          "href": ""
        "next": {
          "href": ""
      "current_page": 3,
      "_embedded": {
        "items": [
            "_links": {
              "self": {
                "href": ""
            "code": "marketing",
            "sort_order": 4,
            "attributes": [
            "labels": {
              "en_US": "Marketing",
              "fr_FR": "Marketing"
            "_links": {
              "self": {
                "href": ""
            "code": "technical",
            "sort_order": 5,
            "attributes": [
            "labels": {
              "en_US": "Technical",
              "fr_FR": "Technique"

Authentication required

Can be caused by a missing or expired token

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 401,
      "message": "Authentication is required"

Access forbidden

The user does not have the permission to execute this request

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 403,
      "message": "Access forbidden. You are not allowed to list categories."

Not Acceptable

The `Accept` header is not `application/json` but it should

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 406,
      "message": "‘xxx’ in ‘Accept‘ header is not valid. Only ‘application/json‘ is allowed."

Create a new attribute group

This endpoint allows you to create a new attribute group.

Available in PIM versions: 2.x 3.x 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 SaaS


post /api/rest/v1/attribute-groups

Path parameters


Query parameters



Authorization • Equal to 'Bearer xxx', `xxx` being the authentication token, see Authentication section

Content-type • Equal to 'application/json', no other value allowed


Follow the standard format of the entity


code (string ) • Attribute group code

sort_order (integer , 0 by default) • Attribute group order among other attribute groups

attributes (array [string] , [] by default) • Attribute codes that compose the attribute group

labels (object { localeCode : string } , [] by default) • Attribute group labels for each locale



      "code": "marketing",
      "sort_order": 4,
      "attributes": [
      "labels": {
        "en_US": "Marketing",
        "fr_FR": "Marketing"



Means that the creation was successful


Location • URI of the created resource

Body Format application/json


Bad request

Can be caused by a malformed JSON request

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 400,
      "message": "Invalid JSON message received"

Authentication required

Can be caused by a missing or expired token

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 401,
      "message": "Authentication is required"

Access forbidden

The user does not have the permission to execute this request

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 403,
      "message": "Access forbidden. You are not allowed to list categories."

Unsupported Media type

The `Content-type` header has to be `application/json`

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 415,
      "message": "‘xxx’ in ‘Content-type’ header is not valid.  Only ‘application/json’ is allowed."

Unprocessable entity

The validation of the entity given in the body of the request failed

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 422,
      "message": "Property \"labels\" expects an array as data, \"NULL\" given. Check the API reference documentation.",
      "_links": {
        "documentation": {
          "href": ""

Update/create several attribute groups

This endpoint allows you to update and/or create several attribute groups at once.

Available in PIM versions: 2.x 3.x 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 SaaS


patch /api/rest/v1/attribute-groups

Path parameters


Query parameters



Authorization • Equal to 'Bearer xxx', `xxx` being the authentication token, see Authentication section

Content-type • Equal to 'application/vnd.akeneo.collection+json', no other value allowed


Contains several lines, each line is an attribute group in JSON standard format


code (string ) • Attribute group code

sort_order (integer , 0 by default) • Attribute group order among other attribute groups

attributes (array [string] , [] by default) • Attribute codes that compose the attribute group

labels (object { localeCode : string } , [] by default) • Attribute group labels for each locale



{"code":"technical","labels":{"en_US": "Technical", "fr_FR": "Technique"}}



Returns a plain text response whose lines are JSON containing the status of each update or creation

Body Format application/json

Follow the standard format of the entity


line (integer ) • Line number

identifier (string ) • Resource identifier, only filled when the resource is a product

code (string ) • Resource code, only filled when the resource is not a product

status_code (integer ) • HTTP status code, see Client errors to understand the meaning of each code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



    {"line":2,"code":"marketing","status_code":422,"message":"Property \"type\" does not exist. Check the standard format documentation.","_links":{"documentation":{"href":"http:\/\/\/api-reference.html#patch_attribute_groups__code_"}}}

Authentication required

Can be caused by a missing or expired token

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 401,
      "message": "Authentication is required"

Access forbidden

The user does not have the permission to execute this request

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 403,
      "message": "Access forbidden. You are not allowed to list categories."

Request Entity Too Large

There are too many resources to process (max 100) or the line of JSON is too long (max 1 000 000 characters)

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 413,
      "message": "Too many resources to process, 100 is the maximum allowed."

Unsupported Media type

The `Content-type` header has to be `application/vnd.akeneo.collection+json`

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 415,
      "message": "‘xxx’ in ‘Content-type’ header is not valid.  Only ‘application/vnd.akeneo.collection+json’ is allowed."

Get an attribute group

This endpoint allows you to get the information about a given attribute group.

Available in PIM versions: 2.x 3.x 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 SaaS


get /api/rest/v1/attribute-groups/{code}

Path parameters

code (string) • Code of the resource

Query parameters



Authorization • Equal to 'Bearer xxx', `xxx` being the authentication token, see Authentication section

Accept • Equal to 'application/json', no other value allowed





Returns the content of the attribute group in JSON standard format

Body Format application/json

Follow the standard format of the entity


code (string ) • Attribute group code

sort_order (integer ) • Attribute group order among other attribute groups

attributes (array [string] ) • Attribute codes that compose the attribute group

labels (object ) : {
    localeCode (string ) • Attribute group label for the locale `localeCode`



      "code": "marketing",
      "sort_order": 4,
      "attributes": [
      "labels": {
        "en_US": "Marketing",
        "fr_FR": "Marketing"

Authentication required

Can be caused by a missing or expired token

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 401,
      "message": "Authentication is required"

Access forbidden

The user does not have the permission to execute this request

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 403,
      "message": "Access forbidden. You are not allowed to list categories."

Resource not found

The resource code given in the URI does not correspond to any existing PIM resource

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 404,
      "message": "Resource `my_resource_code` does not exist."

Not Acceptable

The `Accept` header is not `application/json` but it should

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 406,
      "message": "‘xxx’ in ‘Accept‘ header is not valid. Only ‘application/json‘ is allowed."

Update/create an attribute group

This endpoint allows you to update a given attribute group. Know more about Update behavior. Note that if no attribute group exists for the given code, it creates it.

Available in PIM versions: 2.x 3.x 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 SaaS


patch /api/rest/v1/attribute-groups/{code}

Path parameters

code (string) • Code of the resource

Query parameters



Authorization • Equal to 'Bearer xxx', `xxx` being the authentication token, see Authentication section

Content-type • Equal to 'application/json', no other value allowed


Follow the standard format of the entity


code (string ) • Attribute group code

sort_order (integer , 0 by default) • Attribute group order among other attribute groups

attributes (array [string] , [] by default) • Attribute codes that compose the attribute group

labels (object { localeCode : string } , [] by default) • Attribute group labels for each locale



      "code": "marketing",
      "sort_order": 4,
      "attributes": [
      "labels": {
        "en_US": "Marketing",
        "fr_FR": "Marketing"



Means that the creation was successful


Location • URI of the created resource

Body Format application/json


No content to return

Means that the update was successful


Location • URI of the updated resource

Body Format application/json


Bad request

Can be caused by a malformed JSON request

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 400,
      "message": "Invalid JSON message received"

Authentication required

Can be caused by a missing or expired token

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 401,
      "message": "Authentication is required"

Access forbidden

The user does not have the permission to execute this request

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 403,
      "message": "Access forbidden. You are not allowed to list categories."

Unsupported Media type

The `Content-type` header has to be `application/json`

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 415,
      "message": "‘xxx’ in ‘Content-type’ header is not valid.  Only ‘application/json’ is allowed."

Unprocessable entity

The validation of the entity given in the body of the request failed

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 422,
      "message": "Property \"labels\" expects an array as data, \"NULL\" given. Check the API reference documentation.",
      "_links": {
        "documentation": {
          "href": ""

Association type

Get a list of association types

This endpoint allows you to get a list of association types. Association types are paginated and sorted by code.

Available in PIM versions: 2.x 3.x 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 SaaS


get /api/rest/v1/association-types

Path parameters


Query parameters

page (integer , 1 by default ) • Number of the page to retrieve when using the `page` pagination method type. Should never be set manually, see Pagination section

limit (integer , 10 by default ) • Number of results by page, see Pagination section

with_count (boolean ) • Return the count of items in the response. Be carefull with that, on a big catalog, it can decrease performance in a significative way


Authorization • Equal to 'Bearer xxx', `xxx` being the authentication token, see Authentication section

Accept • Equal to 'application/json', no other value allowed




Return association types paginated

Body Format application/json

Follow the standard format of the entity


_links (object) : {
    self (object ) : {
        href (string ) • URI of the current page of resources
    first (object ) : {
        href (string ) • URI of the first page of resources
    previous (object ) : {
        href (string ) • URI of the previous page of resources
    next (object ) : {
        href (string ) • URI of the next page of resources

current_page (integer) • Current page number

_embedded (object) : {
    items (array ) : [
          _links (object) : {
              self (object) : {
                  href (string ) • URI of the resource
          code (string) • Association type code
          labels (object) : {
              localeCode (string) • Association type label for the locale `localeCode`
          is_quantified (boolean) • When true, the association is a quantified association (Only available in the PIM Serenity version.)
          is_two_way (boolean) • When true, the association is a two-way association (Only available in the PIM Serenity version.)



      "_links": {
        "self": {
          "href": ""
        "first": {
          "href": ""
      "current_page": 1,
      "_embedded": {
        "items": [
            "_links": {
              "self": {
                "href": ""
            "code": "X_SELL",
            "labels": {
              "en_US": "Cross sell",
              "fr_FR": "Vente croisée"
            "is_quantified": false,
            "is_two_way": false
            "_links": {
              "self": {
                "href": ""
            "code": "UPSELL",
            "labels": {
              "en_US": "Upsell",
              "fr_FR": "Vente incitative"
            "is_quantified": false,
            "is_two_way": false
            "_links": {
              "self": {
                "href": ""
            "code": "SUBSTITUTION",
            "labels": {
              "en_US": "Substitution",
              "fr_FR": "Remplacement"
            "is_quantified": false,
            "is_two_way": false

Authentication required

Can be caused by a missing or expired token

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 401,
      "message": "Authentication is required"

Access forbidden

The user does not have the permission to execute this request

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 403,
      "message": "Access forbidden. You are not allowed to list categories."

Not Acceptable

The `Accept` header is not `application/json` but it should

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 406,
      "message": "‘xxx’ in ‘Accept‘ header is not valid. Only ‘application/json‘ is allowed."

Create a new association type

This endpoint allows you to create a new association type.

Available in PIM versions: 2.x 3.x 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 SaaS


post /api/rest/v1/association-types

Path parameters


Query parameters



Authorization • Equal to 'Bearer xxx', `xxx` being the authentication token, see Authentication section

Content-type • Equal to 'application/json', no other value allowed


Follow the standard format of the entity


code (string ) • Association type code

labels (object { localeCode : string } , [] by default) • Association type labels for each locale

is_quantified (boolean , false by default) • When true, the association is a quantified association (Only available in the PIM Serenity version.)

is_two_way (boolean , false by default) • When true, the association is a two-way association (Only available in the PIM Serenity version.)



      "code": "upsell",
      "labels": {
        "en_US": "Upsell",
        "fr_FR": "Vente incitative"
      "is_quantified": false,
      "is_two_way": false



Means that the creation was successful


Location • URI of the created resource

Body Format application/json


Bad request

Can be caused by a malformed JSON request

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 400,
      "message": "Invalid JSON message received"

Authentication required

Can be caused by a missing or expired token

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 401,
      "message": "Authentication is required"

Access forbidden

The user does not have the permission to execute this request

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 403,
      "message": "Access forbidden. You are not allowed to list categories."

Unsupported Media type

The `Content-type` header has to be `application/json`

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 415,
      "message": "‘xxx’ in ‘Content-type’ header is not valid.  Only ‘application/json’ is allowed."

Unprocessable entity

The validation of the entity given in the body of the request failed

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 422,
      "message": "Property \"labels\" expects an array as data, \"NULL\" given. Check the API reference documentation.",
      "_links": {
        "documentation": {
          "href": ""

Update/create several association types

This endpoint allows you to update and/or create several association types at once.

Available in PIM versions: 2.x 3.x 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 SaaS


patch /api/rest/v1/association-types

Path parameters


Query parameters



Authorization • Equal to 'Bearer xxx', `xxx` being the authentication token, see Authentication section

Content-type • Equal to 'application/vnd.akeneo.collection+json', no other value allowed


Contains several lines, each line is an association type in JSON standard format


code (string ) • Association type code

labels (object { localeCode : string } , [] by default) • Association type labels for each locale

is_quantified (boolean , false by default) • When true, the association is a quantified association (Only available in the PIM Serenity version.)

is_two_way (boolean , false by default) • When true, the association is a two-way association (Only available in the PIM Serenity version.)



    {"code":"substitution", "type":"bar"}
    {"code":"x_cross_sell", "is_two_way": true, "is_quantified": false}



Returns a plain text response whose lines are JSON containing the status of each update or creation

Body Format application/json

Follow the standard format of the entity


line (integer ) • Line number

identifier (string ) • Resource identifier, only filled when the resource is a product

code (string ) • Resource code, only filled when the resource is not a product

status_code (integer ) • HTTP status code, see Client errors to understand the meaning of each code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



    {"line":2,"code":"substitution","status_code":422,"message":"Property \"type\" does not exist. Check the standard format documentation.","_links":{"documentation":{"href":"http:\/\/\/api-reference.html#patch_association_types__code_"}}}

Authentication required

Can be caused by a missing or expired token

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 401,
      "message": "Authentication is required"

Access forbidden

The user does not have the permission to execute this request

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 403,
      "message": "Access forbidden. You are not allowed to list categories."

Request Entity Too Large

There are too many resources to process (max 100) or the line of JSON is too long (max 1 000 000 characters)

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 413,
      "message": "Too many resources to process, 100 is the maximum allowed."

Unsupported Media type

The `Content-type` header has to be `application/vnd.akeneo.collection+json`

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 415,
      "message": "‘xxx’ in ‘Content-type’ header is not valid.  Only ‘application/vnd.akeneo.collection+json’ is allowed."

Get an association type

This endpoint allows you to get the information about a given association type.

Available in PIM versions: 2.x 3.x 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 SaaS


get /api/rest/v1/association-types/{code}

Path parameters

code (string) • Code of the resource

Query parameters



Authorization • Equal to 'Bearer xxx', `xxx` being the authentication token, see Authentication section

Accept • Equal to 'application/json', no other value allowed





Returns the content of the association type in JSON standard format

Body Format application/json

Follow the standard format of the entity


code (string ) • Association type code

labels (object ) : {
    localeCode (string ) • Association type label for the locale `localeCode`

is_quantified (boolean ) • When true, the association is a quantified association (Only available in the PIM Serenity version.)

is_two_way (boolean ) • When true, the association is a two-way association (Only available in the PIM Serenity version.)



      "code": "upsell",
      "labels": {
        "en_US": "Upsell",
        "fr_FR": "Vente incitative"
      "is_quantified": false,
      "is_two_way": false

Authentication required

Can be caused by a missing or expired token

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 401,
      "message": "Authentication is required"

Access forbidden

The user does not have the permission to execute this request

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 403,
      "message": "Access forbidden. You are not allowed to list categories."

Resource not found

The resource code given in the URI does not correspond to any existing PIM resource

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 404,
      "message": "Resource `my_resource_code` does not exist."

Not Acceptable

The `Accept` header is not `application/json` but it should

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 406,
      "message": "‘xxx’ in ‘Accept‘ header is not valid. Only ‘application/json‘ is allowed."

Update/create an association type

This endpoint allows you to update a given association type. Know more about Update behavior. Note that if no association type exists for the given code, it creates it.

Available in PIM versions: 2.x 3.x 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 SaaS


patch /api/rest/v1/association-types/{code}

Path parameters

code (string) • Code of the resource

Query parameters



Authorization • Equal to 'Bearer xxx', `xxx` being the authentication token, see Authentication section

Content-type • Equal to 'application/json', no other value allowed


Follow the standard format of the entity


code (string ) • Association type code

labels (object { localeCode : string } , [] by default) • Association type labels for each locale

is_quantified (boolean , false by default) • When true, the association is a quantified association (Only available in the PIM Serenity version.)

is_two_way (boolean , false by default) • When true, the association is a two-way association (Only available in the PIM Serenity version.)



      "code": "upsell",
      "labels": {
        "en_US": "Upsell",
        "fr_FR": "Vente incitative"
      "is_quantified": false,
      "is_two_way": false



Means that the creation was successful


Location • URI of the created resource

Body Format application/json


No content to return

Means that the update was successful


Location • URI of the updated resource

Body Format application/json


Bad request

Can be caused by a malformed JSON request

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 400,
      "message": "Invalid JSON message received"

Authentication required

Can be caused by a missing or expired token

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 401,
      "message": "Authentication is required"

Access forbidden

The user does not have the permission to execute this request

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 403,
      "message": "Access forbidden. You are not allowed to list categories."

Unsupported Media type

The `Content-type` header has to be `application/json`

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 415,
      "message": "‘xxx’ in ‘Content-type’ header is not valid.  Only ‘application/json’ is allowed."

Unprocessable entity

The validation of the entity given in the body of the request failed

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 422,
      "message": "Property \"labels\" expects an array as data, \"NULL\" given. Check the API reference documentation.",
      "_links": {
        "documentation": {
          "href": ""


Get list of categories

This endpoint allows you to get a list of categories. Categories are paginated and sorted by `root/left`.

Available in PIM versions: 1.7 2.x 3.x 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 SaaS


get /api/rest/v1/categories

Path parameters


Query parameters

search (string ) • Filter categories, for more details see the Filters section.

page (integer , 1 by default ) • Number of the page to retrieve when using the `page` pagination method type. Should never be set manually, see Pagination section

limit (integer , 10 by default ) • Number of results by page, see Pagination section

with_count (boolean ) • Return the count of items in the response. Be carefull with that, on a big catalog, it can decrease performance in a significative way

with_position (boolean ) • Return information about category position into its category tree (only available since the 7.0 version)

with_enriched_attributes (boolean ) • Return attribute values of the category (only available on SaaS platforms)


Authorization • Equal to 'Bearer xxx', `xxx` being the authentication token, see Authentication section

Accept • Equal to 'application/json', no other value allowed




Return categories paginated

Body Format application/json

Follow the standard format of the entity


_links (object) : {
    self (object ) : {
        href (string ) • URI of the current page of resources
    first (object ) : {
        href (string ) • URI of the first page of resources
    previous (object ) : {
        href (string ) • URI of the previous page of resources
    next (object ) : {
        href (string ) • URI of the next page of resources

current_page (integer) • Current page number

_embedded (object) : {
    items (array ) : [
          _links (object) : {
              self (object) : {
                  href (string ) • URI of the resource
          code (string) • Category code
          parent (string) • Category code of the parent's category
          updated (string) • Date of the last update
          position (integer) • Position of the category in its level, start from 1 (only available since the 7.0 version and when query parameter "with_position" is set to "true")
          labels (object) : {
              localeCode (string) • Category label for the locale `localeCode`
          values (object) : {
              attributeCode|attributeUuid|channelCode|localeCode (array [object ]) • : [
                    data (object ) • Attribute value
                    type (string ) • The attribute type
                    locale (string )Locale code of the attribute value
                    channel (string )Channel code of the attribute value
                    attribute_code (string ) • The attribute code with its uuid (attributeCode|attributeUuid)



      "_links": {
        "self": {
          "href": ""
        "first": {
          "href": ""
        "previous": {
          "href": ""
        "next": {
          "href": ""
      "current_page": 2,
      "_embedded": {
        "items": [
            "_links": {
              "self": {
                "href": ""
            "code": "winter_collection",
            "parent": null,
            "updated": "2021-05-21T11:32:00+02:00",
            "position": 1,
            "labels": {
              "en_US": "Winter collection",
              "fr_FR": "Collection hiver",
              "de_DE": "Winter-Kollektion"
            "values": {
              "description|96b88bf4-c2b7-4b64-a1f9-5d4876c02c26|ecommerce|en_US": {
                "data": "<p>Winter collection description</p>\n",
                "type": "textarea",
                "channel": "ecommerce",
                "locale": "en_US",
                "attribute_code": "description|96b88bf4-c2b7-4b64-a1f9-5d4876c02c26"
              "image_1|871b8686-79b5-415c-9c6f-a38f8732dfb7|ecommerce|en_US": {
                "data": {
                  "size": 1401359,
                  "extension": "jpg",
                  "file_path": "2/d/c/7/2dc791671d726e7438219d5dc7fd51a53d6bf2bb_IMG_7860.jpg",
                  "mime_type": "image/jpeg",
                  "original_filename": "IMG_7860.jpg"
                "type": "image",
                "channel": "ecommerce",
                "locale": "en_US",
                "attribute_code": "image_1|871b8686-79b5-415c-9c6f-a38f8732dfb7"
            "_links": {
              "self": {
                "href": ""
            "code": "woman",
            "parent": "winter_collection",
            "updated": "2021-04-21T10:41:02+02:00",
            "position": 1,
            "labels": {
              "en_US": "Woman",
              "fr_FR": "Femme",
              "de_DE": "Damen"
            "values": {}
            "_links": {
              "self": {
                "href": ""
            "code": "man",
            "parent": "winter_collection",
            "updated": "2021-03-02T12:59:59+02:00",
            "position": 2,
            "labels": {
              "en_US": "Man",
              "fr_FR": "Homme",
              "de_DE": "Herren"
            "values": {}
            "_links": {
              "self": {
                "href": ""
            "code": "kids",
            "parent": "winter_collection",
            "updated": "2021-01-03T12:40:00+02:00",
            "position": 3,
            "labels": {
              "en_US": "Kids",
              "fr_FR": "Enfant",
              "de_DE": "Kinder"
            "values": {}
            "_links": {
              "self": {
                "href": ""
            "code": "summer_collection",
            "parent": null,
            "updated": "2021-04-04T09:42:00+02:00",
            "position": 1,
            "labels": {
              "en_US": "Summer collection",
              "fr_FR": "Collection été",
              "de_DE": "Sommer-Kollektion"
            "values": {}

Authentication required

Can be caused by a missing or expired token

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 401,
      "message": "Authentication is required"

Access forbidden

The user does not have the permission to execute this request

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 403,
      "message": "Access forbidden. You are not allowed to list categories."

Not Acceptable

The `Accept` header is not `application/json` but it should

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 406,
      "message": "‘xxx’ in ‘Accept‘ header is not valid. Only ‘application/json‘ is allowed."

Create a new category

This endpoint allows you to create a new category.

Available in PIM versions: 1.7 2.x 3.x 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 SaaS


post /api/rest/v1/categories

Path parameters


Query parameters



Authorization • Equal to 'Bearer xxx', `xxx` being the authentication token, see Authentication section

Content-type • Equal to 'application/json', no other value allowed


Follow the standard format of the entity


code (string ) • Category code

parent (string , null by default) • Category code of the parent's category

labels (object { localeCode : string } , [] by default) • Category labels for each locale

values (array [object] , [] by default) : [
            data (string ) • Attribute value. It should be a `string` for Text and Text Area attributes, a `boolean` for Yes/No attribute and for Image attribute use the create category media file endpoint. It can also be `null` to remove the value.
            locale (string ) Locale code of the attribute value.
            channel (string ) Channel code of the attribute value.
            attribute_code (string ) • The attribute code.



      "code": "winter_collection",
      "parent": null,
      "labels": {
        "en_US": "Winter collection",
        "fr_FR": "Collection hiver"
      "values": [
          "data": "<p>Winter collection description</p>",
          "channel": "ecommerce",
          "locale": "en_US",
          "attribute_code": "a_text_area_attribute"
          "data": false,
          "channel": "ecommerce",
          "locale": null,
          "attribute_code": "a_boolean_attribute"
          "data": null,
          "channel": null,
          "locale": null,
          "attribute_code": "an_image_attribute"



Means that the creation was successful


Location • URI of the created resource

Body Format application/json


Bad request

Can be caused by a malformed JSON request

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 400,
      "message": "Invalid JSON message received"

Authentication required

Can be caused by a missing or expired token

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 401,
      "message": "Authentication is required"

Access forbidden

The user does not have the permission to execute this request

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 403,
      "message": "Access forbidden. You are not allowed to list categories."

Unsupported Media type

The `Content-type` header has to be `application/json`

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 415,
      "message": "‘xxx’ in ‘Content-type’ header is not valid.  Only ‘application/json’ is allowed."

Unprocessable entity

The validation of the entity given in the body of the request failed

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 422,
      "message": "Property \"labels\" expects an array as data, \"NULL\" given. Check the API reference documentation.",
      "_links": {
        "documentation": {
          "href": ""

Update/create several categories

This endpoint allows you to update several categories at once.

Available in PIM versions: 1.7 2.x 3.x 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 SaaS


patch /api/rest/v1/categories

Path parameters


Query parameters



Authorization • Equal to 'Bearer xxx', `xxx` being the authentication token, see Authentication section

Content-type • Equal to 'application/vnd.akeneo.collection+json', no other value allowed


Contains several lines, each line is a category in JSON standard format


code (string ) • Category code

parent (string , null by default) • Category code of the parent's category

updated (string ) • Date of the last update

position (integer ) • Position of the category in its level, start from 1 (only available since the 7.0 version and when query parameter "with_position" is set to "true")

labels (object { localeCode : string } , [] by default) • Category labels for each locale

values (array [object] , [] by default) : [
            data (string ) • Attribute value. It should be a `string` for Text and Text Area attributes, a `boolean` for Yes/No attribute and for Image attribute use the create category media file endpoint. It can also be `null` to remove the value.
            locale (string ) Locale code of the attribute value.
            channel (string ) Channel code of the attribute value.
            attribute_code (string ) • The attribute code.






Returns a plain text response whose lines are JSON containing the status of each update or creation

Body Format application/json


line (integer ) • Line number

identifier (string ) • Resource identifier, only filled when the resource is a product

code (string ) • Resource code, only filled when the resource is not a product

status_code (integer ) • HTTP status code, see Client errors to understand the meaning of each code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



    {"line":2,"code":"woman","status_code":422,"message":"Category \"spring_collectionn\" does not exist."}

Authentication required

Can be caused by a missing or expired token

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 401,
      "message": "Authentication is required"

Access forbidden

The user does not have the permission to execute this request

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 403,
      "message": "Access forbidden. You are not allowed to list categories."

Request Entity Too Large

There are too many resources to process (max 100) or the line of JSON is too long (max 1 000 000 characters)

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 413,
      "message": "Too many resources to process, 100 is the maximum allowed."

Unsupported Media type

The `Content-type` header has to be `application/vnd.akeneo.collection+json`

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 415,
      "message": "‘xxx’ in ‘Content-type’ header is not valid.  Only ‘application/vnd.akeneo.collection+json’ is allowed."

Get a category

This endpoint allows you to get the information about a given category.

Available in PIM versions: 1.7 2.x 3.x 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 SaaS


get /api/rest/v1/categories/{code}

Path parameters

code (string) • Code of the resource

Query parameters

with_position (boolean ) • Return information about category position into its category tree (only available since the 7.0 version)

with_enriched_attributes (boolean ) • Return attribute values of the category (only available on SaaS platforms)


Authorization • Equal to 'Bearer xxx', `xxx` being the authentication token, see Authentication section

Accept • Equal to 'application/json', no other value allowed





Returns the content of the category in JSON standard format

Body Format application/json

Follow the standard format of the entity


code (string ) • Category code

parent (string ) • Category code of the parent's category

updated (string ) • Date of the last update

position (integer ) • Position of the category in its level, start from 1 (only available since the 7.0 version and when query parameter "with_position" is set to "true")

labels (object ) : {
    localeCode (string ) • Category label for the locale `localeCode`

values (object ) : {
    attributeCode|attributeUuid|channelCode|localeCode (array [object] ) : [
            data (object ) • Attribute value
            type (string ) • The attribute type
            locale (string ) Locale code of the attribute value
            channel (string ) Channel code of the attribute value
            attribute_code (string ) • The attribute code with its uuid (attributeCode|attributeUuid)



      "code": "winter_collection",
      "parent": null,
      "updated": "2021-05-22T12:48:00+02:00",
      "position": 1,
      "labels": {
        "en_US": "Winter collection",
        "fr_FR": "Collection hiver"
      "values": {
        "description|96b88bf4-c2b7-4b64-a1f9-5d4876c02c26|ecommerce|en_US": {
          "data": "<p>Winter collection description</p>\n",
          "type": "textarea",
          "channel": "ecommerce",
          "locale": "en_US",
          "attribute_code": "description|96b88bf4-c2b7-4b64-a1f9-5d4876c02c26"
        "image_1|871b8686-79b5-415c-9c6f-a38f8732dfb7|ecommerce|en_US": {
          "data": {
            "size": 1401359,
            "extension": "jpg",
            "file_path": "2/d/c/7/2dc791671d726e7438219d5dc7fd51a53d6bf2bb_IMG_7860.jpg",
            "mime_type": "image/jpeg",
            "original_filename": "IMG_7860.jpg"
          "type": "image",
          "channel": "ecommerce",
          "locale": "en_US",
          "attribute_code": "image_1|871b8686-79b5-415c-9c6f-a38f8732dfb7"

Authentication required

Can be caused by a missing or expired token

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 401,
      "message": "Authentication is required"

Access forbidden

The user does not have the permission to execute this request

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 403,
      "message": "Access forbidden. You are not allowed to list categories."

Resource not found

The resource code given in the URI does not correspond to any existing PIM resource

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 404,
      "message": "Resource `my_resource_code` does not exist."

Not Acceptable

The `Accept` header is not `application/json` but it should

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 406,
      "message": "‘xxx’ in ‘Accept‘ header is not valid. Only ‘application/json‘ is allowed."

Update/create a category

This endpoint allows you to update a given category. Know more about Update behavior. Note that if no category exists for the given code, it creates it.

Available in PIM versions: 1.7 2.x 3.x 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 SaaS


patch /api/rest/v1/categories/{code}

Path parameters

code (string) • Code of the resource

Query parameters



Authorization • Equal to 'Bearer xxx', `xxx` being the authentication token, see Authentication section

Content-type • Equal to 'application/json', no other value allowed


Follow the standard format of the entity


code (string ) • Category code

parent (string , null by default) • Category code of the parent's category

updated (string ) • Date of the last update

position (integer ) • Position of the category in its level, start from 1 (only available since the 7.0 version and when query parameter "with_position" is set to "true")

labels (object { localeCode : string } , [] by default) • Category labels for each locale

values (array [object] , [] by default) : [
            data (string ) • Attribute value. It should be a `string` for Text and Text Area attributes, a `boolean` for Yes/No attribute and for Image attribute use the create category media file endpoint. It can also be `null` to remove the value.
            locale (string ) Locale code of the attribute value.
            channel (string ) Channel code of the attribute value.
            attribute_code (string ) • The attribute code.



      "code": "winter_collection",
      "parent": null,
      "labels": {
        "en_US": "Winter collection",
        "fr_FR": "Collection hiver"
      "values": [
          "data": "<p>Winter collection description</p>",
          "channel": "ecommerce",
          "locale": "en_US",
          "attribute_code": "a_text_area_attribute"
          "data": false,
          "channel": "ecommerce",
          "locale": null,
          "attribute_code": "a_boolean_attribute"
          "data": null,
          "channel": null,
          "locale": null,
          "attribute_code": "an_image_attribute"



Means that the creation was successful


Location • URI of the created resource

Body Format application/json


No content to return

Means that the update was successful


Location • URI of the updated resource

Body Format application/json


Bad request

Can be caused by a malformed JSON request

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 400,
      "message": "Invalid JSON message received"

Authentication required

Can be caused by a missing or expired token

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 401,
      "message": "Authentication is required"

Access forbidden

The user does not have the permission to execute this request

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 403,
      "message": "Access forbidden. You are not allowed to list categories."

Unsupported Media type

The `Content-type` header has to be `application/json`

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 415,
      "message": "‘xxx’ in ‘Content-type’ header is not valid.  Only ‘application/json’ is allowed."

Unprocessable entity

The validation of the entity given in the body of the request failed

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 422,
      "message": "Property \"labels\" expects an array as data, \"NULL\" given. Check the API reference documentation.",
      "_links": {
        "documentation": {
          "href": ""

Create a category media file

This endpoint allows you to create a new media file and associate it to an attribute value of a given enriched category.

Available in PIM versions: SaaS


post /api/rest/v1/category-media-files

Path parameters


Query parameters



Authorization • Equal to 'Bearer xxx', `xxx` being the authentication token, see Authentication section

Content-type • Equal to 'multipart/form-data'.


Given as form-data

category (string ) • The category to which the media file will be associated. It is a JSON string that follows this format '{"code":"category code", "attribute_code":"attribute code", "channel":"channel code or null", "locale":"locale code or null"}'.

file (string / binary) • The binary of the file.



Means that the creation was successful


Location • URI of the created resource

Body Format application/json


Bad request

Can be caused by a malformed JSON request

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 400,
      "message": "Invalid JSON message received"

Authentication required

Can be caused by a missing or expired token

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 401,
      "message": "Authentication is required"

Access forbidden

The user does not have the permission to execute this request

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 403,
      "message": "Access forbidden. You are not allowed to list categories."

Unsupported Media type

The `Content-type` header has to be `multipart/form-data`

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 415,
      "message": "‘xxx’ in ‘Content-type’ header is not valid.  Only ‘multipart/form-data’ is allowed."

Unprocessable entity

The validation of the entity given in the body of the request failed

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 422,
      "message": "Property \"labels\" expects an array as data, \"NULL\" given. Check the API reference documentation.",
      "_links": {
        "documentation": {
          "href": ""

Download a category media file

This endpoint allows you to download a given media file that is used as an attribute value of a enriched category.

Available in PIM versions: SaaS


get /api/rest/v1/category-media-files/{file_path}/download

Path parameters

file_path (string) • Path of the resource

Query parameters



Authorization • Equal to 'Bearer xxx', `xxx` being the authentication token, see Authentication section





Returns the binary of the media file

Body Format Mime-type of the media file
Media file binary

Authentication required

Can be caused by a missing or expired token

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 401,
      "message": "Authentication is required"

Access forbidden

The user does not have the permission to execute this request

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 403,
      "message": "Access forbidden. You are not allowed to list categories."

Resource not found

The resource code given in the URI does not correspond to any existing PIM resource

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 404,
      "message": "Resource `my_resource_code` does not exist."

Target market settings


Get a list of channels

This endpoint allows you to get a list of channels. Channels are paginated and sorted by code.

Available in PIM versions: 1.7 2.x 3.x 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 SaaS


get /api/rest/v1/channels

Path parameters


Query parameters

page (integer , 1 by default ) • Number of the page to retrieve when using the `page` pagination method type. Should never be set manually, see Pagination section

limit (integer , 10 by default ) • Number of results by page, see Pagination section

with_count (boolean ) • Return the count of items in the response. Be carefull with that, on a big catalog, it can decrease performance in a significative way


Authorization • Equal to 'Bearer xxx', `xxx` being the authentication token, see Authentication section

Accept • Equal to 'application/json', no other value allowed




Return channels paginated

Body Format application/json

Follow the standard format of the entity


_links (object) : {
    self (object ) : {
        href (string ) • URI of the current page of resources
    first (object ) : {
        href (string ) • URI of the first page of resources
    previous (object ) : {
        href (string ) • URI of the previous page of resources
    next (object ) : {
        href (string ) • URI of the next page of resources

current_page (integer) • Current page number

_embedded (object) : {
    items (array ) : [
          _links (object) : {
              self (object) : {
                  href (string ) • URI of the resource
          code (string) • Channel code
          locales (array [string ]) • Codes of activated locales for the channel
          currencies (array [string ]) • Codes of activated currencies for the channel
          category_tree (string) • Code of the category tree linked to the channel
          conversion_units (object) : {
              attributeCode (string) • Conversion unit code used to convert the values of the attribute `attributeCode` when exporting via the channel
          labels (object) : {
              localeCode (string) • Channel label for the locale `localeCode`



      "_links": {
        "self": {
          "href": ""
        "first": {
          "href": ""
      "current_page": 1,
      "_embedded": {
        "items": [
            "_links": {
              "self": {
                "href": ""
            "code": "ecommerce",
            "currencies": [
            "locales": [
            "category_tree": "master",
            "conversion_units": {
              "a_metric": "KILOWATT",
              "a_metric_negative": "CELSIUS",
              "a_metric_to_not_convert": null
            "labels": {
              "en_US": "Ecommerce",
              "fr_FR": "E-commerce",
              "de_DE": "E-commerce"
            "_links": {
              "self": {
                "href": ""
            "code": "mobile",
            "currencies": [
            "locales": [
            "category_tree": "master",
            "conversion_units": {
              "a_metric": "KILOWATT",
              "a_metric_negative": "CELSIUS",
              "a_metric_to_not_convert": null
            "labels": {
              "en_US": "Mobile",
              "fr_FR": "Mobile",
              "de_DE": "Mobile"
            "_links": {
              "self": {
                "href": ""
            "code": "print",
            "currencies": [
            "locales": [
            "category_tree": "master",
            "conversion_units": {},
            "labels": {
              "en_US": "Print",
              "fr_FR": "Print",
              "de_DE": "Print"

Authentication required

Can be caused by a missing or expired token

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 401,
      "message": "Authentication is required"

Access forbidden

The user does not have the permission to execute this request

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 403,
      "message": "Access forbidden. You are not allowed to list categories."

Not Acceptable

The `Accept` header is not `application/json` but it should

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 406,
      "message": "‘xxx’ in ‘Accept‘ header is not valid. Only ‘application/json‘ is allowed."

Create a new channel

This endpoint allows you to create a new channel.

Available in PIM versions: 2.x 3.x 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 SaaS


post /api/rest/v1/channels

Path parameters


Query parameters



Authorization • Equal to 'Bearer xxx', `xxx` being the authentication token, see Authentication section

Content-type • Equal to 'application/json', no other value allowed


Follow the standard format of the entity


code (string ) • Channel code

locales (array [string] ) • Codes of activated locales for the channel

currencies (array [string] ) • Codes of activated currencies for the channel

category_tree (string ) • Code of the category tree linked to the channel

conversion_units (object { attributeCode : string } ) • Units to which the given metric attributes should be converted when exporting products

labels (object { localeCode : string } , [] by default) • Channel labels for each locale



      "code": "ecommerce",
      "currencies": [
      "locales": [
      "category_tree": "master",
      "conversion_units": {
        "weight": "KILOGRAM"
      "labels": {
        "en_US": "Ecommerce",
        "de_DE": "Ecommerce",
        "fr_FR": "Ecommerce"



Means that the creation was successful


Location • URI of the created resource

Body Format application/json


Bad request

Can be caused by a malformed JSON request

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 400,
      "message": "Invalid JSON message received"

Authentication required

Can be caused by a missing or expired token

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 401,
      "message": "Authentication is required"

Access forbidden

The user does not have the permission to execute this request

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 403,
      "message": "Access forbidden. You are not allowed to list categories."

Unsupported Media type

The `Content-type` header has to be `application/json`

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 415,
      "message": "‘xxx’ in ‘Content-type’ header is not valid.  Only ‘application/json’ is allowed."

Unprocessable entity

The validation of the entity given in the body of the request failed

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 422,
      "message": "Property \"labels\" expects an array as data, \"NULL\" given. Check the API reference documentation.",
      "_links": {
        "documentation": {
          "href": ""

Update/create several channels

This endpoint allows you to update and/or create several channels at once.

Available in PIM versions: 2.x 3.x 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 SaaS


patch /api/rest/v1/channels

Path parameters


Query parameters



Authorization • Equal to 'Bearer xxx', `xxx` being the authentication token, see Authentication section

Content-type • Equal to 'application/vnd.akeneo.collection+json', no other value allowed


Contains several lines, each line is a channel in JSON standard format


code (string ) • Channel code

locales (array [string] ) • Codes of activated locales for the channel

currencies (array [string] ) • Codes of activated currencies for the channel

category_tree (string ) • Code of the category tree linked to the channel

conversion_units (object { attributeCode : string } ) • Units to which the given metric attributes should be converted when exporting products

labels (object { localeCode : string } , [] by default) • Channel labels for each locale



{"code":"ecommerce_fr", "category_tree": "master", "currencies": ["EUR"], "locales": ["fr_FR"], "labels":{"fr_FR": "Ecommerce Fr"}}
    {"code":"ecommerce_ch", "type":"bar"}
    {"code":"tablet", "labels":{"en_US": "Tablet", "fr_FR": "Tablette"}}



Returns a plain text response whose lines are JSON containing the status of each update or creation

Body Format application/json

Follow the standard format of the entity


line (integer ) • Line number

identifier (string ) • Resource identifier, only filled when the resource is a product

code (string ) • Resource code, only filled when the resource is not a product

status_code (integer ) • HTTP status code, see Client errors to understand the meaning of each code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



    {"line":2,"code":"ecommerce_ch","status_code":422,"message":"Property \"type\" does not exist. Check the standard format documentation.","_links":{"documentation":{"href":"http:\/\/\/api-reference.html#patch_channels__code_"}}}

Authentication required

Can be caused by a missing or expired token

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 401,
      "message": "Authentication is required"

Access forbidden

The user does not have the permission to execute this request

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 403,
      "message": "Access forbidden. You are not allowed to list categories."

Request Entity Too Large

There are too many resources to process (max 100) or the line of JSON is too long (max 1 000 000 characters)

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 413,
      "message": "Too many resources to process, 100 is the maximum allowed."

Unsupported Media type

The `Content-type` header has to be `application/vnd.akeneo.collection+json`

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 415,
      "message": "‘xxx’ in ‘Content-type’ header is not valid.  Only ‘application/vnd.akeneo.collection+json’ is allowed."

Get a channel

This endpoint allows you to get the information about a given channel.

Available in PIM versions: 1.7 2.x 3.x 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 SaaS


get /api/rest/v1/channels/{code}

Path parameters

code (string) • Code of the resource

Query parameters



Authorization • Equal to 'Bearer xxx', `xxx` being the authentication token, see Authentication section

Accept • Equal to 'application/json', no other value allowed





Returns the content of the channel in JSON standard format

Body Format application/json

Follow the standard format of the entity


code (string ) • Channel code

locales (array [string] ) • Codes of activated locales for the channel

currencies (array [string] ) • Codes of activated currencies for the channel

category_tree (string ) • Code of the category tree linked to the channel

conversion_units (object ) : {
    attributeCode (string ) • Conversion unit code used to convert the values of the attribute `attributeCode` when exporting via the channel

labels (object ) : {
    localeCode (string ) • Channel label for the locale `localeCode`



      "code": "ecommerce",
      "currencies": [
      "locales": [
      "category_tree": "master",
      "conversion_units": {
        "weight": "KILOGRAM"
      "labels": {
        "en_US": "Ecommerce",
        "de_DE": "Ecommerce",
        "fr_FR": "Ecommerce"

Authentication required

Can be caused by a missing or expired token

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 401,
      "message": "Authentication is required"

Access forbidden

The user does not have the permission to execute this request

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 403,
      "message": "Access forbidden. You are not allowed to list categories."

Resource not found

The resource code given in the URI does not correspond to any existing PIM resource

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 404,
      "message": "Resource `my_resource_code` does not exist."

Not Acceptable

The `Accept` header is not `application/json` but it should

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 406,
      "message": "‘xxx’ in ‘Accept‘ header is not valid. Only ‘application/json‘ is allowed."

Update/create a channel

This endpoint allows you to update a given channel. Know more about Update behavior. Note that if no channel exists for the given code, it creates it.

Available in PIM versions: 2.x 3.x 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 SaaS


patch /api/rest/v1/channels/{code}

Path parameters

code (string) • Code of the resource

Query parameters



Authorization • Equal to 'Bearer xxx', `xxx` being the authentication token, see Authentication section

Content-type • Equal to 'application/json', no other value allowed


Follow the standard format of the entity


code (string ) • Channel code

locales (array [string] ) • Codes of activated locales for the channel

currencies (array [string] ) • Codes of activated currencies for the channel

category_tree (string ) • Code of the category tree linked to the channel

conversion_units (object { attributeCode : string } ) • Units to which the given metric attributes should be converted when exporting products

labels (object { localeCode : string } , [] by default) • Channel labels for each locale



      "code": "ecommerce",
      "currencies": [
      "locales": [
      "category_tree": "master",
      "conversion_units": {
        "weight": "KILOGRAM"
      "labels": {
        "en_US": "Ecommerce",
        "de_DE": "Ecommerce",
        "fr_FR": "Ecommerce"



Means that the creation was successful


Location • URI of the created resource

Body Format application/json


No content to return

Means that the update was successful


Location • URI of the updated resource

Body Format application/json


Bad request

Can be caused by a malformed JSON request

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 400,
      "message": "Invalid JSON message received"

Authentication required

Can be caused by a missing or expired token

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 401,
      "message": "Authentication is required"

Access forbidden

The user does not have the permission to execute this request

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 403,
      "message": "Access forbidden. You are not allowed to list categories."

Unsupported Media type

The `Content-type` header has to be `application/json`

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 415,
      "message": "‘xxx’ in ‘Content-type’ header is not valid.  Only ‘application/json’ is allowed."

Unprocessable entity

The validation of the entity given in the body of the request failed

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 422,
      "message": "Property \"labels\" expects an array as data, \"NULL\" given. Check the API reference documentation.",
      "_links": {
        "documentation": {
          "href": ""


Get a list of locales

This endpoint allows you to get a list of locales. Locales are paginated and sorted by code.

Available in PIM versions: 1.7 2.x 3.x 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 SaaS


get /api/rest/v1/locales

Path parameters


Query parameters

search (string ) • Filter locales, for more details see the Filters section

page (integer , 1 by default ) • Number of the page to retrieve when using the `page` pagination method type. Should never be set manually, see Pagination section

limit (integer , 10 by default ) • Number of results by page, see Pagination section

with_count (boolean ) • Return the count of items in the response. Be carefull with that, on a big catalog, it can decrease performance in a significative way


Authorization • Equal to 'Bearer xxx', `xxx` being the authentication token, see Authentication section

Accept • Equal to 'application/json', no other value allowed




Return locales paginated

Body Format application/json

Follow the standard format of the entity


_links (object) : {
    self (object ) : {
        href (string ) • URI of the current page of resources
    first (object ) : {
        href (string ) • URI of the first page of resources
    previous (object ) : {
        href (string ) • URI of the previous page of resources
    next (object ) : {
        href (string ) • URI of the next page of resources

current_page (integer) • Current page number

_embedded (object) : {
    items (array ) : [
          _links (object) : {
              self (object) : {
                  href (string ) • URI of the resource
          code (string) • Locale code
          enabled (boolean) • Whether the locale is enabled



      "_links": {
        "self": {
          "href": ""
        "first": {
          "href": ""
        "previous": {
          "href": ""
        "next": {
          "href": ""
      "current_page": 2,
      "_embedded": {
        "items": [
            "_links": {
              "self": {
                "href": ""
            "code": "en_US",
            "enabled": true
            "_links": {
              "self": {
                "href": ""
            "code": "fr_FR",
            "enabled": true
            "_links": {
              "self": {
                "href": ""
            "code": "de_DE",
            "enabled": true
            "_links": {
              "self": {
                "href": ""
            "code": "af_ZA",
            "enabled": false

Authentication required

Can be caused by a missing or expired token

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 401,
      "message": "Authentication is required"

Access forbidden

The user does not have the permission to execute this request

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 403,
      "message": "Access forbidden. You are not allowed to list categories."

Not Acceptable

The `Accept` header is not `application/json` but it should

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 406,
      "message": "‘xxx’ in ‘Accept‘ header is not valid. Only ‘application/json‘ is allowed."

Get a locale

This endpoint allows you to get the information about a given locale.

Available in PIM versions: 1.7 2.x 3.x 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 SaaS


get /api/rest/v1/locales/{code}

Path parameters

code (string) • Code of the resource

Query parameters



Authorization • Equal to 'Bearer xxx', `xxx` being the authentication token, see Authentication section

Accept • Equal to 'application/json', no other value allowed





Returns the content of the locale in JSON standard format

Body Format application/json

Follow the standard format of the entity


code (string ) • Locale code

enabled (boolean ) • Whether the locale is enabled



      "code": "en_US",
      "enable": true

Authentication required

Can be caused by a missing or expired token

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 401,
      "message": "Authentication is required"

Access forbidden

The user does not have the permission to execute this request

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 403,
      "message": "Access forbidden. You are not allowed to list categories."

Resource not found

The resource code given in the URI does not correspond to any existing PIM resource

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 404,
      "message": "Resource `my_resource_code` does not exist."

Not Acceptable

The `Accept` header is not `application/json` but it should

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 406,
      "message": "‘xxx’ in ‘Accept‘ header is not valid. Only ‘application/json‘ is allowed."


Get a list of currencies

This endpoint allows you to get a list of currencies. Currencies are paginated and sorted by code.

Available in PIM versions: 2.x 3.x 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 SaaS


get /api/rest/v1/currencies

Path parameters


Query parameters

search (string ) • Filter currencies, for more details see the Filters section

page (integer , 1 by default ) • Number of the page to retrieve when using the `page` pagination method type. Should never be set manually, see Pagination section

limit (integer , 10 by default ) • Number of results by page, see Pagination section

with_count (boolean ) • Return the count of items in the response. Be carefull with that, on a big catalog, it can decrease performance in a significative way


Authorization • Equal to 'Bearer xxx', `xxx` being the authentication token, see Authentication section

Accept • Equal to 'application/json', no other value allowed




Return currencies paginated

Body Format application/json

Follow the standard format of the entity


_links (object) : {
    self (object ) : {
        href (string ) • URI of the current page of resources
    first (object ) : {
        href (string ) • URI of the first page of resources
    previous (object ) : {
        href (string ) • URI of the previous page of resources
    next (object ) : {
        href (string ) • URI of the next page of resources

current_page (integer) • Current page number

_embedded (object) : {
    items (array ) : [
          _links (object) : {
              self (object) : {
                  href (string ) • URI of the resource
          code (string) • Currency code
          enabled (boolean) • Whether the currency is enabled
          label (string) • Currency label



      "_links": {
        "self": {
          "href": ""
        "first": {
          "href": ""
      "current_page": 1,
      "_embedded": {
        "items": [
            "_links": {
              "self": {
                "href": ""
            "code": "ADP",
            "enabled": true,
            "label": "ADP (Andorran Peseta)"
            "_links": {
              "self": {
                "href": ""
            "code": "AED",
            "enabled": true,
            "label": "AED (United Arab Emirates Dirham)"
            "_links": {
              "self": {
                "href": ""
            "code": "AFA",
            "enabled": false,
            "label": "AFA (Afghan Afghani (1927–2002))"

Authentication required

Can be caused by a missing or expired token

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 401,
      "message": "Authentication is required"

Access forbidden

The user does not have the permission to execute this request

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 403,
      "message": "Access forbidden. You are not allowed to list categories."

Not Acceptable

The `Accept` header is not `application/json` but it should

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 406,
      "message": "‘xxx’ in ‘Accept‘ header is not valid. Only ‘application/json‘ is allowed."

Get a currency

This endpoint allows you to get the information about a given currency.

Available in PIM versions: 2.x 3.x 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 SaaS


get /api/rest/v1/currencies/{code}

Path parameters

code (string) • Code of the resource

Query parameters



Authorization • Equal to 'Bearer xxx', `xxx` being the authentication token, see Authentication section

Accept • Equal to 'application/json', no other value allowed





Returns the content of the currency in JSON standard format

Body Format application/json

Follow the standard format of the entity


code (string ) • Currency code

enabled (boolean ) • Whether the currency is enabled

label (string ) • Currency label



      "code": "EUR",
      "enabled": true,
      "label": "EUR (Euro)"

Authentication required

Can be caused by a missing or expired token

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 401,
      "message": "Authentication is required"

Access forbidden

The user does not have the permission to execute this request

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 403,
      "message": "Access forbidden. You are not allowed to list categories."

Resource not found

The resource code given in the URI does not correspond to any existing PIM resource

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 404,
      "message": "Resource `my_resource_code` does not exist."

Not Acceptable

The `Accept` header is not `application/json` but it should

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 406,
      "message": "‘xxx’ in ‘Accept‘ header is not valid. Only ‘application/json‘ is allowed."

Measure family

Get list of measure familiy

This endpoint allows you to get a list of measure families. Measure families are paginated and sorted by code.

Available in PIM versions: 2.x 3.x 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 SaaS


get /api/rest/v1/measure-families

Path parameters


Query parameters



Authorization • Equal to 'Bearer xxx', `xxx` being the authentication token, see Authentication section

Accept • Equal to 'application/json', no other value allowed




Return measure families paginated

Body Format application/json

Follow the standard format of the entity


_links (object) : {
    self (object ) : {
        href (string ) • URI of the current page of resources
    first (object ) : {
        href (string ) • URI of the first page of resources
    previous (object ) : {
        href (string ) • URI of the previous page of resources
    next (object ) : {
        href (string ) • URI of the next page of resources

current_page (integer) • Current page number

_embedded (object) : {
    items (array ) : [
          _links (object) : {
              self (object) : {
                  href (string ) • URI of the resource
          code (string) • Measure family code
          standard (string) • Measure family standard
          units (array [object ]) • Family units



      "_links": {
        "self": {
          "href": ""
        "first": {
          "href": ""
      "current_page": 1,
      "_embedded": {
        "items": [
            "_links": {
              "self": {
                "href": ""
            "code": "Area",
            "standard": "SQUARE_METER",
            "units": [
                "code": "SQUARE_MILLIMETER",
                "convert": {
                  "mul": "0.000001"
                "symbol": "mm²"
                "code": "SQUARE_CENTIMETER",
                "convert": {
                  "mul": "0.0001"
                "symbol": "cm²"
                "code": "SQUARE_DECIMETER",
                "convert": {
                  "mul": "0.01"
                "symbol": "dm²"
                "code": "SQUARE_METER",
                "convert": {
                  "mul": "1"
                "symbol": "m²"
                "code": "CENTIARE",
                "convert": {
                  "mul": "1"
                "symbol": "ca"
                "code": "SQUARE_DEKAMETER",
                "convert": {
                  "mul": "100"
                "symbol": "dam²"
                "code": "ARE",
                "convert": {
                  "mul": "100"
                "symbol": "a"
                "code": "SQUARE_HECTOMETER",
                "convert": {
                  "mul": "10000"
                "symbol": "hm²"

Authentication required

Can be caused by a missing or expired token

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 401,
      "message": "Authentication is required"

Access forbidden

The user does not have the permission to execute this request

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 403,
      "message": "Access forbidden. You are not allowed to list categories."

Not Acceptable

The `Accept` header is not `application/json` but it should

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 406,
      "message": "‘xxx’ in ‘Accept‘ header is not valid. Only ‘application/json‘ is allowed."

Get a measure family

This endpoint allows you to get the information about a given measure family.

Available in PIM versions: 2.x 3.x 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 SaaS


get /api/rest/v1/measure-families/{code}

Path parameters

code (string) • Code of the resource

Query parameters



Authorization • Equal to 'Bearer xxx', `xxx` being the authentication token, see Authentication section

Accept • Equal to 'application/json', no other value allowed





Returns the content of the measure family in JSON standard format

Body Format application/json

Follow the standard format of the entity


code (string ) • Measure family code

standard (string ) • Measure family standard

units (array [object] ) : [
          code (string) • Measure code
          convert (object) • Mathematic operation to convert the unit into the standard unit
          symbol (string) • Measure symbol



      "code": "Area",
      "standard": "SQUARE_METER",
      "units": [
          "code": "SQUARE_MILLIMETER",
          "convert": {
            "mul": "0.001"
          "symbol": "mm²"
          "code": "SQUARE_CENTIMETER",
          "convert": {
            "mul": "0.001"
          "symbol": "cm²"

Authentication required

Can be caused by a missing or expired token

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 401,
      "message": "Authentication is required"

Access forbidden

The user does not have the permission to execute this request

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 403,
      "message": "Access forbidden. You are not allowed to list categories."

Resource not found

The resource code given in the URI does not correspond to any existing PIM resource

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 404,
      "message": "Resource `my_resource_code` does not exist."

Not Acceptable

The `Accept` header is not `application/json` but it should

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 406,
      "message": "‘xxx’ in ‘Accept‘ header is not valid. Only ‘application/json‘ is allowed."

Measurement family

Get list of measurement families

This endpoint allows you to get a list of measurement families.

Available in PIM versions: 5.0 6.0 7.0 SaaS


get /api/rest/v1/measurement-families

Path parameters


Query parameters



Authorization • Equal to 'Bearer xxx', `xxx` being the authentication token, see Authentication section

Accept • Equal to 'application/json', no other value allowed




Return the measurement families

Body Format application/json


code (string ) • Measurement family code

labels (object ) : {
    localeCode (string ) • Measurement family label for the locale `localeCode`

standard_unit_code (string ) • Unit code used as the standard unit for this measurement family

units (object ) : {
    unitCode (object ) : {
        code (string ) • Measurement unit code. More details here.
        labels (object ) • Unit labels for each locale. More details here.
        convert_from_standard (array [object] ) • Calculation to convert the unit from the standard unit. More details here.
        symbol (string ) • Measurement unit symbol. More details here.



        "code": "AREA",
        "labels": {
          "en_US": "Area",
          "fr_FR": "Surface"
        "standard_unit_code": "SQUARE_METER",
        "units": {
          "SQUARE_MILLIMETER": {
            "code": "SQUARE_MILLIMETER",
            "labels": {
              "en_US": "Square millimeter",
              "fr_FR": "Millimètre carré"
            "convert_from_standard": [
                "operator": "mul",
                "value": "0.000001"
            "symbol": "mm²"
          "SQUARE_CENTIMETER": {
            "code": "SQUARE_CENTIMETER",
            "labels": {
              "en_US": "Square centimeter",
              "fr_FR": "Centimètre carré"
            "convert_from_standard": [
                "operator": "mul",
                "value": "0.0001"
            "symbol": "cm²"
          "SQUARE_METER": {
            "code": "SQUARE_METER",
            "labels": {
              "en_US": "Square meter",
              "fr_FR": "Mètre carré"
            "convert_from_standard": [
                "operator": "mul",
                "value": "1"
            "symbol": "m²"

Authentication required

Can be caused by a missing or expired token

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 401,
      "message": "Authentication is required"

Not Acceptable

The `Accept` header is not `application/json` but it should

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 406,
      "message": "‘xxx’ in ‘Accept‘ header is not valid. Only ‘application/json‘ is allowed."

Update/create several measurement families

This endpoint allows you to update and/or create several measurement families at once.

Available in PIM versions: 5.0 6.0 7.0 SaaS


patch /api/rest/v1/measurement-families

Path parameters


Query parameters



Authorization • Equal to 'Bearer xxx', `xxx` being the authentication token, see Authentication section

Content-type • Equal to 'application/json', no other value allowed


Follow the standard format of the entity



       code (string ) • Measurement family code

       labels (object { localeCode : string } , [] by default) • Measurement family labels for each locale

       standard_unit_code (string ) • Unit code used as the standard unit for this measurement family

       units (object { unitCode : object { code : string , labels : object , convert_from_standard : array [object] , symbol : string } } ) • Measurement units for this family with their conversion operations. More details here.




        "code": "AREA",
        "labels": {
          "en_US": "Area",
          "fr_FR": "Surface"
        "standard_unit_code": "SQUARE_METER",
        "units": {
          "SQUARE_MILLIMETER": {
            "code": "SQUARE_MILLIMETER",
            "labels": {
              "en_US": "Square millimeter",
              "fr_FR": "Millimètre carré"
            "convert_from_standard": [
                "operator": "mul",
                "value": "0.000001"
            "symbol": "mm²"
          "SQUARE_CENTIMETER": {
            "code": "SQUARE_CENTIMETER",
            "labels": {
              "en_US": "Square centimeter",
              "fr_FR": "Centimètre carré"
            "convert_from_standard": [
                "operator": "mul",
                "value": "0.0001"
            "symbol": "cm²"
          "SQUARE_METER": {
            "code": "SQUARE_METER",
            "labels": {
              "en_US": "Square meter",
              "fr_FR": "Mètre carré"
            "convert_from_standard": [
                "operator": "mul",
                "value": "1"
            "symbol": "m²"



Returns a JSON containing the status of each update or creation

Body Format application/json

        code (string ) • Resource code
        status_code (integer ) • HTTP status code, see Client errors to understand the meaning of each code
        message (string ) • Message explaining the error
        errors (array [object] ) • List of errors


        "code": "Angle",
        "status_code": 201
        "code": "Force",
        "status_code": 204
        "code": "Area",
        "status_code": 422,
        "message": "The measurement family has data that does not comply with the business rules.",
        "errors": [
            "property": "standard_unit_code",
            "message": "The standard unit code of the \"Angle\" measurement family cannot be changed"

Authentication required

Can be caused by a missing or expired token

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 401,
      "message": "Authentication is required"

Request Entity Too Large

There are too many resources to process (max 100) or the line of JSON is too long (max 1 000 000 characters)

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 413,
      "message": "Too many resources to process, 100 is the maximum allowed."

Unsupported Media type

The `Content-type` header has to be `application/vnd.akeneo.collection+json`

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 415,
      "message": "‘xxx’ in ‘Content-type’ header is not valid.  Only ‘application/vnd.akeneo.collection+json’ is allowed."

Reference entities

Reference entity

Get list of reference entities  EE only

This endpoint allows you to get a list of reference entities. Reference entities are paginated.

Available in PIM versions: 3.x 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 SaaS


get /api/rest/v1/reference-entities

Path parameters


Query parameters

search_after (string , cursor to the first page by default ) • Cursor when using the `search_after` pagination method type. Should never be set manually, see Pagination section


Authorization • Equal to 'Bearer xxx', `xxx` being the authentication token, see Authentication section

Accept • Equal to 'application/json', no other value allowed




Return reference entities paginated

Body Format application/json

Follow the standard format of the entity


_links (object) : {
    self (object ) : {
        href (string ) • URI of the current page of resources
    first (object ) : {
        href (string ) • URI of the first page of resources
    next (object ) : {
        href (string ) • URI of the next page of resources

_embedded (object) : {
    items (array ) : [
          _links (object) : {
              self (object) : {
                  href (string ) • URI of the resource
              image_download (object) : {
                  href (string ) • URI to download the binaries of the reference entity image file
          code (string) • Reference entity code
          labels (object) : {
              localeCode (string) • Reference entity label for the locale `localeCode`
          image (string) • Code of the reference entity image



      "_links": {
        "self": {
          "href": ""
        "first": {
          "href": ""
        "next": {
          "href": ""
      "_embedded": {
        "items": [
            "_links": {
              "self": {
                "href": ""
              "image_download": {
                "href": ""
            "code": "brands",
            "labels": {
              "en_US": "Brands",
              "fr_FR": "Marque"
            "image": "0/2/d/6/54d81dc888ba1501a8g765f3ab5797569f3bv756c_ref_img.png"
            "_links": {
              "self": {
                "href": ""
            "code": "designers",
            "labels": {
              "en_US": "Designers",
              "fr_FR": "Designers"
            "image": null
            "_links": {
              "self": {
                "href": ""
            "code": "colors",
            "labels": {
              "en_US": "Colors",
              "fr_FR": "Couleurs"
            "image": null

Authentication required

Can be caused by a missing or expired token

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 401,
      "message": "Authentication is required"

Not Acceptable

The `Accept` header is not `application/json` but it should

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 406,
      "message": "‘xxx’ in ‘Accept‘ header is not valid. Only ‘application/json‘ is allowed."

Get a reference entity  EE only

This endpoint allows you to get the information about a given reference entity.

Available in PIM versions: 3.x 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 SaaS


get /api/rest/v1/reference-entities/{code}

Path parameters

code (string) • Code of the resource

Query parameters



Authorization • Equal to 'Bearer xxx', `xxx` being the authentication token, see Authentication section

Accept • Equal to 'application/json', no other value allowed





Returns the content of the reference entity in JSON format.

Body Format application/json

Follow the standard format of the entity


_links (object) : {
    image_download (object ) : {
        href (string ) • URI to download the binaries of the reference entity image file

code (string) • Reference entity code

labels (object) : {
    localeCode (string ) • Reference entity label for the locale `localeCode`

image (string) • Code of the reference entity image



      "_links": {
        "image_download": {
          "href": ""
      "code": "brands",
      "labels": {
        "en_US": "Brands",
        "fr_FR": "Marques"
      "image": "0/2/d/6/54d81dc888ba1501a8g765f3ab5797569f3bv756c_ref_img.png"

Authentication required

Can be caused by a missing or expired token

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 401,
      "message": "Authentication is required"

Resource not found

The resource code given in the URI does not correspond to any existing PIM resource

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 404,
      "message": "Resource `my_resource_code` does not exist."

Not Acceptable

The `Accept` header is not `application/json` but it should

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 406,
      "message": "‘xxx’ in ‘Accept‘ header is not valid. Only ‘application/json‘ is allowed."

Update/create a reference entity  EE only

This endpoint allows you to update a given reference entity. Note that if the reference entity does not already exist, it creates it.

Available in PIM versions: 3.x 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 SaaS


patch /api/rest/v1/reference-entities/{code}

Path parameters

code (string) • Code of the resource

Query parameters



Authorization • Equal to 'Bearer xxx', `xxx` being the authentication token, see Authentication section

Content-type • Equal to 'application/json', no other value allowed


Follow the standard format of the entity


code (string ) • Reference entity code

labels (object { localeCode : string } , [] by default) • Reference entity labels for each locale

image (string , null by default) • Code of the reference entity image



      "code": "brands",
      "labels": {
        "en_US": "Brands",
        "fr_FR": "Marques"
      "image": "0/2/d/6/54d81dc888ba1501a8g765f3ab5797569f3bv756c_ref_img.png"



Means that the creation was successful


Location • URI of the created resource

Body Format application/json


No content to return

Means that the update was successful


Location • URI of the updated resource

Body Format application/json


Authentication required

Can be caused by a missing or expired token

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 401,
      "message": "Authentication is required"

Unsupported Media type

The `Content-type` header has to be `application/json`

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 415,
      "message": "‘xxx’ in ‘Content-type’ header is not valid.  Only ‘application/json’ is allowed."

Unprocessable entity

The validation of the entity given in the body of the request failed

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 422,
      "message": "Property \"labels\" expects an array as data, \"NULL\" given. Check the API reference documentation.",
      "_links": {
        "documentation": {
          "href": ""

Reference entity attribute

Get the list of attributes of a given reference entity  EE only

This endpoint allows you to get the list of attributes of a given reference entity.

Available in PIM versions: 3.x 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 SaaS


get /api/rest/v1/reference-entities/{reference_entity_code}/attributes

Path parameters

reference_entity_code (string) • Code of the reference entity

Query parameters



Authorization • Equal to 'Bearer xxx', `xxx` being the authentication token, see Authentication section

Accept • Equal to 'application/json', no other value allowed




Return the attributes of the given reference entity

Body Format application/json

        code (string ) • Attribute code
        labels (object ) • Attribute labels for each locale
        type (string ) • Attribute type. See type section for more details.
        value_per_locale (boolean ) • Whether the attribute is localizable, i.e. can have one value by locale
        value_per_channel (boolean ) • Whether the attribute is scopable, i.e. can have one value by channel
        is_required_for_completeness (boolean ) • Whether the attribute should be part of the record's completeness calculation
        max_characters (integer ) • Maximum number of characters allowed for the value of the attribute when the attribute type is `text`
        is_textarea (boolean ) • Whether the UI should display a text area instead of a simple field when the attribute type is `text`
        is_rich_text_editor (boolean ) • Whether the UI should display a rich text editor instead of a simple text area when the attribute type is `text`
        validation_rule (string ) • Validation rule type used to validate the attribute value when the attribute type is `text`
        validation_regexp (string ) • Regexp expression used to validate the attribute value when the attribute type is `text`
        allowed_extensions (array [string] ) • Extensions allowed when the attribute type is `image`
        max_file_size (string ) • Max file size in MB when the attribute type is `image`
        reference_entity_code (string ) • Code of the linked reference entity when the attribute type is `reference_entity_single_link` or `reference_entity_multiple_links`
        asset_family_identifier (string ) • Code of the linked asset family when the attribute type is `asset_collection`
        decimals_allowed (boolean ) • Whether decimals are allowed when the attribute type is `number`
        min_value (string ) • Minimum value allowed when the attribute type is `number`
        max_value (string ) • Maximum value allowed when the attribute type is `number`


        "code": "description",
        "labels": {
          "en_US": "Description",
          "fr_FR": "Description"
        "type": "text",
        "value_per_locale": true,
        "value_per_channel": false,
        "is_required_for_completeness": true,
        "max_characters": null,
        "is_textarea": true,
        "is_rich_text_editor": true,
        "validation_rule": "none",
        "validation_regexp": null
        "code": "country",
        "labels": {
          "en_US": "Country",
          "fr_FR": "Pays"
        "type": "text",
        "value_per_locale": false,
        "value_per_channel": false,
        "is_required_for_completeness": false
        "code": "creation_year",
        "labels": {
          "en_US": "Creation year",
          "fr_FR": "Année de création"
        "type": "number",
        "value_per_locale": false,
        "value_per_channel": false,
        "is_required_for_completeness": false,
        "decimals_allowed": false,
        "min_value": "1800",
        "max_value": "2100"
        "code": "collection_overview",
        "labels": {
          "en_US": "Collection overview",
          "fr_FR": "Aperçu de la collection"
        "type": "image",
        "value_per_locale": true,
        "value_per_channel": false,
        "is_required_for_completeness": true,
        "allowed_extensions": [
        "max_file_size": "1000"

Authentication required

Can be caused by a missing or expired token

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 401,
      "message": "Authentication is required"

Not Acceptable

The `Accept` header is not `application/json` but it should

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 406,
      "message": "‘xxx’ in ‘Accept‘ header is not valid. Only ‘application/json‘ is allowed."

Get an attribute of a given reference entity  EE only

This endpoint allows you to get the information about a given attribute for a given reference entity.

Available in PIM versions: 3.x 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 SaaS


get /api/rest/v1/reference-entities/{reference_entity_code}/attributes/{code}

Path parameters

reference_entity_code (string) • Code of the reference entity

code (string) • Code of the resource

Query parameters



Authorization • Equal to 'Bearer xxx', `xxx` being the authentication token, see Authentication section

Accept • Equal to 'application/json', no other value allowed





Returns the content of the reference entity attribute in JSON format

Body Format application/json

Follow the standard format of the entity


code (string ) • Attribute code

labels (object ) : {
    localeCode (string ) • Attribute label for the locale `localeCode`

type (string ) • Attribute type. See type section for more details.

value_per_locale (boolean ) • Whether the attribute is localizable, i.e. can have one value by locale

value_per_channel (boolean ) • Whether the attribute is scopable, i.e. can have one value by channel

is_required_for_completeness (boolean ) • Whether the attribute should be part of the record's completeness calculation

max_characters (integer ) • Maximum number of characters allowed for the value of the attribute when the attribute type is `text`

is_textarea (boolean ) • Whether the UI should display a text area instead of a simple field when the attribute type is `text`

is_rich_text_editor (boolean ) • Whether the UI should display a rich text editor instead of a simple text area when the attribute type is `text`

validation_rule (string ) • Validation rule type used to validate the attribute value when the attribute type is `text`

validation_regexp (string ) • Regexp expression used to validate the attribute value when the attribute type is `text`

allowed_extensions (array [string] ) • Extensions allowed when the attribute type is `image`

max_file_size (string ) • Max file size in MB when the attribute type is `image`

reference_entity_code (string ) • Code of the linked reference entity when the attribute type is `reference_entity_single_link` or `reference_entity_multiple_links`

asset_family_identifier (string ) • Code of the linked asset family when the attribute type is `asset_collection`

decimals_allowed (boolean ) • Whether decimals are allowed when the attribute type is `number`

min_value (string ) • Minimum value allowed when the attribute type is `number`

max_value (string ) • Maximum value allowed when the attribute type is `number`



      "code": "description",
      "labels": {
        "en_US": "Description",
        "fr_FR": "Description"
      "type": "text",
      "value_per_locale": true,
      "value_per_channel": false,
      "is_required_for_completeness": true,
      "max_characters": null,
      "is_textarea": true,
      "is_rich_text_editor": true,
      "validation_rule": "none",
      "validation_regexp": null

Authentication required

Can be caused by a missing or expired token

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 401,
      "message": "Authentication is required"

Resource not found

The resource code given in the URI does not correspond to any existing PIM resource

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 404,
      "message": "Resource `my_resource_code` does not exist."

Not Acceptable

The `Accept` header is not `application/json` but it should

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 406,
      "message": "‘xxx’ in ‘Accept‘ header is not valid. Only ‘application/json‘ is allowed."

Update/create an attribute of a given reference entity  EE only

This endpoint allows you to update a given attribute for a given renference entity. Note that if the attribute does not already exist for the given reference entity, it creates it.

Available in PIM versions: 3.x 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 SaaS


patch /api/rest/v1/reference-entities/{reference_entity_code}/attributes/{code}

Path parameters

reference_entity_code (string) • Code of the reference entity

code (string) • Code of the resource

Query parameters



Authorization • Equal to 'Bearer xxx', `xxx` being the authentication token, see Authentication section

Content-type • Equal to 'application/json', no other value allowed


Follow the standard format of the entity


code (string ) • Attribute code

labels (object { localeCode : string } , [] by default) • Attribute labels for each locale

type (string ) • Attribute type. See type section for more details.

value_per_locale (boolean , false by default) • Whether the attribute is localizable, i.e. can have one value by locale

value_per_channel (boolean , false by default) • Whether the attribute is scopable, i.e. can have one value by channel

is_required_for_completeness (boolean , false by default) • Whether the attribute should be part of the record's completeness calculation

max_characters (integer ) • Maximum number of characters allowed for the value of the attribute when the attribute type is `text`

is_textarea (boolean , false by default) • Whether the UI should display a text area instead of a simple field when the attribute type is `text`

is_rich_text_editor (boolean ) • Whether the UI should display a rich text editor instead of a simple text area when the attribute type is `text`

validation_rule (string , none by default) • Validation rule type used to validate the attribute value when the attribute type is `text`

validation_regexp (string , null by default) • Regexp expression used to validate the attribute value when the attribute type is `text`

allowed_extensions (array [string] , [] by default) • Extensions allowed when the attribute type is `image`

max_file_size (string , null by default) • Max file size in MB when the attribute type is `image`

reference_entity_code (string , null by default) • Code of the linked reference entity when the attribute type is `reference_entity_single_link` or `reference_entity_multiple_links`

asset_family_identifier (string , null by default) • Code of the linked asset family when the attribute type is `asset_collection`

decimals_allowed (boolean , false by default) • Whether decimals are allowed when the attribute type is `number`

min_value (string , null by default) • Minimum value allowed when the attribute type is `number`

max_value (string , null by default) • Maximum value allowed when the attribute type is `number`



      "code": "description",
      "labels": {
        "en_US": "Description",
        "fr_FR": "Description"
      "type": "text",
      "value_per_locale": true,
      "value_per_channel": false,
      "is_required_for_completeness": true,
      "max_characters": null,
      "is_textarea": true,
      "is_rich_text_editor": true,
      "validation_rule": "none",
      "validation_regexp": null



Means that the creation was successful


Location • URI of the created resource

Body Format application/json


No content to return

Means that the update was successful


Location • URI of the updated resource

Body Format application/json


Authentication required

Can be caused by a missing or expired token

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 401,
      "message": "Authentication is required"

Unsupported Media type

The `Content-type` header has to be `application/json`

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 415,
      "message": "‘xxx’ in ‘Content-type’ header is not valid.  Only ‘application/json’ is allowed."

Unprocessable entity

The validation of the entity given in the body of the request failed

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 422,
      "message": "Property \"labels\" expects an array as data, \"NULL\" given. Check the API reference documentation.",
      "_links": {
        "documentation": {
          "href": ""

Reference entity attribute option

Get a list of attribute options of a given attribute for a given reference entity  EE only

This endpoint allows you to get a list of attribute options for a given reference entity.

Available in PIM versions: 3.x 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 SaaS


get /api/rest/v1/reference-entities/{reference_entity_code}/attributes/{attribute_code}/options

Path parameters

reference_entity_code (string) • Code of the reference entity

attribute_code (string) • Code of the attribute

Query parameters



Authorization • Equal to 'Bearer xxx', `xxx` being the authentication token, see Authentication section

Accept • Equal to 'application/json', no other value allowed




Return the options of the given attributes of the given reference entity

Body Format application/json

        code (string ) • Attribute's option code
        labels (object ) • Attribute labels for each locale


        "code": "woodland_retreat",
        "labels": {
          "en_US": "Woodland Retreat",
          "fr_FR": "Retraite dans les Bois"
        "code": "new_nordic",
        "labels": {
          "en_US": "New Nordic",
          "fr_FR": "Renouveau Scandinave"
        "code": "global_nomad",
        "labels": {
          "en_US": "Global Nomad",
          "fr_FR": "Nomade du Monde"

Authentication required

Can be caused by a missing or expired token

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 401,
      "message": "Authentication is required"

Not Acceptable

The `Accept` header is not `application/json` but it should

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 406,
      "message": "‘xxx’ in ‘Accept‘ header is not valid. Only ‘application/json‘ is allowed."

Get an attribute option for a given attribute of a given reference entity  EE only

This endpoint allows you to get the information about a given attribute option.

Available in PIM versions: 3.x 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 SaaS


get /api/rest/v1/reference-entities/{reference_entity_code}/attributes/{attribute_code}/options/{code}

Path parameters

reference_entity_code (string) • Code of the reference entity

attribute_code (string) • Code of the attribute

code (string) • Code of the resource

Query parameters



Authorization • Equal to 'Bearer xxx', `xxx` being the authentication token, see Authentication section

Accept • Equal to 'application/json', no other value allowed





Returns the content of the reference entity attribute option in JSON format

Body Format application/json

Follow the standard format of the entity


code (string ) • Attribute's option code

labels (object ) : {
    localeCode (string ) • Attribute label for the locale `localeCode`



      "code": "global_nomad",
      "labels": {
        "en_US": "Global Nomad",
        "fr_FR": "Nomade du Monde"

Authentication required

Can be caused by a missing or expired token

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 401,
      "message": "Authentication is required"

Resource not found

The resource code given in the URI does not correspond to any existing PIM resource

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 404,
      "message": "Resource `my_resource_code` does not exist."

Not Acceptable

The `Accept` header is not `application/json` but it should

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 406,
      "message": "‘xxx’ in ‘Accept‘ header is not valid. Only ‘application/json‘ is allowed."

Update/create a reference entity attribute option  EE only

This endpoint allows you to update a given option for a given attribute and a given reference entity. Learn more about Update behavior. Note that if the option does not already exist for the given attribute of the given reference entity, it creates it.

Available in PIM versions: 3.x 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 SaaS


patch /api/rest/v1/reference-entities/{reference_entity_code}/attributes/{attribute_code}/options/{code}

Path parameters

reference_entity_code (string) • Code of the reference entity

attribute_code (string) • Code of the attribute

code (string) • Code of the resource

Query parameters



Authorization • Equal to 'Bearer xxx', `xxx` being the authentication token, see Authentication section

Content-type • Equal to 'application/json', no other value allowed


Follow the standard format of the entity


code (string ) • Attribute's option code

labels (object { localeCode : string } , [] by default) • Attribute labels for each locale



      "code": "global_nomad",
      "labels": {
        "en_US": "Global Nomad",
        "fr_FR": "Nomade du Monde"



Means that the creation was successful


Location • URI of the created resource

Body Format application/json


No content to return

Means that the update was successful


Location • URI of the updated resource

Body Format application/json


Authentication required

Can be caused by a missing or expired token

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 401,
      "message": "Authentication is required"

Unsupported Media type

The `Content-type` header has to be `application/json`

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 415,
      "message": "‘xxx’ in ‘Content-type’ header is not valid.  Only ‘application/json’ is allowed."

Unprocessable entity

The validation of the entity given in the body of the request failed

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 422,
      "message": "Property \"labels\" expects an array as data, \"NULL\" given. Check the API reference documentation.",
      "_links": {
        "documentation": {
          "href": ""

Reference entity record

Get the list of the records of a reference entity  EE only

This endpoint allows you to get a list of records of a given reference entity. Records are paginated and can be filtered.

Available in PIM versions: 3.x 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 SaaS


get /api/rest/v1/reference-entities/{reference_entity_code}/records

Path parameters

reference_entity_code (string) • Code of the reference entity

Query parameters

search (string ) • Filter records of the reference entity, for more details see the Filters section

channel (string ) • Filter attribute values to return scopable attributes for the given channel as well as the non localizable/non scopable attributes, for more details see the Filter attribute values by channel section

locales (string ) • Filter attribute values to return localizable attributes for the given locales as well as the non localizable/non scopable attributes, for more details see the Filter attribute values by locale section

search_after (string , cursor to the first page by default ) • Cursor when using the `search_after` pagination method type. Should never be set manually, see Pagination section


Authorization • Equal to 'Bearer xxx', `xxx` being the authentication token, see Authentication section

Accept • Equal to 'application/json', no other value allowed




Return the records of the given reference entity paginated

Body Format application/json

Follow the standard format of the entity


_links (object) : {
    self (object ) : {
        href (string ) • URI of the current page of resources
    first (object ) : {
        href (string ) • URI of the first page of resources
    next (object ) : {
        href (string ) • URI of the next page of resources

_embedded (object) : {
    items (array ) : [
          _links (object) : {
              self (object) : {
                  href (string ) • URI of the resource
          code (string) • Code of the record
          values (object) • Record attributes values, see Reference entity record values section for more details
          created (string) • Date of creation.
          updated (string) • Date of the last update.



      "_links": {
        "self": {
          "href": ""
        "first": {
          "href": ""
        "next": {
          "href": ""
      "_embedded": {
        "items": [
            "_links": {
              "self": {
                "href": ""
            "code": "kartell",
            "values": {
              "label": [
                  "locale": "en_US",
                  "channel": null,
                  "data": "Kartell"
              "image": [
                  "locale": null,
                  "channel": null,
                  "data": "0/c/b/0/0cb0c0e115dedba676f8d1ad8343ec207ab54c7b_image.jpg"
              "description": [
                  "data": "The contemporary Italian furniture brand",
                  "locale": "en_US",
                  "channel": null
                  "data": "L'éditeur de meubles comtemporain italien",
                  "locale": "fr_FR",
                  "channel": null
              "country": [
                  "locale": null,
                  "channel": null,
                  "data": "italy"
            "created": "2021-01-01T01:23:34+00:00",
            "updated": "2021-02-03T23:45:60+00:00"
            "_links": {
              "self": {
                "href": ""
            "code": "usm",
            "values": {
              "label": [
                  "locale": "en_US",
                  "channel": null,
                  "data": "USM"
              "image": [
                  "locale": null,
                  "channel": null,
                  "data": "9/c/g/1/0cb0c0e115dedba76f8d1ad8343ec897abc43bv4_image.jpg"
              "description": [
                  "data": "Modular furniture from Switzerland for your home and office",
                  "locale": "en_US",
                  "channel": null
                  "data": "L'éditeur de meubles modulaires suisse pour votre intérieur et pour les entreprises",
                  "locale": "fr_FR",
                  "channel": null
              "country": [
                  "locale": null,
                  "channel": null,
                  "data": "switzerland"
            "created": "2021-01-01T01:23:34+00:00",
            "updated": "2021-02-03T23:45:60+00:00"
            "_links": {
              "self": {
                "href": ""
            "code": "ligneroset",
            "values": {
              "label": [
                  "locale": "en_US",
                  "channel": null,
                  "data": "Ligne Roset"
              "image": [
                  "locale": null,
                  "channel": null,
                  "data": "4/b/0/1/0cb0c0e115dedde78b8d1ad8343ec980cd5daa54_image.jpg"
              "description": [
                  "data": "Very well known French brand of modern and luxury furniture",
                  "locale": "en_US",
                  "channel": null
                  "data": "La marque renommée des meubles de luxe à la française",
                  "locale": "fr_FR",
                  "channel": null
              "country": [
                  "locale": null,
                  "channel": null,
                  "data": "france"
            "created": "2021-01-01T01:23:34+00:00",
            "updated": "2021-02-03T23:45:60+00:00"

Authentication required

Can be caused by a missing or expired token

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 401,
      "message": "Authentication is required"

Not Acceptable

The `Accept` header is not `application/json` but it should

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 406,
      "message": "‘xxx’ in ‘Accept‘ header is not valid. Only ‘application/json‘ is allowed."

Update/create several reference entity records  EE only

This endpoint allows you to update and/or create several records of one given reference entity at once. Learn more about Update behavior. Note that if the record does not already exist for the given reference entity, it creates it.

Available in PIM versions: 3.x 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 SaaS


patch /api/rest/v1/reference-entities/{reference_entity_code}/records

Path parameters

reference_entity_code (string) • Code of the reference entity

Query parameters



Authorization • Equal to 'Bearer xxx', `xxx` being the authentication token, see Authentication section

Content-type • Equal to 'application/json', no other value allowed


Follow the standard format of the entity



       code (string ) • Code of the record

       values (object ) • Record attributes values, see Reference entity record values section for more details

       created (string , null by default) • Date of creation.

       updated (string , null by default) • Date of the last update.




        "code": "kartell",
        "values": {
          "label": [
              "locale": "en_US",
              "channel": null,
              "data": "Kartell"
          "image": [
              "locale": null,
              "channel": null,
              "data": "0/c/b/0/0cb0c0e115dedba676f8d1ad8343ec207ab54c7b_image.jpg"
          "description": [
              "locale": "en_US",
              "channel": null,
              "data": "Kartell, the Italian furniture company that sells modern and remarkable pieces of furnitures."
              "locale": "fr_FR",
              "channel": null,
              "data": "Kartell, l'éditeur de meuble italien spécialisé dans la signature de belle pièces au design contemporain."
          "country": [
              "locale": null,
              "channel": null,
              "data": "italy"
          "collection_overview": [
              "locale": null,
              "channel": null,
              "data": "5/1/d/8/51d81dc778ba1501a8f998f3ab5797569f3b9e25_img.png"
          "creation_year": [
              "locale": null,
              "channel": null,
              "data": "1949"
        "code": "ligneroset",
        "values": {
          "label": [
              "locale": "en_US",
              "channel": null,
              "data": "Ligne Roset"
          "image": [
              "locale": null,
              "channel": null,
              "data": "4/b/0/1/0cb0c0e115dedde78b8d1ad8343ec980cd5daa54_image.jpg"
          "description": [
              "data": "Very well known French brand of modern and luxury furniture",
              "locale": "en_US",
              "channel": null
              "data": "La marque renommée des meubles de luxe à la française",
              "locale": "fr_FR",
              "channel": null
          "country": [
              "locale": null,
              "channel": null,
              "data": "france"
          "creation_year": [
              "locale": null,
              "channel": null,
              "data": "1860"
        "code": "usm",
        "values": {
          "label": [
              "locale": "en_US",
              "channel": null,
              "data": "USM"
          "image": [
              "locale": null,
              "channel": null,
              "data": "9/c/g/1/0cb0c0e115dedba76f8d1ad8343ec897abc43bv4_image.jpg"
          "description": [
              "data": "Modular furniture from Switzerland for your home and office",
              "locale": "en_US",
              "channel": null
              "data": "L'éditeur de meubles modulaires suisse pour votre intérieur et pour les entreprises",
              "locale": "fr_FR",
              "channel": null
          "country": [
              "locale": null,
              "channel": null,
              "data": "switzerland"
          "creation_year": [
              "locale": null,
              "channel": null,
              "data": "1885"



Returns an JSON array in which each object gives you the status of each record creation or update

Body Format application/json

        code (string ) • Resource code
        status_code (integer ) • HTTP status code, see Client errors to understand the meaning of each code
        message (string ) • Message explaining the error


        "code": "kartell",
        "status_code": 204
        "code": "ligneroset",
        "status_code": 422,
        "message": "Property 'group' does not exist."
        "code": "usm",
        "status_code": 201

Authentication required

Can be caused by a missing or expired token

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 401,
      "message": "Authentication is required"

Request Entity Too Large

There are too many resources to process (max 100) or the line of JSON is too long (max 1 000 000 characters)

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 413,
      "message": "Too many resources to process, 100 is the maximum allowed."

Unsupported Media type

The `Content-type` header has to be `application/vnd.akeneo.collection+json`

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 415,
      "message": "‘xxx’ in ‘Content-type’ header is not valid.  Only ‘application/vnd.akeneo.collection+json’ is allowed."

Get a record of a given reference entity  EE only

This endpoint allows you to get the information about a given record for a given reference entity.

Available in PIM versions: 3.x 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 SaaS


get /api/rest/v1/reference-entities/{reference_entity_code}/records/{code}

Path parameters

reference_entity_code (string) • Code of the reference entity

code (string) • Code of the resource

Query parameters



Authorization • Equal to 'Bearer xxx', `xxx` being the authentication token, see Authentication section

Accept • Equal to 'application/json', no other value allowed





Returns the content of the product in JSON standard format

Body Format application/json

Follow the standard format of the entity


code (string ) • Code of the record

values (object ) • Record attributes values, see Reference entity record values section for more details

created (string ) • Date of creation.

updated (string ) • Date of the last update.



      "code": "kartell",
      "values": {
        "label": [
            "locale": "en_US",
            "channel": null,
            "data": "Kartell"
        "image": [
            "locale": null,
            "channel": null,
            "data": "0/c/b/0/0cb0c0e115dedba676f8d1ad8343ec207ab54c7b_image.jpg"
        "description": [
            "locale": "en_US",
            "channel": null,
            "data": "Kartell, the Italian furniture company that sells modern and remarkable pieces of furnitures."
            "locale": "fr_FR",
            "channel": null,
            "data": "Kartell, l'éditeur de meuble italien spécialisé dans la signature de belle pièces au design contemporain."
        "country": [
            "locale": null,
            "channel": null,
            "data": "italy"
        "collection_overview": [
            "locale": null,
            "channel": null,
            "data": "5/1/d/8/51d81dc778ba1501a8f998f3ab5797569f3b9e25_img.png"
        "creation_year": [
            "locale": null,
            "channel": null,
            "data": "1949"
      "created": "2021-01-01T01:23:34+00:00",
      "updated": "2021-02-03T23:45:60+00:00"

Authentication required

Can be caused by a missing or expired token

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 401,
      "message": "Authentication is required"

Resource not found

The resource code given in the URI does not correspond to any existing PIM resource

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 404,
      "message": "Resource `my_resource_code` does not exist."

Not Acceptable

The `Accept` header is not `application/json` but it should

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 406,
      "message": "‘xxx’ in ‘Accept‘ header is not valid. Only ‘application/json‘ is allowed."

Update/create a record of a given reference entity  EE only

This endpoint allows you to update a given record of a given renference entity. Learn more about Update behavior. Note that if the record does not already exist for the given reference entity, it creates it.

Available in PIM versions: 3.x 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 SaaS


patch /api/rest/v1/reference-entities/{reference_entity_code}/records/{code}

Path parameters

reference_entity_code (string) • Code of the reference entity

code (string) • Code of the resource

Query parameters



Authorization • Equal to 'Bearer xxx', `xxx` being the authentication token, see Authentication section

Content-type • Equal to 'application/json', no other value allowed


Follow the standard format of the entity


code (string ) • Code of the record

values (object ) • Record attributes values, see Reference entity record values section for more details

created (string , null by default) • Date of creation.

updated (string , null by default) • Date of the last update.



      "code": "kartell",
      "values": {
        "label": [
            "locale": "en_US",
            "channel": null,
            "data": "Kartell"
        "image": [
            "locale": null,
            "channel": null,
            "data": "0/c/b/0/0cb0c0e115dedba676f8d1ad8343ec207ab54c7b_image.jpg"
        "description": [
            "locale": "en_US",
            "channel": null,
            "data": "Kartell, the Italian furniture company that sells modern and remarkable pieces of furnitures."
            "locale": "fr_FR",
            "channel": null,
            "data": "Kartell, l'éditeur de meuble italien spécialisé dans la signature de belle pièces au design contemporain."
        "country": [
            "locale": null,
            "channel": null,
            "data": "italy"
        "collection_overview": [
            "locale": null,
            "channel": null,
            "data": "5/1/d/8/51d81dc778ba1501a8f998f3ab5797569f3b9e25_img.png"
        "creation_year": [
            "locale": null,
            "channel": null,
            "data": "1949"



Means that the creation was successful


Location • URI of the created resource

Body Format application/json


No content to return

Means that the update was successful


Location • URI of the updated resource

Body Format application/json


Authentication required

Can be caused by a missing or expired token

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 401,
      "message": "Authentication is required"

Unsupported Media type

The `Content-type` header has to be `application/json`

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 415,
      "message": "‘xxx’ in ‘Content-type’ header is not valid.  Only ‘application/json’ is allowed."

Unprocessable entity

The validation of the entity given in the body of the request failed

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 422,
      "message": "Property \"labels\" expects an array as data, \"NULL\" given. Check the API reference documentation.",
      "_links": {
        "documentation": {
          "href": ""

Reference entity media file

Create a new media file for a reference entity or a record  EE only

This endpoint allows you to create a new media file and associate it to the image of a reference entity, or to the main image or to an attribute value of a record.

Available in PIM versions: 3.x 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 SaaS


post /api/rest/v1/reference-entities-media-files

Path parameters


Query parameters



Authorization • Equal to 'Bearer xxx', `xxx` being the authentication token, see Authentication section

Content-type • Equal to 'multipart/form-data', no other value allowed


Given as form-data

file (string / binary) • The binary of the media file



Means that the media file creation was successful


Location • URI of the created resource

Reference-entities-media-file-code • Code of the media file

Body Format application/json


Authentication required

Can be caused by a missing or expired token

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 401,
      "message": "Authentication is required"

Unsupported Media type

The `Content-type` header has to be `multipart/form-data`

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 415,
      "message": "‘xxx’ in ‘Content-type’ header is not valid.  Only ‘multipart/form-data’ is allowed."

Unprocessable entity

The validation of the entity given in the body of the request failed

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 422,
      "message": "Property \"labels\" expects an array as data, \"NULL\" given. Check the API reference documentation.",
      "_links": {
        "documentation": {
          "href": ""

Download the media file associated to a reference entity or a record  EE only

This endpoint allows you to download a given media file that is associated with a reference entity or a record.

Available in PIM versions: 3.x 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 SaaS


get /api/rest/v1/reference-entities-media-files/{code}

Path parameters

code (string) • Code of the resource

Query parameters



Authorization • Equal to 'Bearer xxx', `xxx` being the authentication token, see Authentication section





Returns the binary of the media file

Body Format Mime-type of the media file
Media file binary

Authentication required

Can be caused by a missing or expired token

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 401,
      "message": "Authentication is required"

Resource not found

The resource code given in the URI does not correspond to any existing PIM resource

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 404,
      "message": "Resource `my_resource_code` does not exist."

Asset Manager

Asset family

Get list of asset families  EE only

This endpoint allows you to get a list of asset families. Asset families are paginated.

Available in PIM versions: 3.2 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 SaaS


get /api/rest/v1/asset-families

Path parameters


Query parameters

search_after (string , cursor to the first page by default ) • Cursor when using the `search_after` pagination method type. Should never be set manually, see Pagination section


Authorization • Equal to 'Bearer xxx', `xxx` being the authentication token, see Authentication section

Accept • Equal to 'application/json', no other value allowed




Return asset families paginated

Body Format application/json

Follow the standard format of the entity


_links (object) : {
    self (object ) : {
        href (string ) • URI of the current page of resources
    first (object ) : {
        href (string ) • URI of the first page of resources
    next (object ) : {
        href (string ) • URI of the next page of resources

_embedded (object) : {
    items (array ) : [
          _links (object) : {
              self (object) : {
                  href (string ) • URI of the resource
          code (string) • Asset family code
          labels (object) : {
              localeCode (string) • Asset family label for the locale `localeCode`
          attribute_as_main_media (string) • Attribute code that is used as the main media of the asset family.
          naming_convention (object) : {
              source (object) • The string on which the naming convention should be applied. More details here.
              pattern (string) • The regular expression that should be applied on the source. More details here.
              abort_asset_creation_on_error (boolean) • Whether the asset should be created if the naming convention failed to apply. More details here.
          product_link_rules (array [object ]) • The rules that will be run after the asset creation, in order to automatically link the assets of this family to a set of products. To understand the format of this property, see here.
          transformations (array [object ]) • The transformations to perform on source files in order to generate new files into your asset attributes (only available since v4.0). To understand the format of this property, see here.
          sharing_enabled (boolean) • Share links are available/unavailable for the main media of all the assets in this family



      "_links": {
        "self": {
          "href": ""
        "first": {
          "href": ""
        "next": {
          "href": ""
      "_embedded": {
        "_items": [
            "_links": {
              "self": {
                "href": ""
            "code": "packshots",
            "labels": {
              "en_US": "Packshots",
              "fr_FR": "Plans produit"
            "“naming_convention”": {
              "source": {
                "property": "code",
                "channel": null,
                "locale": null
              "pattern": "/(?P<product_ref>.*)\\.jpg/",
              "abort_asset_creation_on_error": true
            "product_link_rules": [
                "product_selections": [
                    "field": "sku",
                    "operator": "=",
                    "value": "{{product_ref}}"
                "assign_assets_to": [
                    "attribute": "{{my_product_attribute}}",
                    "mode": "add"
            "transformations": [
                "label": "My transformation",
                "filename_suffix": "_thumbnailBW",
                "source": {
                  "attribute": "main_image",
                  "locale": null,
                  "channel": null
                "target": {
                  "attribute": "thumbnail",
                  "locale": null,
                  "channel": null
                "operations": [
                    "type": "thumbnail",
                    "parameters": {
                      "width": 150,
                      "height": 150
                    "type": "colorspace",
                    "parameters": {
                      "colorspace": "grey"
            "sharing_enabled": false
            "_links": {
              "self": {
                "href": ""
            "code": "videos",
            "labels": {
              "en_US": "Videos",
              "fr_FR": "Vidéos"
            "product_link_rules": [
                "product_selections": [
                    "field": "categories",
                    "operator": "IN",
                    "value": [
                "assign_assets_to": [
                    "attribute": "presentation_video",
                    "locale": "{{locale}}",
                    "mode": "replace"
            "sharing_enabled": true
            "_links": {
              "self": {
                "href": ""
            "code": "user_guides",
            "labels": {
              "en_US": "User guides",
              "fr_FR": "Guides utilisateur"
            "product_link_rules": [
                "product_selections": [
                    "field": "sku",
                    "operator": "=",
                    "value": "{{product_ref}}"
                "assign_assets_to": [
                    "attribute": "user_instructions",
                    "locale": "{{locale}}",
                    "mode": "replace"
            "sharing_enabled": false

Authentication required

Can be caused by a missing or expired token

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 401,
      "message": "Authentication is required"

Not Acceptable

The `Accept` header is not `application/json` but it should

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 406,
      "message": "‘xxx’ in ‘Accept‘ header is not valid. Only ‘application/json‘ is allowed."

Get an asset family  EE only

This endpoint allows you to get the information about a given asset family.

Available in PIM versions: 3.2 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 SaaS


get /api/rest/v1/asset-families/{code}

Path parameters

code (string) • Code of the resource

Query parameters



Authorization • Equal to 'Bearer xxx', `xxx` being the authentication token, see Authentication section

Accept • Equal to 'application/json', no other value allowed





Returns the content of the asset family in JSON format.

Body Format application/json

Follow the standard format of the entity


code (string ) • Asset family code

labels (object ) : {
    localeCode (string ) • Asset family label for the locale `localeCode`

attribute_as_main_media (string ) • Attribute code that is used as the main media of the asset family.

naming_convention (object ) : {
    source (object ) • The string on which the naming convention should be applied. More details here.
    pattern (string ) • The regular expression that should be applied on the source. More details here.
    abort_asset_creation_on_error (boolean ) • Whether the asset should be created if the naming convention failed to apply. More details here.

product_link_rules (array [object] ) : [
          product_selections (array) • The product selection to which the assets of the asset family to be automatically linked. More details here.
          assign_assets_to (array) • The product value in which your assets will be assigned. More details here.

transformations (array [object] ) : [
          label (string) • The name of the transformation
          filename_suffix (string) • The suffix that will be appended to the source filename to generate the target filename. More details here.
          filename_prefix (string) • The prefix that will be prepended to the source filename to generate the target filename. More details here.
          source (object) • The attribute value in which is stored the media file you want to use as the source file for your transformation. More details here.
          target (object) • The attribute value in which the PIM will generate the new transformed file, aka the target file. More details here.
          operations (object) • The transformations that should be applied to your source file to generate the target file. More details here.

sharing_enabled (boolean ) • Share links are available/unavailable for the main media of all the assets in this family



      "code": "model_pictures",
      "labels": {
        "en_US": "Model pictures",
        "fr_FR": "Photographies en pied"
      "attribute_as_main_media": "main_image",
      "naming_convention": {
        "source": {
          "property": "code",
          "channel": null,
          "locale": null
        "pattern": "/(?P<product_ref>.*)-.*/",
        "abort_asset_creation_on_error": true
      "product_link_rules": [
          "product_selections": [
              "field": "sku",
              "operator": "EQUALS",
              "value": "{{product_ref}}"
          "assign_assets_to": [
              "attribute": "model_pictures",
              "mode": "replace"
      "transformations": [
          "label": "Thumbnail plus black and white transformation",
          "filename_suffix": "_thumbnailBW",
          "source": {
            "attribute": "main_image",
            "channel": null,
            "locale": null
          "target": {
            "attribute": "thumbnail",
            "channel": null,
            "locale": null
          "operations": [
              "type": "thumbnail",
              "parameters": {
                "width": 150,
                "height": 150
              "type": "colorspace",
              "parameters": {
                "colorspace": "grey"
      "sharing_enabled": true

Authentication required

Can be caused by a missing or expired token

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 401,
      "message": "Authentication is required"

Resource not found

The resource code given in the URI does not correspond to any existing PIM resource

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 404,
      "message": "Resource `my_resource_code` does not exist."

Not Acceptable

The `Accept` header is not `application/json` but it should

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 406,
      "message": "‘xxx’ in ‘Accept‘ header is not valid. Only ‘application/json‘ is allowed."

Update/create an asset family  EE only

This endpoint allows you to update a given asset family. Note that if the asset family does not already exist, it creates it.

Available in PIM versions: 3.2 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 SaaS


patch /api/rest/v1/asset-families/{code}

Path parameters

code (string) • Code of the resource

Query parameters



Authorization • Equal to 'Bearer xxx', `xxx` being the authentication token, see Authentication section

Content-type • Equal to 'application/json', no other value allowed


Follow the standard format of the entity


code (string ) • Asset family code

labels (object { localeCode : string } , [] by default) • Asset family labels for each locale

attribute_as_main_media (string , First media file or media link attribute that was created by default) • Attribute code that is used as the main media of the asset family.

naming_convention (object { source : object , pattern : string , abort_asset_creation_on_error : boolean } , [] by default) • The naming convention ran over the asset code or the main media filename upon each asset creation, in order to automatically set several values in asset attributes. To learn more and see the format of this property, take a look at here.

product_link_rules (array [object] , [] by default) : [
            product_selections (array [object ]) • The product selection to which the assets of the asset family to be automatically linked. More details here.
            assign_assets_to (array [object ]) • The product value in which your assets will be assigned. More details here.

transformations (array [object] , [] by default) : [
            label (string ) • The name of the transformation
            filename_suffix (string ) • The suffix that will be appended to the source filename to generate the target filename. More details here.
            filename_prefix (string ) • The prefix that will be prepended to the source filename to generate the target filename. More details here.
            source (object ) • The attribute value in which is stored the media file you want to use as the source file for your transformation. More details here.
            target (object ) • The attribute value in which the PIM will generate the new transformed file, aka the target file. More details here.
            operations (object ) • The transformations that should be applied to your source file to generate the target file. More details here.

sharing_enabled (boolean ) • Share links are available/unavailable for the main media of all the assets in this family



      "code": "model_pictures",
      "labels": {
        "en_US": "Model pictures",
        "fr_FR": "Photographies en pied"
      "attribute_as_main_media": "main_image",
      "naming_convention": {
        "source": {
          "property": "code",
          "channel": null,
          "locale": null
        "pattern": "/(?P<product_ref>.*)-.*/",
        "abort_asset_creation_on_error": true
      "product_link_rules": [
          "product_selections": [
              "field": "sku",
              "operator": "EQUALS",
              "value": "{{product_ref}}"
          "assign_assets_to": [
              "attribute": "model_pictures",
              "mode": "replace"
      "transformations": [
          "label": "Thumbnail plus black and white transformation",
          "filename_suffix": "_thumbnailBW",
          "source": {
            "attribute": "main_image",
            "channel": null,
            "locale": null
          "target": {
            "attribute": "thumbnail",
            "channel": null,
            "locale": null
          "operations": [
              "type": "thumbnail",
              "parameters": {
                "width": 150,
                "height": 150
              "type": "colorspace",
              "parameters": {
                "colorspace": "grey"
      "sharing_enabled": true



Means that the creation was successful


Location • URI of the created resource

Body Format application/json


No content to return

Means that the update was successful


Location • URI of the updated resource

Body Format application/json


Authentication required

Can be caused by a missing or expired token

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 401,
      "message": "Authentication is required"

Unsupported Media type

The `Content-type` header has to be `application/json`

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 415,
      "message": "‘xxx’ in ‘Content-type’ header is not valid.  Only ‘application/json’ is allowed."

Unprocessable entity

The validation of the entity given in the body of the request failed

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 422,
      "message": "Property \"labels\" expects an array as data, \"NULL\" given. Check the API reference documentation.",
      "_links": {
        "documentation": {
          "href": ""

Asset attribute

Get the list of attributes of a given asset family  EE only

This endpoint allows you to get the list of attributes of a given asset family.

Available in PIM versions: 3.2 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 SaaS


get /api/rest/v1/asset-families/{asset_family_code}/attributes

Path parameters

asset_family_code (string) • Code of the asset family

Query parameters



Authorization • Equal to 'Bearer xxx', `xxx` being the authentication token, see Authentication section

Accept • Equal to 'application/json', no other value allowed




Return the attributes of the given asset family

Body Format application/json

        code (string ) • Attribute code
        labels (object ) • Attribute labels for each locale
        type (string ) • Attribute type. See type section for more details.
        value_per_locale (boolean ) • Whether the attribute is localizable, i.e. can have one value by locale
        value_per_channel (boolean ) • Whether the attribute is scopable, i.e. can have one value by channel
        is_required_for_completeness (boolean ) • Whether the attribute should be part of the record's completeness calculation
        is_read_only (boolean ) • Whether the attribute should be in read only mode only in the UI, but you can still update it with the API
        max_characters (integer ) • Maximum number of characters allowed for the value of the attribute when the attribute type is `text`
        is_textarea (boolean ) • Whether the UI should display a text area instead of a simple field when the attribute type is `text`
        is_rich_text_editor (boolean ) • Whether the UI should display a rich text editor instead of a simple text area when the attribute type is `text`
        validation_rule (string ) • Validation rule type used to validate the attribute value when the attribute type is `text`
        validation_regexp (string ) • Regexp expression used to validate the attribute value when the attribute type is `text`
        allowed_extensions (array [string] ) • Extensions allowed when the attribute type is `media_file`
        max_file_size (string ) • Max file size in MB when the attribute type is `media_file`
        decimals_allowed (boolean ) • Whether decimals are allowed when the attribute type is `number`
        min_value (string ) • Minimum value allowed when the attribute type is `number`
        max_value (string ) • Maximum value allowed when the attribute type is `number`
        media_type (string ) • For the `media_link` attribute type, it is the type of the media behind the url, to allow its preview in the PIM. For the `media_file` attribute type, it is the type of the file.
        prefix (string ) • Prefix of the `media_link` attribute type. The common url root that prefixes the link to the media
        suffix (string ) • Suffix of the `media_link` attribute type. The common url suffix for the media
        reference_entity (string ) • Reference entity code for the `record` attribute type (see Reference entity).


        "code": "model_is_wearing_size",
        "labels": {
          "en_US": "Model is wearing size",
          "fr_FR": "Le mannequin porte la taille"
        "type": "single_option",
        "value_per_locale": false,
        "value_per_channel": false,
        "is_required_for_completeness": true
        "code": "media_link",
        "labels": {
          "en_US": "Media link",
          "fr_FR": "Lien vers le média"
        "type": "media_link",
        "value_per_locale": false,
        "value_per_channel": false,
        "is_required_for_completeness": true,
        "prefix": "",
        "suffix": "?height=630&width=485",
        "media_type": "image"
        "code": "warning_mention",
        "labels": {
          "en_US": "Warning mention",
          "fr_FR": "Phrase d'avertissement"
        "type": "text",
        "value_per_locale": true,
        "value_per_channel": false,
        "is_required_for_completeness": false,
        "max_characters": "50",
        "is_textarea": false,
        "is_rich_text_editor": false,
        "validation_rule": "none",
        "validation_regexp": null

Authentication required

Can be caused by a missing or expired token

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 401,
      "message": "Authentication is required"

Not Acceptable

The `Accept` header is not `application/json` but it should

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 406,
      "message": "‘xxx’ in ‘Accept‘ header is not valid. Only ‘application/json‘ is allowed."

Get an attribute of a given asset family  EE only

This endpoint allows you to get the information about a given attribute for a given asset family.

Available in PIM versions: 3.2 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 SaaS


get /api/rest/v1/asset-families/{asset_family_code}/attributes/{code}

Path parameters

asset_family_code (string) • Code of the asset family

code (string) • Code of the resource

Query parameters



Authorization • Equal to 'Bearer xxx', `xxx` being the authentication token, see Authentication section

Accept • Equal to 'application/json', no other value allowed





Returns the content of the asset attribute in JSON format

Body Format application/json

Follow the standard format of the entity


code (string ) • Attribute code

labels (object ) : {
    localeCode (string ) • Attribute label for the locale `localeCode`

type (string ) • Attribute type. See type section for more details.

value_per_locale (boolean ) • Whether the attribute is localizable, i.e. can have one value by locale

value_per_channel (boolean ) • Whether the attribute is scopable, i.e. can have one value by channel

is_required_for_completeness (boolean ) • Whether the attribute should be part of the record's completeness calculation

is_read_only (boolean ) • Whether the attribute should be in read only mode only in the UI, but you can still update it with the API

max_characters (integer ) • Maximum number of characters allowed for the value of the attribute when the attribute type is `text`

is_textarea (boolean ) • Whether the UI should display a text area instead of a simple field when the attribute type is `text`

is_rich_text_editor (boolean ) • Whether the UI should display a rich text editor instead of a simple text area when the attribute type is `text`

validation_rule (string ) • Validation rule type used to validate the attribute value when the attribute type is `text`

validation_regexp (string ) • Regexp expression used to validate the attribute value when the attribute type is `text`

allowed_extensions (array [string] ) • Extensions allowed when the attribute type is `media_file`

max_file_size (string ) • Max file size in MB when the attribute type is `media_file`

decimals_allowed (boolean ) • Whether decimals are allowed when the attribute type is `number`

min_value (string ) • Minimum value allowed when the attribute type is `number`

max_value (string ) • Maximum value allowed when the attribute type is `number`

media_type (string ) • For the `media_link` attribute type, it is the type of the media behind the url, to allow its preview in the PIM. For the `media_file` attribute type, it is the type of the file.

prefix (string ) • Prefix of the `media_link` attribute type. The common url root that prefixes the link to the media

suffix (string ) • Suffix of the `media_link` attribute type. The common url suffix for the media

reference_entity (string ) • Reference entity code for the `record` attribute type (see Reference entity).



      "code": "model_is_wearing_size",
      "labels": {
        "en_US": "Model is wearing size",
        "fr_FR": "Le mannequin porte la taille"
      "type": "single_option",
      "value_per_locale": false,
      "value_per_channel": false,
      "is_required_for_completeness": true

Authentication required

Can be caused by a missing or expired token

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 401,
      "message": "Authentication is required"

Resource not found

The resource code given in the URI does not correspond to any existing PIM resource

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 404,
      "message": "Resource `my_resource_code` does not exist."

Not Acceptable

The `Accept` header is not `application/json` but it should

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 406,
      "message": "‘xxx’ in ‘Accept‘ header is not valid. Only ‘application/json‘ is allowed."

Update/create an attribute of a given asset family  EE only

This endpoint allows you to update a given attribute for a given asset family. Note that if the attribute does not already exist for the given asset family, it creates it.

Available in PIM versions: 3.2 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 SaaS


patch /api/rest/v1/asset-families/{asset_family_code}/attributes/{code}

Path parameters

asset_family_code (string) • Code of the asset family

code (string) • Code of the resource

Query parameters



Authorization • Equal to 'Bearer xxx', `xxx` being the authentication token, see Authentication section

Content-type • Equal to 'application/json', no other value allowed


Follow the standard format of the entity


code (string ) • Attribute code

labels (object { localeCode : string } , [] by default) • Attribute labels for each locale

type (string ) • Attribute type. See type section for more details.

value_per_locale (boolean , false by default) • Whether the attribute is localizable, i.e. can have one value by locale

value_per_channel (boolean , false by default) • Whether the attribute is scopable, i.e. can have one value by channel

is_required_for_completeness (boolean , false by default) • Whether the attribute should be part of the record's completeness calculation

is_read_only (boolean , false by default) • Whether the attribute should be in read only mode only in the UI, but you can still update it with the API

max_characters (integer ) • Maximum number of characters allowed for the value of the attribute when the attribute type is `text`

is_textarea (boolean , false by default) • Whether the UI should display a text area instead of a simple field when the attribute type is `text`

is_rich_text_editor (boolean ) • Whether the UI should display a rich text editor instead of a simple text area when the attribute type is `text`

validation_rule (string , none by default) • Validation rule type used to validate the attribute value when the attribute type is `text`

validation_regexp (string , null by default) • Regexp expression used to validate the attribute value when the attribute type is `text`

allowed_extensions (array [string] , [] by default) • Extensions allowed when the attribute type is `media_file`

max_file_size (string , null by default) • Max file size in MB when the attribute type is `media_file`

decimals_allowed (boolean , false by default) • Whether decimals are allowed when the attribute type is `number`

min_value (string , null by default) • Minimum value allowed when the attribute type is `number`

max_value (string , null by default) • Maximum value allowed when the attribute type is `number`

media_type (string ) • For the `media_link` attribute type, it is the type of the media behind the url, to allow its preview in the PIM. For the `media_file` attribute type, it is the type of the file.

prefix (string , null by default) • Prefix of the `media_link` attribute type. The common url root that prefixes the link to the media

suffix (string , null by default) • Suffix of the `media_link` attribute type. The common url suffix for the media

reference_entity (string , null by default) • Reference entity code for the `record` attribute type (see Reference entity).



      "code": "model_is_wearing_size",
      "labels": {
        "en_US": "Model is wearing size",
        "fr_FR": "Le mannequin porte la taille"
      "type": "single_option",
      "value_per_locale": false,
      "value_per_channel": false,
      "is_required_for_completeness": true



Means that the creation was successful


Location • URI of the created resource

Body Format application/json


No content to return

Means that the update was successful


Location • URI of the updated resource

Body Format application/json


Authentication required

Can be caused by a missing or expired token

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 401,
      "message": "Authentication is required"

Unsupported Media type

The `Content-type` header has to be `application/json`

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 415,
      "message": "‘xxx’ in ‘Content-type’ header is not valid.  Only ‘application/json’ is allowed."

Unprocessable entity

The validation of the entity given in the body of the request failed

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 422,
      "message": "Property \"labels\" expects an array as data, \"NULL\" given. Check the API reference documentation.",
      "_links": {
        "documentation": {
          "href": ""

Asset attribute option

Get a list of attribute options of a given attribute for a given asset family  EE only

This endpoint allows you to get a list of attribute options for a given asset family.

Available in PIM versions: 3.2 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 SaaS


get /api/rest/v1/asset-families/{asset_family_code}/attributes/{attribute_code}/options

Path parameters

asset_family_code (string) • Code of the asset family

attribute_code (string) • Code of the attribute

Query parameters



Authorization • Equal to 'Bearer xxx', `xxx` being the authentication token, see Authentication section

Accept • Equal to 'application/json', no other value allowed




Return the options of the given attribute of the given asset family

Body Format application/json

        code (string ) • Attribute's option code
        labels (object ) • Attribute labels for each locale


        "code": "unique_size",
        "labels": {
          "en_US": "Unique size",
          "fr_FR": "Taille unique"
        "code": "size_27",
        "labels": {
          "en_US": "Size 27",
          "fr_FR": "Taille 36"
        "code": "small",
        "labels": {
          "en_US": "S",
          "fr_FR": "S"

Authentication required

Can be caused by a missing or expired token

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 401,
      "message": "Authentication is required"

Not Acceptable

The `Accept` header is not `application/json` but it should

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 406,
      "message": "‘xxx’ in ‘Accept‘ header is not valid. Only ‘application/json‘ is allowed."

Get an attribute option for a given attribute of a given asset family  EE only

This endpoint allows you to get the information about a given asset attribute option.

Available in PIM versions: 3.2 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 SaaS


get /api/rest/v1/asset-families/{asset_family_code}/attributes/{attribute_code}/options/{code}

Path parameters

asset_family_code (string) • Code of the asset family

attribute_code (string) • Code of the attribute

code (string) • Code of the resource

Query parameters



Authorization • Equal to 'Bearer xxx', `xxx` being the authentication token, see Authentication section

Accept • Equal to 'application/json', no other value allowed





Returns the content of the asset attribute option in JSON format

Body Format application/json

Follow the standard format of the entity


code (string ) • Attribute's option code

labels (object ) : {
    localeCode (string ) • Attribute label for the locale `localeCode`



      "code": "small",
      "labels": {
        "en_US": "S",
        "fr_FR": "S"

Authentication required

Can be caused by a missing or expired token

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 401,
      "message": "Authentication is required"

Resource not found

The resource code given in the URI does not correspond to any existing PIM resource

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 404,
      "message": "Resource `my_resource_code` does not exist."

Not Acceptable

The `Accept` header is not `application/json` but it should

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 406,
      "message": "‘xxx’ in ‘Accept‘ header is not valid. Only ‘application/json‘ is allowed."

Update/create an asset attribute option for a given asset family  EE only

This endpoint allows you to update a given option for a given attribute and a given asset family. Learn more about the Update behavior. Note that if the option does not already exist for the given attribute of the given asset family, it creates it.

Available in PIM versions: 3.2 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 SaaS


patch /api/rest/v1/asset-families/{asset_family_code}/attributes/{attribute_code}/options/{code}

Path parameters

asset_family_code (string) • Code of the asset family

attribute_code (string) • Code of the attribute

code (string) • Code of the resource

Query parameters



Authorization • Equal to 'Bearer xxx', `xxx` being the authentication token, see Authentication section

Content-type • Equal to 'application/json', no other value allowed


Follow the standard format of the entity


code (string ) • Attribute's option code

labels (object { localeCode : string } , [] by default) • Attribute labels for each locale



      "code": "small",
      "labels": {
        "en_US": "S",
        "fr_FR": "S"



Means that the creation was successful


Location • URI of the created resource

Body Format application/json


No content to return

Means that the update was successful


Location • URI of the updated resource

Body Format application/json


Authentication required

Can be caused by a missing or expired token

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 401,
      "message": "Authentication is required"

Unsupported Media type

The `Content-type` header has to be `application/json`

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 415,
      "message": "‘xxx’ in ‘Content-type’ header is not valid.  Only ‘application/json’ is allowed."

Unprocessable entity

The validation of the entity given in the body of the request failed

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 422,
      "message": "Property \"labels\" expects an array as data, \"NULL\" given. Check the API reference documentation.",
      "_links": {
        "documentation": {
          "href": ""

Asset media file

Create a new media file for an asset  EE only

This endpoint allows you to create a new media file and associate it to a media file attribute value of an asset.

Available in PIM versions: 3.2 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 SaaS


post /api/rest/v1/asset-media-files

Path parameters


Query parameters



Authorization • Equal to 'Bearer xxx', `xxx` being the authentication token, see Authentication section

Content-type • Equal to 'multipart/form-data', no other value allowed


Given as form-data

file (string / binary) • The binary of the media file



Means that the media file creation was successful


Location • URI of the created resource

Asset-media-file-code • Code of the media file

Body Format application/json


Authentication required

Can be caused by a missing or expired token

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 401,
      "message": "Authentication is required"

Unsupported Media type

The `Content-type` header has to be `multipart/form-data`

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 415,
      "message": "‘xxx’ in ‘Content-type’ header is not valid.  Only ‘multipart/form-data’ is allowed."

Unprocessable entity

The validation of the entity given in the body of the request failed

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 422,
      "message": "Property \"labels\" expects an array as data, \"NULL\" given. Check the API reference documentation.",
      "_links": {
        "documentation": {
          "href": ""

Download the media file associated to an asset  EE only

This endpoint allows you to download a given media file that is associated with an asset.

Available in PIM versions: 3.2 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 SaaS


get /api/rest/v1/asset-media-files/{code}

Path parameters

code (string) • Code of the resource

Query parameters



Authorization • Equal to 'Bearer xxx', `xxx` being the authentication token, see Authentication section





Returns the binary of the media file

Body Format Mime-type of the media file
Media file binary

Authentication required

Can be caused by a missing or expired token

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 401,
      "message": "Authentication is required"

Resource not found

The resource code given in the URI does not correspond to any existing PIM resource

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 404,
      "message": "Resource `my_resource_code` does not exist."


Get the list of the assets of a given asset family  EE only

This endpoint allows you to get a list of assets of a given asset family. Assets are paginated. This endpoint is case sensitive on the asset family code.

Available in PIM versions: 3.2 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 SaaS


get /api/rest/v1/asset-families/{asset_family_code}/assets

Path parameters

asset_family_code (string) • Code of the asset family

Query parameters

search (string ) • Filter assets, for more details see the Asset filters section

channel (string ) • Filter asset values to return scopable asset attributes for the given channel as well as the non localizable/non scopable asset attributes, for more details see the Filter asset values by channel section

locales (string ) • Filter asset values to return localizable attributes for the given locales as well as the non localizable/non scopable asset attributes, for more details see the Filter asset values by locale section

search_after (string , cursor to the first page by default ) • Cursor when using the `search_after` pagination method type. Should never be set manually, see Pagination section


Authorization • Equal to 'Bearer xxx', `xxx` being the authentication token, see Authentication section

Accept • Equal to 'application/json', no other value allowed




Return the assets of the given asset family paginated

Body Format application/json

Follow the standard format of the entity


_links (object) : {
    self (object ) : {
        href (string ) • URI of the current page of resources
    first (object ) : {
        href (string ) • URI of the first page of resources
    next (object ) : {
        href (string ) • URI of the next page of resources

_embedded (object) : {
    _items (array ) : [
          _links (object) : {
              self (object) : {
                  href (string ) • URI of the resource
          code (string) • Code of the asset
          values (object) : {
              attributeCode (array [object ]) • : [
                    channel (string ) • Channel code of the asset attribute value
                    locale (string ) • Locale code of the asset attribute value
                    data (object ) • Asset attribute value. See the `data` format section for more details.
                    _links (object ) • Related links for the `media file` attribute values. See the `_links` format section for more details.
                    linked_data (object ) • Linked data for the `media link` attribute values. See the `linked_data` format section for more details.
          created (string) • Date of creation
          updated (string) • Date of the last update



      "_links": {
        "self": {
          "href": ""
        "first": {
          "href": ""
        "next": {
          "href": ""
      "_embedded": {
        "_items": [
            "_links": {
              "self": {
                "href": ""
            "code": "allie_jean_model_picture",
            "values": {
              "media_file": [
                  "locale": null,
                  "channel": null,
                  "data": "0/0/9/d/009d38fe8c97e16f6b48bbf8f6cf8a9564401cc9_allie_jean_model_picture.png",
                  "_links": {
                    "download": {
                      "href": ""
                    "share_link": {
                      "href": ""
              "media_link": [
                  "locale": null,
                  "channel": null,
                  "data": "allie_jean_model_picture.png",
                  "linked_data": {
                    "full_url": "",
                    "prefix": "",
                    "suffix": null
              "model_is_wearing_size": [
                  "locale": null,
                  "channel": null,
                  "data": "size_27"
              "warning_mention": [
                  "data": "Photo not retouched",
                  "locale": "en_US",
                  "channel": null
                  "data": "Photo non retouchée",
                  "locale": "fr_FR",
                  "channel": null
            "created": "2021-05-31T09:23:34+00:00",
            "updated": "2021-05-31T09:23:34+00:00"
            "_links": {
              "self": {
                "href": ""
            "code": "amy_socks_model_picture",
            "values": {
              "media_file": [
                  "locale": null,
                  "channel": null,
                  "data": "0/0/9/d/009d38fe8c97e16f6b48bbf8f6cf8a9564401cc9_amy_socks_model_picture.png",
                  "_links": {
                    "download": {
                      "href": ""
                    "share_link": {
                      "href": ""
              "media_link": [
                  "locale": null,
                  "channel": null,
                  "data": "amy_socks_model_picture.png",
                  "linked_data": {
                    "full_url": "",
                    "prefix": "",
                    "suffix": null
              "model_is_wearing_size": [
                  "locale": null,
                  "channel": null,
                  "data": "unique_size"
              "warning_mention": [
                  "data": "Photo not retouched",
                  "locale": "en_US",
                  "channel": null
                  "data": "Photo non retouchée",
                  "locale": "fr_FR",
                  "channel": null
            "created": "2021-05-31T09:23:34+00:00",
            "updated": "2021-05-31T09:23:34+00:00"
            "_links": {
              "self": {
                "href": ""
            "code": "alice_blouse_model_picture",
            "values": {
              "media_file": [
                  "locale": null,
                  "channel": null,
                  "data": "0/0/9/d/009d38fe8c97e16f6b48bbf8f6cf8a9564401cc9_alice_blouse_model_picture.png",
                  "_links": {
                    "download": {
                      "href": ""
                    "share_link": {
                      "href": ""
              "media_link": [
                  "locale": null,
                  "channel": null,
                  "data": "alice_blouse_model_picture.png",
                  "linked_data": {
                    "full_url": "",
                    "prefix": "",
                    "suffix": null
              "model_is_wearing_size": [
                  "locale": null,
                  "channel": null,
                  "data": "small"
              "warning_mention": [
                  "data": "Photo retouched",
                  "locale": "en_US",
                  "channel": null
                  "data": "Photo non retouchée",
                  "locale": "fr_FR",
                  "channel": null
            "created": "2021-05-31T09:23:34+00:00",
            "updated": "2021-05-31T09:23:34+00:00"

Authentication required

Can be caused by a missing or expired token

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 401,
      "message": "Authentication is required"

Not Acceptable

The `Accept` header is not `application/json` but it should

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 406,
      "message": "‘xxx’ in ‘Accept‘ header is not valid. Only ‘application/json‘ is allowed."

Update/create several assets  EE only

This endpoint allows you to update and/or create several assets of one given asset family at once. Learn more about the Update behavior. Note that if the asset does not already exist for the given asset family, it creates it. This endpoint is case sensitive on the asset family code.

Available in PIM versions: 3.2 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 SaaS


patch /api/rest/v1/asset-families/{asset_family_code}/assets

Path parameters

asset_family_code (string) • Code of the asset family

Query parameters



Authorization • Equal to 'Bearer xxx', `xxx` being the authentication token, see Authentication section

Content-type • Equal to 'application/json', no other value allowed


Follow the standard format of the entity



       code (string ) • Code of the asset

       values (object { attributeCode : array [ object { channel : string , locale : string , data : object , _links : object , linked_data : object } ] } ) • Asset attributes values, see the Focus on the asset values section for more details.

       created (string ) • Date of creation

       updated (string ) • Date of the last update




        "code": "sku_54628_picture1",
        "values": {
          "media_preview": [
              "locale": null,
              "channel": null,
              "data": "sku_54628_picture1.jpg"
          "model_wears_size": [
              "locale": null,
              "channel": null,
              "data": "s"
          "photographer": [
              "locale": null,
              "channel": null,
              "data": "ben_levy"
          "main_colors": [
              "locale": null,
              "channel": null,
              "data": [
          "end_of_use_date": [
              "locale": null,
              "channel": null,
              "data": "02/03/2021"
        "created": "2021-05-31T09:23:34+00:00",
        "updated": "2021-05-31T09:23:34+00:00"
        "code": "sku_54628_picture2",
        "values": {
          "media_preview": [
              "locale": null,
              "channel": null,
              "data": "sku_54628_picture2.jpg"
          "model_wears_size": [
              "locale": null,
              "channel": null,
              "data": "s"
          "photographer": [
              "locale": null,
              "channel": null,
              "data": "ben_levy"
          "main_colors": [
              "locale": null,
              "channel": null,
              "data": [
          "end_of_use_date": [
              "locale": null,
              "channel": null,
              "data": "02/03/2021"
        "created": "2021-05-31T09:23:34+00:00",
        "updated": "2021-05-31T09:23:34+00:00"
        "code": "sku_54628_picture3",
        "values": {
          "media_preview": [
              "locale": null,
              "channel": null,
              "data": "sku_54628_picture3.jpg"
          "model_wears_size": [
              "locale": null,
              "channel": null,
              "data": "s"
          "photographer": [
              "locale": null,
              "channel": null,
              "data": "ben_levy"
          "main_colors": [
              "locale": null,
              "channel": null,
              "data": [
          "end_of_use_date": [
              "locale": null,
              "channel": null,
              "data": "02/03/2021"
        "created": "2021-05-31T09:23:34+00:00",
        "updated": "2021-05-31T09:23:34+00:00"



Returns an JSON array in which each object gives you the status of each asset creation or update

Body Format application/json

        code (string ) • Resource code
        status_code (integer ) • HTTP status code, see Client errors to understand the meaning of each code
        message (string ) • Message explaining the error


        "code": "sku_54628_picture1",
        "status_code": 204
        "code": "sku_54628_picture2",
        "status_code": 422,
        "message": "Property 'group' does not exist."
        "code": "sku_54628_picture3",
        "status_code": 201

Bad request

Can be caused by a malformed JSON request

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 400,
      "message": "Invalid JSON message received"

Authentication required

Can be caused by a missing or expired token

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 401,
      "message": "Authentication is required"

Request Entity Too Large

There are too many resources to process (max 100) or the line of JSON is too long (max 1 000 000 characters)

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 413,
      "message": "Too many resources to process, 100 is the maximum allowed."

Unsupported Media type

The `Content-type` header has to be `application/vnd.akeneo.collection+json`

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 415,
      "message": "‘xxx’ in ‘Content-type’ header is not valid.  Only ‘application/vnd.akeneo.collection+json’ is allowed."

Get an asset of a given asset family  EE only

This endpoint allows you to get the information about a given asset for a given asset family. This endpoint is case sensitive on the asset family code.

Available in PIM versions: 3.2 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 SaaS


get /api/rest/v1/asset-families/{asset_family_code}/assets/{code}

Path parameters

asset_family_code (string) • Code of the asset family

code (string) • Code of the resource

Query parameters



Authorization • Equal to 'Bearer xxx', `xxx` being the authentication token, see Authentication section

Accept • Equal to 'application/json', no other value allowed





Returns the content of the asset in JSON standard format

Body Format application/json

Follow the standard format of the entity


code (string ) • Code of the asset

values (object ) : {
    attributeCode (array [object] ) : [
            channel (string ) • Channel code of the asset attribute value
            locale (string ) • Locale code of the asset attribute value
            data (object ) • Asset attribute value. See the `data` format section for more details.
            _links (object ) • Related links for the `media file` attribute values. See the `_links` format section for more details.
            linked_data (object ) • Linked data for the `media link` attribute values. See the `linked_data` format section for more details.

created (string ) • Date of creation

updated (string ) • Date of the last update



      "code": "sku_54628_picture1",
      "values": {
        "media_preview": [
            "locale": null,
            "channel": null,
            "data": "sku_54628_picture1.jpg"
        "model_wears_size": [
            "locale": null,
            "channel": null,
            "data": "s"
        "photographer": [
            "locale": null,
            "channel": null,
            "data": "ben_levy"
        "main_colors": [
            "locale": null,
            "channel": null,
            "data": [
        "end_of_use_date": [
            "locale": null,
            "channel": null,
            "data": "02/03/2021"
      "created": "2021-05-31T09:23:34+00:00",
      "updated": "2021-05-31T09:23:34+00:00"

Authentication required

Can be caused by a missing or expired token

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 401,
      "message": "Authentication is required"

Resource not found

The resource code given in the URI does not correspond to any existing PIM resource

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 404,
      "message": "Resource `my_resource_code` does not exist."

Not Acceptable

The `Accept` header is not `application/json` but it should

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 406,
      "message": "‘xxx’ in ‘Accept‘ header is not valid. Only ‘application/json‘ is allowed."

Update/create an asset  EE only

This endpoint allows you to update a given asset of a given asset family. Learn more about the Update behavior. Note that if the asset does not already exist for the given asset family, it creates it. This endpoint is case sensitive on the asset family code.

Available in PIM versions: 3.2 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 SaaS


patch /api/rest/v1/asset-families/{asset_family_code}/assets/{code}

Path parameters

asset_family_code (string) • Code of the asset family

code (string) • Code of the resource

Query parameters



Authorization • Equal to 'Bearer xxx', `xxx` being the authentication token, see Authentication section

Content-type • Equal to 'application/json', no other value allowed


Follow the standard format of the entity


code (string ) • Code of the asset

values (object { attributeCode : array [ object { channel : string , locale : string , data : object , _links : object , linked_data : object } ] } ) • Asset attributes values, see the Focus on the asset values section for more details.

created (string ) • Date of creation

updated (string ) • Date of the last update



      "code": "sku_54628_picture1",
      "values": {
        "media_preview": [
            "locale": null,
            "channel": null,
            "data": "sku_54628_picture1.jpg"
        "model_wears_size": [
            "locale": null,
            "channel": null,
            "data": "s"
        "photographer": [
            "locale": null,
            "channel": null,
            "data": "ben_levy"
        "main_colors": [
            "locale": null,
            "channel": null,
            "data": [
        "end_of_use_date": [
            "locale": null,
            "channel": null,
            "data": "02/03/2021"
      "created": "2021-05-31T09:23:34+00:00",
      "updated": "2021-05-31T09:23:34+00:00"



Means that the creation was successful


Location • URI of the created resource

Body Format application/json


No content to return

Means that the update was successful


Location • URI of the updated resource

Body Format application/json


Bad request

Can be caused by a malformed JSON request

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 400,
      "message": "Invalid JSON message received"

Authentication required

Can be caused by a missing or expired token

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 401,
      "message": "Authentication is required"

Unsupported Media type

The `Content-type` header has to be `application/json`

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 415,
      "message": "‘xxx’ in ‘Content-type’ header is not valid.  Only ‘application/json’ is allowed."

Unprocessable entity

The validation of the entity given in the body of the request failed

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 422,
      "message": "Property \"labels\" expects an array as data, \"NULL\" given. Check the API reference documentation.",
      "_links": {
        "documentation": {
          "href": ""

Delete an asset  EE only

This endpoint allows you to delete a given asset. This endpoint is case sensitive on the asset family code.

Available in PIM versions: 3.2 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 SaaS


delete /api/rest/v1/asset-families/{asset_family_code}/assets/{code}

Path parameters

asset_family_code (string) • Code of the asset family

code (string) • Code of the resource

Query parameters



Authorization • Equal to 'Bearer xxx', `xxx` being the authentication token, see Authentication section

Accept • Equal to 'application/json', no other value allowed




No content to return

Means that the deletion was successful

Body Format application/json


Authentication required

Can be caused by a missing or expired token

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 401,
      "message": "Authentication is required"

Resource not found

The resource code given in the URI does not correspond to any existing PIM resource

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 404,
      "message": "Resource `my_resource_code` does not exist."

Catalogs for Apps

Make sure you have a valid App token with scopes related to catalogs authorized in order to use the following endpoints. You can find information about these scopes in the section ask for catalog scopes


Get the list of owned catalogs

This endpoint allows you to get the list of catalogs you owned.

Available in PIM versions: SaaS


get /api/rest/v1/catalogs

Path parameters


Query parameters

page (integer , 1 by default ) • Number of the page to retrieve when using the `page` pagination method type. Should never be set manually, see Pagination section

limit (integer , 100 by default ) • Number of results by page, see Pagination section


Authorization • Equal to 'Bearer xxx', 'xxx' being the App authentication token, see documentation for getting an app token

Accept • Equal to 'application/json', no other value allowed




Return the paginated catalogs owned by the user making the request

Body Format application/json

Follow the standard format of the entity


_links (object) : {
    self (object ) : {
        href (string ) • URI of the current page of resources
    first (object ) : {
        href (string ) • URI of the first page of resources
    previous (object ) : {
        href (string ) • URI of the previous page of resources
    next (object ) : {
        href (string ) • URI of the next page of resources

current_page (integer) • Current page number

_embedded (object) : {
    items (array ) : [
          _links (object) : {
              self (object) : {
                  href (string ) • URI of the resource
          id (string) • Catalog id
          name (string) • Catalog name
          enabled (boolean) • Whether the catalog is enabled or not
          managed_currencies (array [string ]) • List of currency codes
          managed_locales (array [string ]) • List of locale codes



      "_links": {
        "self": {
          "href": ""
        "first": {
          "href": ""
        "previous": {
          "href": ""
        "next": {
          "href": ""
      "current_page": 3,
      "_embedded": {
        "items": [
            "id": "12351d98-200e-4bbc-aa19-7fdda1bd14f2",
            "name": "Store EUROPE",
            "enabled": false,
            "managed_currencies": [
            "managed_locales": [
            "id": "092c5f22-ecd8-485f-97e9-3b78098e1386",
            "name": "Store US",
            "enabled": true,
            "managed_currencies": [
            "managed_locales": [

Authentication required

Can be caused by a missing or expired token

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 401,
      "message": "Authentication is required"

Access forbidden

The app does not have the permission to execute this request

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 403,
      "message": "Access forbidden. You are not allowed to list catalogs."

Create a new catalog

This endpoint allows you to create a new catalog.

Available in PIM versions: SaaS


post /api/rest/v1/catalogs

Path parameters


Query parameters



Authorization • Equal to 'Bearer xxx', 'xxx' being the App authentication token, see documentation for getting an app token

Content-type • Equal to 'application/json', no other value allowed


Follow the standard format of the entity


name (string ) • Catalog name

managed_currencies (array [string] ) • List of currency codes

managed_locales (array [string] ) • List of locale codes



      "name": "My app catalog",
      "managed_currencies": [
      "managed_locales": [



Means that the creation was successful

Body Format application/json

Follow the standard format of the entity


id (string ) • Catalog id

name (string ) • Catalog name

enabled (boolean ) • Whether the catalog is enabled or not

managed_currencies (array [string] ) • List of currency codes

managed_locales (array [string] ) • List of locale codes



      "_links": {
        "self": {
          "href": ""
      "id": "12351d98-200e-4bbc-aa19-7fdda1bd14f2",
      "name": "My app catalog",
      "enabled": false,
      "managed_currencies": [
      "managed_locales": [

Authentication required

Can be caused by a missing or expired token

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 401,
      "message": "Authentication is required"

Access forbidden

The app does not have the permission to execute this request

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 403,
      "message": "Access forbidden. You are not allowed to list catalogs."

Unsupported Media type

The `Content-type` header has to be `application/json`

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 415,
      "message": "‘xxx’ in ‘Content-type’ header is not valid.  Only ‘application/json’ is allowed."

Unprocessable entity

The validation of the entity given in the body of the request failed

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 422,
      "message": "Validation failed.",
      "errors": [
          "property": "name",
          "message": "This value should not be blank."
          "property": "name",
          "message": "This value is too short. It should have 1 character or more."

Get a catalog

This endpoint allows you to get the information about a catalog.

Available in PIM versions: SaaS


get /api/rest/v1/catalogs/{id}

Path parameters

id (string) • Catalog ID

Query parameters



Authorization • Equal to 'Bearer xxx', 'xxx' being the App authentication token, see documentation for getting an app token

Accept • Equal to 'application/json', no other value allowed




Return the catalog

Body Format application/json

Follow the standard format of the entity


id (string ) • Catalog id

name (string ) • Catalog name

enabled (boolean ) • Whether the catalog is enabled or not

managed_currencies (array [string] ) • List of currency codes

managed_locales (array [string] ) • List of locale codes



      "_links": {
        "self": {
          "href": ""
      "id": "12351d98-200e-4bbc-aa19-7fdda1bd14f2",
      "name": "My app catalog",
      "enabled": false,
      "managed_currencies": [
      "managed_locales": [

Authentication required

Can be caused by a missing or expired token

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 401,
      "message": "Authentication is required"

Access forbidden

The app does not have the permission to execute this request

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 403,
      "message": "Access forbidden. You are not allowed to list catalogs."

Catalog not found

The catalog id given in the URI does not exist

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 404,
      "message": "Catalog \"65f5a521-e65c-4d7b-8be8-1f267fa2729c\" does not exist or you can't access it."

Update a catalog

This endpoint allows you to update a catalog.

Available in PIM versions: SaaS


patch /api/rest/v1/catalogs/{id}

Path parameters

id (string) • Catalog ID

Query parameters



Authorization • Equal to 'Bearer xxx', 'xxx' being the App authentication token, see documentation for getting an app token

Content-type • Equal to 'application/json', no other value allowed


Follow the standard format of the entity


name (string ) • Catalog name

managed_currencies (array [string] ) • List of currency codes

managed_locales (array [string] ) • List of locale codes



      "name": "My app catalog",
      "managed_currencies": [
      "managed_locales": [



Body Format application/json

Follow the standard format of the entity


id (string ) • Catalog id

name (string ) • Catalog name

enabled (boolean ) • Whether the catalog is enabled or not

managed_currencies (array [string] ) • List of currency codes

managed_locales (array [string] ) • List of locale codes



      "_links": {
        "self": {
          "href": ""
      "id": "12351d98-200e-4bbc-aa19-7fdda1bd14f2",
      "name": "My app catalog",
      "enabled": false,
      "managed_currencies": [
      "managed_locales": [

Authentication required

Can be caused by a missing or expired token

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 401,
      "message": "Authentication is required"

Access forbidden

The app does not have the permission to execute this request

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 403,
      "message": "Access forbidden. You are not allowed to list catalogs."

Catalog not found

The catalog id given in the URI does not exist

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 404,
      "message": "Catalog \"65f5a521-e65c-4d7b-8be8-1f267fa2729c\" does not exist or you can't access it."

Unsupported Media type

The `Content-type` header has to be `application/json`

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 415,
      "message": "‘xxx’ in ‘Content-type’ header is not valid.  Only ‘application/json’ is allowed."

Unprocessable entity

The validation of the entity given in the body of the request failed

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 422,
      "message": "Validation failed.",
      "errors": [
          "property": "name",
          "message": "This value should not be blank."
          "property": "name",
          "message": "This value is too short. It should have 1 character or more."

Delete a catalog

This endpoint allows you to delete a catalog.

Available in PIM versions: SaaS


delete /api/rest/v1/catalogs/{id}

Path parameters

id (string) • Catalog ID

Query parameters



Authorization • Equal to 'Bearer xxx', 'xxx' being the App authentication token, see documentation for getting an app token

Accept • Equal to 'application/json', no other value allowed





Body Format application/json


Authentication required

Can be caused by a missing or expired token

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 401,
      "message": "Authentication is required"

Access forbidden

The app does not have the permission to execute this request

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 403,
      "message": "Access forbidden. You are not allowed to list catalogs."

Catalog not found

The catalog id given in the URI does not exist

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 404,
      "message": "Catalog \"65f5a521-e65c-4d7b-8be8-1f267fa2729c\" does not exist or you can't access it."

Duplicate a catalog

This endpoint allows you to duplicate an existing catalog. Note that the duplicated catalog will be deactivated (set to `false`).

Available in PIM versions: SaaS


post /api/rest/v1/catalogs/{id}/duplicate

Path parameters

id (string) • ID of the catalog to duplicate

Query parameters



Authorization • Equal to 'Bearer xxx', 'xxx' being the App authentication token, see documentation for getting an app token

Content-type • Equal to 'application/json', no other value allowed


Follow the standard format of the entity


name (string ) • Name for the new duplicated catalog

managed_currencies (array [string] ) • Managed currencies for the new duplicated catalog

managed_locales (array [string] ) • Managed locales for the new duplicated catalog

skip_required_checks (boolean ) • Option to skip required checks




Catalog duplicated successfully

Body Format application/json

Follow the standard format of the entity


id (string ) • Catalog id

name (string ) • Catalog name

enabled (boolean ) • Whether the catalog is enabled or not

managed_currencies (array [string] ) • List of currency codes

managed_locales (array [string] ) • List of locale codes



      "_links": {
        "self": {
          "href": ""
      "id": "12351d98-200e-4bbc-aa19-7fdda1bd14f2",
      "name": "My app catalog",
      "enabled": false,
      "managed_currencies": [
      "managed_locales": [

Authentication required

Can be caused by a missing or expired token

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 401,
      "message": "Authentication is required"

Access forbidden

The app does not have the permission to execute this request

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 403,
      "message": "Access forbidden. You are not allowed to list catalogs."

Catalog not found

The catalog id given in the URI does not exist

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 404,
      "message": "Catalog \"65f5a521-e65c-4d7b-8be8-1f267fa2729c\" does not exist or you can't access it."

Unprocessable entity

The validation of the entity given in the body of the request failed

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 422,
      "message": "Validation failed.",
      "errors": [
          "property": "name",
          "message": "This value should not be blank."
          "property": "name",
          "message": "This value is too short. It should have 1 character or more."

Catalog products

Get the list of product uuids

This endpoint allows you to get the list of uuids of products contained in a catalog. Please, note that a disabled catalog can return an HTTP 200 with a payload containing an error message, for more details see the App Catalog section.

Available in PIM versions: SaaS


get /api/rest/v1/catalogs/{id}/product-uuids

Path parameters

id (string) • Id of the catalog

Query parameters

search_after (string , cursor to the first page by default ) • Cursor when using the `search_after` pagination method type. Should never be set manually, see Pagination section

limit (integer , 100 by default ) • Number of results by page, see Pagination section

updated_before (string ) • Filter products that have been updated BEFORE the provided date (Only available on Catalogs endpoints). This filter uses the PIM products updated date.

updated_after (string ) • Filter products that have been updated AFTER the provided date (Only available on Catalogs endpoints). This filter uses the PIM products updated date.

with_count (boolean ) • Return the count of items in the response.


Authorization • Equal to 'Bearer xxx', 'xxx' being the App authentication token, see documentation for getting an app token

Accept • Equal to 'application/json', no other value allowed




Return the paginated product uuids

Body Format application/json

Follow the standard format of the entity


_links (object) : {
    self (object ) : {
        href (string ) • URI of the current page of resources
    first (object ) : {
        href (string ) • URI of the first page of resources
    next (object ) : {
        href (string ) • URI of the next page of resources

_embedded (object) : {
    items (array ) : [



      "_links": {
        "self": {
          "href": ""
        "first": {
          "href": ""
        "next": {
          "href": ""
      "_embedded": {
        "items": [

Authentication required

Can be caused by a missing or expired token

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 401,
      "message": "Authentication is required"

Access forbidden

The app does not have the permission to execute this request

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 403,
      "message": "Access forbidden. You are not allowed to list catalogs."

Catalog not found

The catalog id given in the URI does not exist

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 404,
      "message": "Catalog \"65f5a521-e65c-4d7b-8be8-1f267fa2729c\" does not exist or you can't access it."

Get the list of products related to a catalog

This endpoint allows you to get the list of products related to a catalog. Products are paginated and they can be filtered. In the Enterprise Edition, permissions based on your app settings are applied to the set of products you request. Please, note that a disabled catalog can return an HTTP 200 with a payload containing an error message, for more details see the App Catalog section.

Available in PIM versions: SaaS


get /api/rest/v1/catalogs/{id}/products

Path parameters

id (string) • Catalog ID

Query parameters

search_after (string , cursor to the first page by default ) • Cursor when using the `search_after` pagination method type. Should never be set manually, see Pagination section

limit (integer , 100 by default ) • Number of results by page, see Pagination section

updated_before (string ) • Filter products that have been updated BEFORE the provided date (Only available on Catalogs endpoints). This filter uses the PIM products updated date.

updated_after (string ) • Filter products that have been updated AFTER the provided date (Only available on Catalogs endpoints). This filter uses the PIM products updated date.


Authorization • Equal to 'Bearer xxx', `xxx` being the authentication token, see Authentication section

Accept • Equal to 'application/json', no other value allowed




Return the paginated products

Body Format application/json

Follow the standard format of the entity


_links (object) : {
    self (object ) : {
        href (string ) • URI of the current page of resources
    first (object ) : {
        href (string ) • URI of the first page of resources
    next (object ) : {
        href (string ) • URI of the next page of resources

_embedded (object) : {
    items (array ) : [



      "_links": {
        "self": {
          "href": ""
        "first": {
          "href": ""
        "next": {
          "href": ""
      "_embedded": {
        "items": [
            "uuid": "00073089-1310-4340-bcf0-9e33e4019b79",
            "enabled": true,
            "family": "mens_clothing",
            "categories": [
            "groups": [],
            "parent": null,
            "values": {
              "Default_Price": [
                  "locale": null,
                  "scope": null,
                  "data": [
                      "amount": "10.00",
                      "currency": "USD"
              "sku": [
                  "locale": null,
                  "scope": null,
                  "data": "product_416"
              "Name": [
                  "locale": null,
                  "scope": null,
                  "data": "Product 416"
              "Weight": [
                  "locale": null,
                  "scope": null,
                  "data": {
                    "amount": 10,
                    "unit": "KILOGRAM"
            "created": "2022-03-14T15:25:45+00:00",
            "updated": "2022-06-24T12:54:58+00:00",
            "associations": {
              "PACK": {
                "products": [],
                "product_models": [],
                "groups": []
              "UPSELL": {
                "products": [],
                "product_models": [],
                "groups": []
              "X_SELL": {
                "products": [],
                "product_models": [],
                "groups": []
              "SUBSTITUTION": {
                "products": [],
                "product_models": [],
                "groups": []
            "quantified_associations": {}
            "uuid": "00248acf-f1f7-45cb-b409-c8c4b9a17a86",
            "enabled": true,
            "family": "mens_clothing",
            "categories": [
            "groups": [],
            "parent": null,
            "values": {
              "Default_Price": [
                  "locale": null,
                  "scope": null,
                  "data": [
                      "amount": "10.00",
                      "currency": "USD"
              "sku": [
                  "locale": null,
                  "scope": null,
                  "data": "product_470"
              "Name": [
                  "locale": null,
                  "scope": null,
                  "data": "Product 470"
              "Weight": [
                  "locale": null,
                  "scope": null,
                  "data": {
                    "amount": 10,
                    "unit": "KILOGRAM"
            "created": "2022-03-14T15:25:45+00:00",
            "updated": "2022-06-24T12:55:01+00:00",
            "associations": {
              "PACK": {
                "products": [],
                "product_models": [],
                "groups": []
              "UPSELL": {
                "products": [],
                "product_models": [],
                "groups": []
              "X_SELL": {
                "products": [],
                "product_models": [],
                "groups": []
              "SUBSTITUTION": {
                "products": [],
                "product_models": [],
                "groups": []
            "quantified_associations": {}

Authentication required

Can be caused by a missing or expired token

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 401,
      "message": "Authentication is required"

Access forbidden

The app does not have the permission to execute this request

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 403,
      "message": "Access forbidden. You are not allowed to list catalogs."

Catalog not found

The catalog id given in the URI does not exist

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 404,
      "message": "Catalog \"65f5a521-e65c-4d7b-8be8-1f267fa2729c\" does not exist or you can't access it."

Get a product related to a catalog

This endpoint allows you to get a specific product related to a catalog. In the Enterprise Edition, permissions based on your app settings are applied on the product you request. Please, note that a disabled catalog can return an HTTP 200 with a payload containing an error message, for more details see the App Catalog section.

Available in PIM versions: SaaS


get /api/rest/v1/catalogs/{id}/products/{uuid}

Path parameters

id (string) • Catalog ID

uuid (string) • Product UUID

Query parameters



Authorization • Equal to 'Bearer xxx', `xxx` being the authentication token, see Authentication section

Accept • Equal to 'application/json', no other value allowed




Return the product

Body Format application/json



      "uuid": "a5eed606-4f98-4d8c-b926-5b59f8fb0ee7",
      "family": "tshirt",
      "groups": [],
      "parent": null,
      "categories": [],
      "enabled": true,
      "values": {
        "name": [
            "data": "Top",
            "locale": "en_US",
            "scope": null

Authentication required

Can be caused by a missing or expired token

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 401,
      "message": "Authentication is required"

Access forbidden

The app does not have the permission to execute this request

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 403,
      "message": "Access forbidden. You are not allowed to list catalogs."

Catalog not found

The catalog id given in the URI does not exist

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 404,
      "message": "Catalog \"65f5a521-e65c-4d7b-8be8-1f267fa2729c\" does not exist or you can't access it."

Get the list of mapped flattened products or simple products related to a catalog

This endpoint is available when the mapping is enabled on a specified catalog. When the mapping is in a basic mode, this endpoint allows you to get the list of all flattened products related to the catalog. When it's in models/variants mode, this endpoint allows you to get the list of simple products with all specified targets in the two levels of the mapping schema. Please, note that a disabled catalog can return an HTTP 200 with a payload containing an error message, for more details see the App Catalog section.

Available in PIM versions: SaaS


get /api/rest/v1/catalogs/{id}/mapped-products

Path parameters

id (string) • Catalog ID

Query parameters

search_after (string , cursor to the first page by default ) • Cursor when using the `search_after` pagination method type. Should never be set manually, see Pagination section

limit (integer , 100 by default ) • Number of results by page, see Pagination section

updated_before (string ) • Filter products that have been updated BEFORE the provided date (Only available on Catalogs endpoints). This filter uses the PIM products updated date.

updated_after (string ) • Filter products that have been updated AFTER the provided date (Only available on Catalogs endpoints). This filter uses the PIM products updated date.


Authorization • Equal to 'Bearer xxx', `xxx` being the authentication token, see Authentication section

Accept • Equal to 'application/json', no other value allowed




Return the paginated **mapped** products

Body Format application/json

Follow the standard format of the entity


_links (object) : {
    self (object ) : {
        href (string ) • URI of the current page of resources
    first (object ) : {
        href (string ) • URI of the first page of resources
    next (object ) : {
        href (string ) • URI of the next page of resources

_embedded (object) : {
    items (array ) : [



      "_links": {
        "self": {
          "href": ""
        "first": {
          "href": ""
      "_embedded": {
        "items": [
            "uuid": "04f47a54-8cc9-4c51-90e9-eb9aace0865f",
            "title": "Canon Video Visualiser RE-455X",
            "code": "sku-1234"
            "uuid": "06dc8c5b-9e2f-4423-b9dd-31a3aaa0a048",
            "title": "Trust Cuby Pro",
            "code": "sku-1235"
            "uuid": "0c3635f9-fedc-4bbd-96ab-856f69746b56",
            "title": "Trust Urban Revolt",
            "code": "sku-1236"
            "uuid": "0e957ed4-fa44-48de-b6c7-7149d890fb3a",
            "title": "Microsoft LifeCam Studio",
            "code": "sku-1237"

Authentication required

Can be caused by a missing or expired token

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 401,
      "message": "Authentication is required"

Access forbidden

The app does not have the permission to execute this request

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 403,
      "message": "Access forbidden. You are not allowed to list catalogs."

Catalog not found

The catalog id given in the URI does not exist

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 404,
      "message": "Catalog \"65f5a521-e65c-4d7b-8be8-1f267fa2729c\" does not exist or you can't access it."

Get the list of mapped models related to a catalog

This endpoint allows you to get the list of models related to a catalog when the mapping is enabled with a models/variants schema. Please, note that a disabled catalog can return an HTTP 200 with a payload containing an error message, for more details see the App Catalog section.

Available in PIM versions: SaaS


get /api/rest/v1/catalogs/{id}/mapped-models

Path parameters

id (string) • Catalog ID

Query parameters

search_after (string , cursor to the first page by default ) • Cursor when using the `search_after` pagination method type. Should never be set manually, see Pagination section

limit (integer , 100 by default ) • Number of results by page, see Pagination section

updated_before (string ) • Filter products that have been updated BEFORE the provided date (Only available on Catalogs endpoints). This filter uses the PIM products updated date.

updated_after (string ) • Filter products that have been updated AFTER the provided date (Only available on Catalogs endpoints). This filter uses the PIM products updated date.


Authorization • Equal to 'Bearer xxx', `xxx` being the authentication token, see Authentication section

Accept • Equal to 'application/json', no other value allowed




Return the paginated **mapped** models

Body Format application/json

Follow the standard format of the entity


_links (object) : {
    self (object ) : {
        href (string ) • URI of the current page of resources
    first (object ) : {
        href (string ) • URI of the first page of resources
    next (object ) : {
        href (string ) • URI of the next page of resources

_embedded (object) : {
    items (array ) : [



      "_links": {
        "first": {
          "href": ""
        "next": {
          "href": ""
        "self": {
          "href": ""
      "_embedded": {
        "items": [
            "code": "tshirt_akeneo",
            "title": "Beautiful t-shirt with Akeneo logo",
            "variants": "",
            "variation_axes": [
                "code": "color",
                "label": [
                    "locale": "en_US",
                    "value": "Color"
                    "locale": "fr_FR",
                    "value": "Couleur"
                "code": "size",
                "label": [
                    "locale": "en_US",
                    "value": "Size"
                    "locale": "fr_FR",
                    "value": "Taille"
            "code": "tshirt_pim",
            "title": "Beautiful t-shirt with PIM logo",
            "variants": "",
            "variation_axes": [
                "code": "color",
                "label": [
                    "locale": "en_US",
                    "value": "Color"
                    "locale": "fr_FR",
                    "value": "Couleur"
                "code": "size",
                "label": [
                    "locale": "en_US",
                    "value": "Size"
                    "locale": "fr_FR",
                    "value": "Taille"

Authentication required

Can be caused by a missing or expired token

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 401,
      "message": "Authentication is required"

Access forbidden

The app does not have the permission to execute this request

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 403,
      "message": "Access forbidden. You are not allowed to list catalogs."

Catalog not found

The catalog id given in the URI does not exist

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 404,
      "message": "Catalog \"65f5a521-e65c-4d7b-8be8-1f267fa2729c\" does not exist or you can't access it."

Get the list of mapped variants of a model related to a catalog

This endpoint allows you to get the list of variants of a model related to a catalog when the mapping is enabled. Please, note that a disabled catalog can return an HTTP 200 with a payload containing an error message, for more details see the App Catalog section.

Available in PIM versions: SaaS


get /api/rest/v1/catalogs/{id}/mapped-models/{model_code}/variants

Path parameters

id (string) • Catalog ID

model_code (string) • Model code

Query parameters

search_after (string , cursor to the first page by default ) • Cursor when using the `search_after` pagination method type. Should never be set manually, see Pagination section

limit (integer , 100 by default ) • Number of results by page, see Pagination section

updated_before (string ) • Filter products that have been updated BEFORE the provided date (Only available on Catalogs endpoints). This filter uses the PIM products updated date.

updated_after (string ) • Filter products that have been updated AFTER the provided date (Only available on Catalogs endpoints). This filter uses the PIM products updated date.


Authorization • Equal to 'Bearer xxx', `xxx` being the authentication token, see Authentication section

Accept • Equal to 'application/json', no other value allowed




Return the paginated **mapped** variants

Body Format application/json

Follow the standard format of the entity


_links (object) : {
    self (object ) : {
        href (string ) • URI of the current page of resources
    first (object ) : {
        href (string ) • URI of the first page of resources
    next (object ) : {
        href (string ) • URI of the next page of resources

_embedded (object) : {
    items (array ) : [



      "_links": {
        "first": {
          "href": ""
        "self": {
          "href": ""
      "_embedded": {
        "items": [
            "is_published": true,
            "sku": "AK10BLXL",
            "uuid": "6b025a71-537f-48d4-aa26-a6617d6199e9",
            "variant_axes_values": [
                "code": "color",
                "label": [
                    "locale": "en_US",
                    "value": "Blue"
                    "locale": "fr_FR",
                    "value": "Bleu"
                "value": "blue"
                "code": "size",
                "label": [
                    "locale": "en_US",
                    "value": "XL"
                    "locale": "fr_FR",
                    "value": "XL"
                "value": "xl"
            "is_published": true,
            "sku": "AK10YEXL",
            "uuid": "6b025a71-537f-48d4-aa26-a6617d6199e9",
            "variant_axes_values": [
                "code": "color",
                "label": [
                    "locale": "en_US",
                    "value": "Yellow"
                    "locale": "fr_FR",
                    "value": "Jaune"
                "value": "yellow"
                "code": "size",
                "label": [
                    "locale": "en_US",
                    "value": "XL"
                    "locale": "fr_FR",
                    "value": "XL"
                "value": "xl"

Authentication required

Can be caused by a missing or expired token

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 401,
      "message": "Authentication is required"

Access forbidden

The app does not have the permission to execute this request

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 403,
      "message": "Access forbidden. You are not allowed to list catalogs."

Catalog not found

The catalog id given in the URI does not exist

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 404,
      "message": "Catalog \"65f5a521-e65c-4d7b-8be8-1f267fa2729c\" does not exist or you can't access it."

Mapping schema for products

Create or update the product mapping schema related to a catalog

This endpoint allows you to create or update the product mapping schema related to a catalog. See documentation to define your JSON schema.

Available in PIM versions: SaaS


put /api/rest/v1/catalogs/{id}/mapping-schemas/product

Path parameters

id (string) • Catalog ID

Query parameters



Authorization • Equal to 'Bearer xxx', 'xxx' being the App authentication token, see documentation for getting an app token

Content-type • Equal to 'application/json', no other value allowed


Follow the standard format of the entity


$id (string ) • id of your schema

$schema (string ) • $schema indicates which product mapping schema version your app uses

$comment (string ) • allows you to add a comment

title (string ) • allows you to add a title to your mapping schema

description (string ) • allows you to add a description of your mapping schema

type (string ) • should always be "object"

properties (object ) • list and describe the targets your app expects



      "$id": "",
      "$schema": "",
      "type": "object",
      "properties": {
        "code": {
          "title": "Model ID",
          "type": "string"
        "brand": {
          "title": "Brand name",
          "type": "string"
        "description": {
          "title": "Product description",
          "type": "string"
        "fabrics": {
          "title": "Fabrics",
          "type": "array",
          "items": {
            "type": "string"
        "localized_names": {
          "title": "Name with multiple locales",
          "type": "array",
          "items": {
            "type": "object",
            "properties": {
              "locale": {
                "type": "string"
              "value": {
                "type": "string"
            "required": [
        "localized_number": {
          "type": "array",
          "items": {
            "type": "object",
            "properties": {
              "locale": {
                "type": "string"
              "value": {
                "type": "number"
            "required": [
        "localized_link": {
          "type": "array",
          "items": {
            "type": "object",
            "properties": {
              "locale": {
                "type": "string"
              "value": {
                "type": "string",
                "format": "uri"
            "required": [
        "localized_datetime": {
          "type": "array",
          "items": {
            "type": "object",
            "properties": {
              "locale": {
                "type": "string"
              "value": {
                "type": "string",
                "format": "date-time"
            "required": [
        "localized_boolean": {
          "type": "array",
          "items": {
            "type": "object",
            "properties": {
              "locale": {
                "type": "string"
              "value": {
                "type": "boolean"
            "required": [
        "variation_axes": {
          "type": "array",
          "items": {
            "type": "object",
            "properties": {
              "code": {
                "type": "string"
              "label": {
                "type": "array",
                "items": {
                  "type": "object",
                  "properties": {
                    "locale": {
                      "type": "string"
                    "value": {
                      "type": "string"
        "variants": {
          "oneOf": [
              "type": "string",
              "format": "uri"
              "type": "array",
              "items": {
                "type": "object",
                "properties": {
                  "variation_axes_values": {
                    "type": "array",
                    "items": {
                      "type": "object",
                      "properties": {
                        "code": {
                          "type": "string"
                        "value": {
                          "oneOf": [
                              "type": [
                              "type": "object",
                              "properties": {
                                "amount": {
                                  "type": "number"
                                "unit": {
                                  "type": "string"
                        "label": {
                          "type": "array",
                          "items": {
                            "type": "object",
                            "properties": {
                              "locale": {
                                "type": "string"
                              "value": {
                                "type": "string"
                  "uuid": {
                    "title": "uuid",
                    "type": "string"
                  "sku": {
                    "title": "SKU",
                    "type": "string"
                  "position": {
                    "title": "Position",
                    "type": "number"
                  "price": {
                    "title": "Price",
                    "type": "string"
                  "response_time": {
                    "title": "Response time",
                    "type": "string"
                  "localized_product_photos_media_file": {
                    "title": "Photos with value per locale(links)",
                    "type": "array",
                    "items": {
                      "type": "object",
                      "properties": {
                        "locale": {
                          "type": "string"
                        "value": {
                          "type": "array",
                          "items": {
                            "type": "string",
                            "format": "uri"
                      "required": [
                  "localized_prices": {
                    "title": "Price in multiple currencies with value per locale",
                    "type": "array",
                    "items": {
                      "type": "object",
                      "properties": {
                        "locale": {
                          "type": "string"
                        "value": {
                          "type": "array",
                          "items": {
                            "type": "object",
                            "properties": {
                              "amount": {
                                "type": "number"
                              "currency": {
                                "type": "string"
                            "required": [
                      "required": [
                "required": [



Means that the creation was successful


Location • URI of the created resource

Body Format application/json


Authentication required

Can be caused by a missing or expired token

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 401,
      "message": "Authentication is required"

Access forbidden

The app does not have the permission to execute this request

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 403,
      "message": "Access forbidden. You are not allowed to list catalogs."

Unsupported Media type

The `Content-type` header has to be `application/json`

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 415,
      "message": "‘xxx’ in ‘Content-type’ header is not valid.  Only ‘application/json’ is allowed."

Unprocessable entity

The validation of the entity given in the body of the request failed

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 422,
      "message": "Validation failed.",
      "errors": [
          "property": "product_mapping_schema",
          "message": "You must provide a valid schema."

Get the product mapping schema related to a catalog

This endpoint allows you to retrieve the product mapping schema related to a catalog

Available in PIM versions: SaaS


get /api/rest/v1/catalogs/{id}/mapping-schemas/product

Path parameters

id (string) • Catalog ID

Query parameters



Authorization • Equal to 'Bearer xxx', 'xxx' being the App authentication token, see documentation for getting an app token

Accept • Equal to 'application/json', no other value allowed




Return product mapping schema related to a catalog

Body Format application/json

Follow the standard format of the entity


$id (string ) • id of your schema

$schema (string ) • $schema indicates which product mapping schema version your app uses

$comment (string ) • allows you to add a comment

title (string ) • allows you to add a title to your mapping schema

description (string ) • allows you to add a description of your mapping schema

type (string ) • should always be "object"

properties (object ) • list and describe the targets your app expects



      "$id": "",
      "$schema": "",
      "type": "object",
      "properties": {
        "code": {
          "title": "Model ID",
          "type": "string"
        "brand": {
          "title": "Brand name",
          "type": "string"
        "description": {
          "title": "Product description",
          "type": "string"
        "fabrics": {
          "title": "Fabrics",
          "type": "array",
          "items": {
            "type": "string"
        "localized_names": {
          "title": "Name with multiple locales",
          "type": "array",
          "items": {
            "type": "object",
            "properties": {
              "locale": {
                "type": "string"
              "value": {
                "type": "string"
            "required": [
        "localized_number": {
          "type": "array",
          "items": {
            "type": "object",
            "properties": {
              "locale": {
                "type": "string"
              "value": {
                "type": "number"
            "required": [
        "localized_link": {
          "type": "array",
          "items": {
            "type": "object",
            "properties": {
              "locale": {
                "type": "string"
              "value": {
                "type": "string",
                "format": "uri"
            "required": [
        "localized_datetime": {
          "type": "array",
          "items": {
            "type": "object",
            "properties": {
              "locale": {
                "type": "string"
              "value": {
                "type": "string",
                "format": "date-time"
            "required": [
        "localized_boolean": {
          "type": "array",
          "items": {
            "type": "object",
            "properties": {
              "locale": {
                "type": "string"
              "value": {
                "type": "boolean"
            "required": [
        "variation_axes": {
          "type": "array",
          "items": {
            "type": "object",
            "properties": {
              "code": {
                "type": "string"
              "label": {
                "type": "array",
                "items": {
                  "type": "object",
                  "properties": {
                    "locale": {
                      "type": "string"
                    "value": {
                      "type": "string"
        "variants": {
          "oneOf": [
              "type": "string",
              "format": "uri"
              "type": "array",
              "items": {
                "type": "object",
                "properties": {
                  "variation_axes_values": {
                    "type": "array",
                    "items": {
                      "type": "object",
                      "properties": {
                        "code": {
                          "type": "string"
                        "value": {
                          "oneOf": [
                              "type": [
                              "type": "object",
                              "properties": {
                                "amount": {
                                  "type": "number"
                                "unit": {
                                  "type": "string"
                        "label": {
                          "type": "array",
                          "items": {
                            "type": "object",
                            "properties": {
                              "locale": {
                                "type": "string"
                              "value": {
                                "type": "string"
                  "uuid": {
                    "title": "uuid",
                    "type": "string"
                  "sku": {
                    "title": "SKU",
                    "type": "string"
                  "position": {
                    "title": "Position",
                    "type": "number"
                  "price": {
                    "title": "Price",
                    "type": "string"
                  "response_time": {
                    "title": "Response time",
                    "type": "string"
                  "localized_product_photos_media_file": {
                    "title": "Photos with value per locale(links)",
                    "type": "array",
                    "items": {
                      "type": "object",
                      "properties": {
                        "locale": {
                          "type": "string"
                        "value": {
                          "type": "array",
                          "items": {
                            "type": "string",
                            "format": "uri"
                      "required": [
                  "localized_prices": {
                    "title": "Price in multiple currencies with value per locale",
                    "type": "array",
                    "items": {
                      "type": "object",
                      "properties": {
                        "locale": {
                          "type": "string"
                        "value": {
                          "type": "array",
                          "items": {
                            "type": "object",
                            "properties": {
                              "amount": {
                                "type": "number"
                              "currency": {
                                "type": "string"
                            "required": [
                      "required": [
                "required": [

Authentication required

Can be caused by a missing or expired token

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 401,
      "message": "Authentication is required"

Access forbidden

The app does not have the permission to execute this request

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 403,
      "message": "Access forbidden. You are not allowed to list catalogs."

Catalog not found

The catalog id given in the URI does not exist

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 404,
      "message": "Catalog \"65f5a521-e65c-4d7b-8be8-1f267fa2729c\" does not exist or you can't access it."

Delete the product mapping schema related to a catalog

This endpoint allows you to delete the product mapping schema related to a catalog

Available in PIM versions: SaaS


delete /api/rest/v1/catalogs/{id}/mapping-schemas/product

Path parameters

id (string) • Catalog ID

Query parameters



Authorization • Equal to 'Bearer xxx', 'xxx' being the App authentication token, see documentation for getting an app token

Accept • Equal to 'application/json', no other value allowed





Body Format application/json


Authentication required

Can be caused by a missing or expired token

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 401,
      "message": "Authentication is required"

Access forbidden

The app does not have the permission to execute this request

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 403,
      "message": "Access forbidden. You are not allowed to list catalogs."

Catalog not found

The catalog id given in the URI does not exist

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 404,
      "message": "Catalog \"65f5a521-e65c-4d7b-8be8-1f267fa2729c\" does not exist or you can't access it."



Get list of all endpoints

This endpoint allows you to get the list of all the available endpoints. No need to be authenticated to use this endpoint.

Available in PIM versions: 1.7 2.x 3.x 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 SaaS


get /api/rest/v1

Path parameters


Query parameters



Accept • Equal to 'application/json', no other value allowed




Return the list of all available endpoints

Body Format application/json


host (string ) • Host name

authentication (object ) • Endpoint to get the authentication token

routes (object ) • All the availables endpoints



      "host": "",
      "authentication": {
        "fos_oauth_server_token": {
          "route": "/api/oauth/v1/token",
          "methods": [
      "routes": {
        "pim_api_category_list": {
          "route": "/api/rest/v1/categories",
          "methods": [
        "pim_api_category_get": {
          "route": "/api/rest/v1/categories/{code}",
          "methods": [
        "pim_api_category_create": {
          "route": "/api/rest/v1/categories",
          "methods": [
        "pim_api_category_partial_update": {
          "route": "/api/rest/v1/categories/{code}",
          "methods": [

Not Acceptable

The `Accept` header is not `application/json` but it should

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 406,
      "message": "‘xxx’ in ‘Accept‘ header is not valid. Only ‘application/json‘ is allowed."


Get authentication token

This endpoint allows you to get an authentication token. No need to be authenticated to use this endpoint.

Available in PIM versions: 1.7 2.x 3.x 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 SaaS


post /api/oauth/v1/token

Path parameters


Query parameters



Content-type • Equal to 'application/json' or 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', no other value allowed

Authorization • Equal to 'Basic xx', where 'xx' is the base 64 encoding of the client id and secret. Find out how to generate them in the Client ID/secret generation section.


Given as form-data

username (string ) • Your PIM username

password (string ) • Your PIM password

grant_type (string ) • Always equal to "password"


Return an authentication token

Body Format application/json


access_token (string ) • Authentication token that should be given in every authenticated request to the API

expires_in (integer ) • Validity of the token given in seconds, 3600s = 1h by default

token_type (string ) • Token type, always equal to "bearer"

scope (string ) • Unused, always equal to "null"

refresh_token (string ) • Use this token when your access token has expired. See Refresh an expired token section for more details.



      "access_token": "ZTZmYjU4ZmQxZWNmMzk1M2NlYzA5NmFhNmIzVjExMzE4NmJmODBkZGIyYTliYmQyNjk2ZDQwZThmNjdiZDQzOQ",
      "expires_in": 3600,
      "token_type": "bearer",
      "scope": null,
      "refresh_token": "M2FlODI0OTE3ODMyNjViMzRiOWE5ODMyNWViMThkNDU5YzJjNjFiZjNkZWFjMzIyYjc4YTgzZWY1MjE5ZTY5Mw"

Bad request

Can be caused by a malformed JSON request

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 400,
      "message": "Invalid JSON message received"

Unsupported Media type

The `Content-type` header has to be `application/json`

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 415,
      "message": "‘xxx’ in ‘Content-type’ header is not valid.  Only ‘application/json’ is allowed."

Unprocessable entity

The validation of the entity given in the body of the request failed

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 422,
      "message": "Property \"labels\" expects an array as data, \"NULL\" given. Check the API reference documentation.",
      "_links": {
        "documentation": {
          "href": ""


Get system information

This endpoint allows you to get the version and the edition of the PIM. Example of what you can get

Environment Edition Version
SaaS EE Serenity v20230112013744
SaaS CE GE v20210526040645
PaaS or onPrem EE EE 6.0.28
PaaS or onPrem CE CE 6.0.28

Available in PIM versions: 6.0 7.0 SaaS


get /api/rest/v1/system-information

Path parameters


Query parameters



Accept • Equal to 'application/json', no other value allowed




Return the version and the edition of the PIM.

Body Format application/json


version (string ) • Version of the PIM

edition (string ) • Edition of the PIM



      "version": "20210521041041",
      "edition": "Serenity"

Not Acceptable

The `Accept` header is not `application/json` but it should

Body Format application/json


code (integer ) • HTTP status code

message (string ) • Message explaining the error



      "code": 406,
      "message": "‘xxx’ in ‘Accept‘ header is not valid. Only ‘application/json‘ is allowed."